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graduate students

Rows of seedling plants

Apr 3, 2021

Show Us What NC State Research Looks Like

Help us highlight the beauty and importance of the work being done at the bench and in the field.

Erin Meachum

Mar 17, 2021

Scholarship Support Helps Erin Meachum Pursue Her Career Aspirations of Being a Higher Education Administrator

When Ph.D. student Erin Meachum started her undergraduate studies, she had no intention of becoming a teacher. After volunteering at local literacy centers, teaching English overseas, teaching ESL at local community colleges and joining the Ag Institute at NC State, Meachum realized her true passion for the field of education.

Lauren Pharr in woods - Black Excellence: Wildlife Biologist Lauren Pharr - NC State University College of Natural Resources Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources

Feb 17, 2021

Black Excellence: Wildlife Biologist Lauren Pharr

Lauren Pharr, a master’s student in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources at NC State’s College of Natural Resources is partnering with Neighborhood Nestwatch out of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C., to research the effects of urban noise and light pollution on avian survival.

Eugene Cheung stands in front of a building.

Feb 17, 2021

In Era of COVID-19, Virtual Thesis Defenders Make the Most of It

NC State graduate students are taking advantage of the pandemic-necessitated virtual format to invite family and friends to attend their thesis and dissertation defenses.


Feb 4, 2021

Accelerate to Industry Wins American Association of University Administrators Blackburn Award

The Graduate School's Accelerate to Industry (A2i) has received the Blackburn Award from the American Association of University Administrators (AAUA).

Portrait photo of NC State Goodnight Scholar Justin May on the NC State campus.

Jan 6, 2021

Goodnight Spotlight: Justin May

Despite the challenges that come with being a non-traditional student, Goodnight Scholar Justin May has excelled in his two years at NC State.

Marcus Howard

Jan 5, 2021

Meet Marcus Howard

When Marcus Howard thinks about the future of work, he thinks about his goal to prepare adults with the skills they will need for the 21st century. Now, with his doctoral degree, he’ll shape a new and diverse generation of learners.

Young men digging and filling a wheelbarrow

Dec 29, 2020

Giving Back: Kamal Bell and Sankofa Farms

Kamal Bell isn’t your stereotypical North Carolina farmer, and his Orange County farm isn’t your everyday farm. There, he’s not just farming, he’s also teaching.

Bram Frohock, speaking during his virutal 3MT presentation

Dec 7, 2020

Winners for 2020 Three Minute Thesis

Meet the three winners of this year's virtual Three Minute Thesis: Bram Frohock, Salvatore Luiso and Meredith Hovis.

Whitney McLaughlin

Nov 20, 2020

Three Minute Thesis Finalists Compete Virtually on Dec. 2

Ten graduate students will compete Dec. 2 in NC State's first virtual Three Minute Thesis competition.