Burrough’s Wellcome Fund grant funds the pilot of a student sharing program across academic partners

During the A2i Immersion Week 2023 this past July, the A2i program piloted a student sharing program called A2i Unbound. A2i Unbound was funded through the Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Guidance for Trainees grant. Through this grant A2i was able to provide an opportunities to 23 students from across our academic partner institutions to participate in NC State’s A2i Immersion Week.
The goal of the A2i Unbound program is to be able to share the A2i program opportunities across our academic partner network and to overcome the geographical barrier of industry. Our universities have renowned degree programs and outstanding graduates, however, the industries that our students seek are not always in the same location as our universities.
Moving forward the A2i Unbound program will facilitate the participation of graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in A2i programs across the United States, helping our trainees reach and network with the companies and industries they hope to work for upon degree completion.
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