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Dec 5, 2017
In December, more than 1,400 graduate degrees will be awarded at NC State University’s graduation exercises, including nearly 1,100 master’s degrees and 330 doctoral degrees.
Dec 4, 2017
One can gather an extraordinary amount of information from a few drops of blood at a crime scene, but when blood stains a textile as opposed to landing on a hard surface, the evidence is more difficult to interpret.
Nov 30, 2017
After a summer undergraduate research experience with a leading NC State plant scientist, Catherine Doyle was hooked. The Ph.D. student traveled to Tanzania to see the problems posed by cassava mosaic disease.
Nov 27, 2017
The academic journey of Ph.D. student Mike Jones spans Peruvian potato fields and the irrigated deserts of Syria to NC State’s campus, where he investigates the impacts and public perception of cutting-edge agricultural technology.
Nov 8, 2017
Peter J. Harries, senior associate dean of the Graduate School since 2015, has been named the Graduate School's interim dean.
Nov 6, 2017
The Graduate School is asking students to nominate their professors for the Outstanding Graduate Faculty Mentor Awards. Nominations will be accepted until Nov. 30.
Nov 1, 2017
The Graduate School's Benoit Sabourin stars in a local production of “Perfect Arrangement,” the story of how gays and lesbians were outed and fired from federal government jobs in the 1950s and 60s.
Oct 11, 2017
Graduate student Nicole Edwards hopes earning a Master of Textiles degree online will help her achieve her career aspirations of starting her own North Carolina-based clothing line.
Winning images from the Research Image Contest are returning to the spotlight this fall in two exhibits: a physical one at the NC State Crafts Center and a digital version on the Hunt Library Commons Wall that will run Nov. 2-15,
Oct 3, 2017
Brig. Gen. Allen Boyette, a double graduate in engineering who serves as NC State's interim senior director for energy systems for facilities and maintenance, is active member of the North Carolina National Guard.