Oscar Miranda Tapia, a student in the Ph.D. in Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development higher education opportunity, equity, and justice concentration, has been named a Russell Edgerton Innovation Fellow.
The fellowship recognizes innovative contributions to improving postsecondary education and student success while honoring the legacy of Russell Edgerton, an innovator and thought leader in higher education.
In addition to being a doctoral student in the College of Education, Miranda Tapia is a research associate at the Belk Center for Community College Leadership and Research, a Provost Fellow and a policy intern at North Carolina Independent Colleges & Universities.
“I am truly humbled to be named a Russell Edgerton Innovation Fellow,” Miranda Tapia said. “I am grateful for the opportunity to reimagine how higher education can better serve students and communities. This award is dedicated to all the students striving for and navigating their paths through higher education.”
The Russell Edgerton Innovation Fellowship is awarded through the John N. Gardner Institute for Excellence in Higher Education, a non-profit organization dedicated to partnering with colleges, universities, philanthropic organizations, educators and other entities to increase institutional responsibility for improving outcomes associated with teaching, learning, retention and completion.
As part of the three-year fellowship, Miranda Tapia will receive a mentor, take part in cohort collaboration and participate annually in the Gardner Institute Symposium, with opportunities to engage with alumni and community networks.
This post was originally published in College of Education News.
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