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Jun 29, 2017

Hot Cities Spell Bad News for Bees

Graduate alumna April Hamblin is co-author of a new study finds that common wild bee species decline as urban temperatures increase.

2017 Postdoctoral Research Symposium

Jun 8, 2017

NC State Postdocs Present Research

After the spring semester drew to a close, 56 postdoctoral scholars from NC State University shared their research at the 6th Annual Postdoctoral Research Symposium.

Hannah McQueen and her research poster

May 30, 2017

Graduate Students Share Humanities, Social Sciences Research

From student loans to Syrian immigrants to public opinion in Russia, graduate students in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences share their research projects presented at this year's Graduate Student Research Symposium.

students sharing posters at symposium

Mar 23, 2017

Winners Announced in Graduate Student Research Symposium

Winners are announced in the 12th Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium. More than 200 students share their research through poster presentations.

Mar 7, 2017

Statistical Success

Graduate students enrich NC State through their teaching and research in a diverse array of subjects. Jami Mulgrave, a doctoral student studying statistics, gives a behind-the-scenes look at the graduate experience.

Mar 1, 2017

Going the Distance

Student-athlete and master's student Kaitlyn Kramer continues making the most of her NC State experience.

Feb 13, 2017

Picture This: Announcing NC State’s Second Annual Research Image Contest

NC State's research image contest is open to faculty, staff, graduate students and postdocs. Show us what makes your work amazing!

Feb 6, 2017

Student Spotlight: Johnson Studies Farm-Level Food Loss

In addition to the millions of tons of food that goes into the garbage each year, an untold amount of edible produce goes unharvested from farmers' fields. Lisa Johnson, a Ph.D. student in horticultural science, is helping fill in the blanks on the topic of farm-level food losses and taking the first steps toward reducing them.

Jan 31, 2017

This is What Science Looks Like at NC State: Mira Abed

Discover how a fascination with color led graduate student researcher Mira Abed from fashion design to solar cell technology.

Field of peppers

Jan 11, 2017

Introducing Farm-Level Loss Into the Food Waste Discussion

Ph.D. student Lisa Johnson is looking for ways to help farmers waste less produce at the farm level. HuffPost and CEFS column