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Amanda Walter in the lab

Nov 30, 2015

Amanda Walter Explains Benefits of Biosimilar Drugs

Graduate student Amanda Walter, who works in the pharmaceutical industry, explains the complex idea of biosimilar drugs to policy and lawmakers.

photo of man in front of PowerPoint slide

Oct 21, 2015

10 Finalists Will Compete in 3 Minute Thesis, Oct. 28

On Oct. 28, 10 finalists in The Graduate School’s inaugural 3 Minute Thesis® competition will have just three minutes and one slide with which to explain their dissertation research.

Oct 12, 2015

Be Aware of Chemicals in Personal Products

Is your nail polish safe? What about other items in your cosmetics drawer? If in doubt, read labels more closely.

Charisse looks into microscope

Oct 12, 2015

Student Investigates: Are Chemicals Making You Fat?

Graduate student Charisse Holmes studies adverse health triggers that can occur in ubiquitous consumer products.

martini glass

Sep 29, 2015

How Former Problem Drinkers Navigate Social Drinking Situations

A small, qualitative study published in the journal Health Communication highlights a wide variety of approaches that former problem drinkers take to determine how and whether to tell people in social situations that they don’t drink.

Doug with model of his face

Sep 28, 2015

Student’s Model Predicts a Better Environmental Future

Douglas Shoemaker shares his ecological perspectives while working at NC State’s Center for Geospatial Analytics. Using what he calls “an ecosystem services lens” he explores and quantifies linkages between human and environmental systems, analyzing resource and sustainability concerns.

student explains poster to three people

Sep 1, 2015

Top Research Symposium Posters on Display at Hunt Library

Get some ideas for the 2016 Graduate Student Research Symposium. Winning posters from the 2015 symposium are on display at Hunt Library, Sept. 7-13.

Two women in lab

Aug 19, 2015

How Will You Navigate Grad School? Seasoned Students Share Advice

In this video, several outstanding graduate students share their tips for success on the journey.

composite metal foan

Jul 23, 2015

Study Finds Metal Foams Capable of Shielding X-rays, Gamma Rays, Neutron Radiation

Research from North Carolina State University shows that lightweight composite metal foams are effective at blocking X-rays, gamma rays and neutron radiation, and are capable of absorbing the energy of high impact collisions. The finding means the metal foams hold promise for use in nuclear safety, space exploration and medical technology applications.

Stephanie at lab bench

Jul 8, 2015

Stephanie Mathews: Converting Stinky Paper Waste into the Sweet Smell of Success

Passed a paper mill lately? The source of that nauseating smell is called black liquor, which is the result of the pulping process. Stephanie Mathews is working with NC State researchers to change that.