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Bethany Wager Awarded Conservation Leadership Grant

Bethany Wager

Congratulations to applied ecology graduate student, Bethany Wager, for being selected for a Conservation Leadership Grant from the NC Wildlife Federation.

Bethany Wager (top) and fish.

Bethany has just finished her first year of graduate school and is supervised by Jeff Buckel at CMAST. Bethany is also a former Global Change Fellow for the Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center housed in the Department of Applied Ecology. She is studying changes in recreational fishes catches along the US Atlantic coast to gain a better understanding of how environmental changes influence fisheries.

“I am very grateful for this award,” says Wager. “It will fund research and travel costs to the 153rd Annual American Fisheries Society Meeting to present my work.”

Congratulations, Bethany!

This post was originally published in Department of Applied Ecology.