Graduate Research to be Celebrated at 2017 Symposium

More than 200 graduate students will participate in NC State’s Graduate Student Research Symposium March 22, 1:30-4 p.m., McKimmon Center. It will be the signature event of NC State’s Graduate Education Week, March 20-24.
The Graduate Student Research Symposium will feature research posters from NC State graduate students. The top student presentations will be recognized in each discipline. The event is free and open to the public.
In addition to the symposium, several other events for graduate students will be held during Graduate Education Week. Some are by invitation and others require preregistration.
March 20, Graduate Student Association and Graduate School Career Path Panel Coastal Ballroom, Talley Student Union, 1-3 p.m.
What can you do with a graduate degree? Come to find out what others have done. Panelists include Geoffrey Bock, project manager, N.C. Plant Sciences Initiative; Dr. Sarah Council Windsor, US2020 STEM outreach program manager, Research Triangle Foundation; Dr. Jason Cramer, program manager, professional development, the Graduate School, NC State; Kristen Eads, portfolio marketing manager, Glaxo Smith Kline; Dr. Neil Demarse, territory director, TA Instruments; and Michael Doyle, state public health entomologist, Division of Public Health, N.C. Department of Health and Human Services. Register online
March 21, GSA Teaching Assistant Awards luncheon (by invitation)
The Graduate Student Association will recognize graduate students for their outstanding teaching abilities.
March 22, workshop, 1-3 pm, Talley 4280, Resume, CV, and Cover Letter Writing Workshop
This workshop will present writing and formatting strategies intended to broaden participant ability to craft application materials that strengthen their candidacy for future job positions. Moreover, information provided will allow participants to distinguish between résumés and curriculum vitae, and how to interconvert those documents. Register online
March 13-24, Graduate student takeover of Instagram account
To offer a graduate student’s perspective during Graduate Education Week, graduate student Vitul Varshney will take over the Graduate School’s Instagram account. See his photos of graduate student life by following the Graduate School on Instagram at @NCStateGradSchool and took for the hashtag #NCStateGradSchoolTakeover.
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