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college of education

Laura Graner (left) is a kindergarten teacher at Green Hope Elementary School

May 2, 2022

Kindergarten Teacher Uses M.Ed. to Excel in Her Role

Laura Graner, graduate of the online M.Ed. Elementary Science Education program, used her degree to become a better science teacher for her kindergarten class.

Group photo with students in cap and gown posing on football field.

Nov 30, 2021

Online M.Ed. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Ranks No. 1

NC State’s online Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Clinical Mental Health Counseling recently topped the list of best online master’s counseling programs according to

Kelsey Oberbroeckling

Nov 10, 2021

Master’s Student Published in National Diversity Magazine

Graduate student Kelsey Oberbroeckling’s editorial on religious holidays was published in Diverse: Issues in Higher Education.

Elementary Education

Oct 27, 2021

Doctoral Student Redesigns Elementary Education Course to Focus on Educating the Whole Child

Laura Romeo , a doctoral student in the Ph.D. in Teacher Education and Learning Sciences’ elementary education in mathematics and science program area of study, is preparing pre-service teachers to address the needs of their students’ minds and bodies through a course she redesigned for the NC State College of Education’s undergraduate elementary education program.

George Duo

May 24, 2021

Pack IDEAs Student Spotlight: George Duo

George Duo, an Asian American graduate student, discusses the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion in education.

Erin Meachum

Mar 17, 2021

Scholarship Support Helps Erin Meachum Pursue Her Career Aspirations of Being a Higher Education Administrator

When Ph.D. student Erin Meachum started her undergraduate studies, she had no intention of becoming a teacher. After volunteering at local literacy centers, teaching English overseas, teaching ESL at local community colleges and joining the Ag Institute at NC State, Meachum realized her true passion for the field of education.

Marcus Howard

Jan 5, 2021

Meet Marcus Howard

When Marcus Howard thinks about the future of work, he thinks about his goal to prepare adults with the skills they will need for the 21st century. Now, with his doctoral degree, he’ll shape a new and diverse generation of learners.

CTE Fellows

Sep 1, 2020

Examining Workforce Development

Katie Loovis ‘22EDD has been a doctoral student in the NC State College of Education for just over one year, but her time in the Community College Leadership program has helped her to conduct research that is already having an impact on workforce development initiatives in North Carolina.

Chelsea Smith wearing a red NC State t-shirt and jeans, standing in front of a building and looking into distance

May 12, 2020

Pack in Action: Chelsea Smith

Chelsea Smith, a graduate student in the higher education program at NC State, works with the Black Graduate Student Association and studies women of color in STEM fields. Here, she shares her academic journey, plans for the future, and a bit of advice for fellow grad students.

College of Education

Feb 12, 2020

GradPack Talks: Research Focuses on College Athletes

BJ Durham's experience as a college basketball player has informed his Ph.D. research into how to help student athletes transition to a life that doesn't include college athletics.