Seeking Faculty To Describe Their Research in 3 Minutes

Since 2015, graduate students have demonstrated that they can share their research in a compelling three-minute oration through participation in the Graduate School’s Three Minute Thesis competition. The question now is: Can faculty do that?
We hope to find out in the first-ever NC State Faculty Three Minute Research Talk that will take place April 6, 3-5 p.m. in the Duke Energy Center of Hunt Library. The event will be part of NC State’s Graduate Education Week.
Faculty competitors will have just three minutes and one static slide to describe a portion of their major research initiative. And that may be the biggest challenge: Choosing what facet of a lifetime of research to distill into a three-minute talk. Finalists will be selected through a competitive process.
As with our student competition, judges will select first- and second-place winners, while audience members will vote on a People’s Choice winner. Judges will be chosen from the 2019 student 3MT finalists.
Want to see your favorite faculty member win? Come out on April 6 to cast your vote.
Do you know a faculty member who could do a great job in the Three Minute Thesis? The Graduate School will follow up with our most popular nominees.
[button]Nominate Faculty Member[/button]
In addition to the Faculty 3MT, Graduate Education Week will include the annual Graduate Student Research Symposium on April 8 at McKimmon Center. Come out to support your fellow graduate student researchers and learn about their work.
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