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Graduate School


Feb 4, 2021

Accelerate to Industry Wins American Association of University Administrators Blackburn Award

The Graduate School's Accelerate to Industry (A2i) has received the Blackburn Award from the American Association of University Administrators (AAUA).

CTE Fellows

Sep 1, 2020

Examining Workforce Development

Katie Loovis ‘22EDD has been a doctoral student in the NC State College of Education for just over one year, but her time in the Community College Leadership program has helped her to conduct research that is already having an impact on workforce development initiatives in North Carolina.

In a Guatemalan workshop, OpenGait fabricates traditional prosthetics for above-the-knee amputees

Jul 24, 2020

Startup Develops Accessible Prosthetics

Three members of the Wolfpack are developing life-changing prosthetic kits to help above-the-knee amputees worldwide.

Kathryn Polkoff

Jun 5, 2020

CVM Graduate Student Earns NIH Biomedical Research Fellowship

The pig stem cells Kathryn Polkoff studies could one day help human skin rapidly heal after life-threatening burns.

student explains whiteboard

May 4, 2020

Writing Retreat, Other Learning Opportunities Go Online

Starting May 4, the Graduate School kicks off a Virtual Writing Retreat for students. Find out about other professional development opportunities now offered online.

Micrograph of a flower

May 3, 2020

Dear NC State: Show Us How Awesome Your Research Is

NC State is calling for students, postdocs, faculty and staff to take part in the Envisioning Research image contest.

A2i meeting

May 2, 2020

Join Us for the Industry Job Search Strategies (JSS) Online

From understanding what career options are available to you to creating resumes, the industry job search can bring a lot of questions and challenges. To help our gradpack, The Graduate School’s professional development team is offering an online summer session of Industry Job Search Strategies (JSS).

Mar 16, 2020

Grad Student Wants to Improve Plant Productivity, Food Access

Danielle Cooney, a graduate student in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, studies ways to improve soybean production by understanding how the crop interacts with fungi in the soil.

Memorial Belltower against blue sky

Mar 2, 2020

Graduate Education is Well Represented in Strategic Planning

Graduate education is well represented among the task forces that will develop the university's next strategic plan.

A2i participants

Feb 13, 2020

Graduate Students Gain a Competitive Edge

NC State’s Graduate School provides students with a solid educational foundation for pursuing future opportunities through the Accelerate to Industry program. In February, graduate education leaders from across the country will come to NC State to learn more about the program and how to implement it on their campuses.