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Mar 16, 2018

Student Spotlight: “I Enjoy the Challenge of Solving Problems”

Biochemistry Ph.D. student Gabriela Schroder conducts cutting-edge protein research at Oak Ridge National Laboratory that has implications for drug development and human health.

Tyler Allen in lab

Jan 24, 2018

CVM Grad Student Tyler Allen Lands on Forbes’ 30 Under 30 List

Tyler Allen, Ph.D. student and president of the Graduate Student Association, has been named to Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list, which highlights visionaries in 20 different industries.

Dec 6, 2017

Study Shows Need for Adaptive Powered Knee Prosthesis to Assist Amputees

Study by NC State graduate student shows adaptive robotic prosthesis could be helpful to amputees attempting to adapt to real-world situations, like carrying a backpack.

Dec 4, 2017

CSI: College of Textiles

One can gather an extraordinary amount of information from a few drops of blood at a crime scene, but when blood stains a textile as opposed to landing on a hard surface, the evidence is more difficult to interpret.

Nov 30, 2017

Student Spotlight: ‘Plant Research Immediately Impacts People’

After a summer undergraduate research experience with a leading NC State plant scientist, Catherine Doyle was hooked. The Ph.D. student traveled to Tanzania to see the problems posed by cassava mosaic disease.

Nov 27, 2017

The Economics of Cutting-Edge Ag Technology

The academic journey of Ph.D. student Mike Jones spans Peruvian potato fields and the irrigated deserts of Syria to NC State’s campus, where he investigates the impacts and public perception of cutting-edge agricultural technology.

Oct 11, 2017

Entrepreneurial Dream Leads Graduate Student to Textiles Online Program

Graduate student Nicole Edwards hopes earning a Master of Textiles degree online will help her achieve her career aspirations of starting her own North Carolina-based clothing line.

Aug 3, 2017

From Planetary to Microscopic: Winners of the 2017 NC State Research Image Contest

From a map of Mars to the microscopic surface of a leaf that only looks like an alien landscape, see the NC State Research Image Contest winners.

Jul 11, 2017

Studying a Disease in Order to Prevent Starvation

Research into a disease that affects cassava crops aims to prevent starvation for millions in Africa.

May 31, 2017

Building Connections

A year-long internship as an undergraduate led Jacob Monroe to pursue his Ph.D. in civil engineering and delve into research that will have future impact on the nation’s power grid.