Sharing online resources and tips for those studying or working remotely.
Apr 28, 2020
Master's student Ryan Spurney learned over spring break that his in-person defense would have to be done remotely over Zoom, a virtual meetings platform, because of social distancing at NC State University. He offers tips for success.
Apr 27, 2020
Quarantine and isolation are difficult, and often they can breed anxiety and depression. We consulted mental health ambassador Cody Zane about how to best maintain graduate student or postdoc mental health while social distancing.
Apr 21, 2020
Newly-minted Ph.D. Ashish Kapoor shares tips for a successful remote defense. Here, he covers Zoom best practices and more.
Mar 20, 2020
We aim to help make that shift a bit easier, especially for our graduate student and postdoc teaching audience. So, here are our tips and tricks when it comes to moving your course online.