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Graduate School

Stephen Amoah in lab coat

Jan 19, 2017

Fellowship Helps Former Student Athlete Further His Education

Thanks to a Warren-Wolfpack Fellowship, former football player Stephen Amoah has traded his football uniform for a lab coat. He is testing light devices as part of his Ph.D. research on organic LEDs. Giving News story

Cover Think Magazine

Jan 1, 2017

Think Magazine

Welcome to Think Magazine. Learn about the great work of our graduate students and recent alumni.

team photo with 3rd place trophy

Dec 14, 2016

Graduate School Team Takes Third in Miles for Wellness

A team of Graduate School employees recently placed third in the state’s 8-week Miles for Wellness competition, “Super Hare” division, possibly making this group the "most fit" graduate school staff in North Carolina.

Dean Grasso and Peggy Olive standing outside

Nov 29, 2016

Peggy Olive Marks 48 Years at Graduate School

Even after 48 years of working with NC State graduate students, graduate liaison Peggy Olive has no plans to retire.

four winners

Aug 25, 2016

Faculty Mentoring Award Nominations Open Through Nov. 4

The Graduate School is accepting nominations from graduate students and graduate alumni for the Outstanding Graduate Faculty Mentor Award through Nov. 4. This is the second year the award has…

Wolf mascots with students

Aug 25, 2016

Graduate School Welcomes 2,600+ New Students

The Graduate School kicked off the fall 2016 semester as usual with orientation Aug. 15 for more than 2,000 students registered for the event. This fall, there are more than 2,600 graduate students enrolled, including 2,000+ master’s students, 500+ doctoral students and 100+ certificate students.

Mr. Wuf and Dean Grasso give "go Pack" sign

Aug 16, 2016

Dean’s Scene: Welcome, and Tips on Graduate School Success

Graduate School Dean Maureen Grasso welcomes students and offers tips for how to be successful during your graduate career.

purple and orange stripes

Aug 1, 2016

Space, Bees and Cancer: Announcing the Research Image Winners

Simulating the aftermath of an exploding star. Capturing a bee in mid-flight. Tracking how cancer cells move through the blood stream. These are the images that captured first place in NC State’s first Research Image Contest. Story by Matt Shipman

Group listening

Jun 13, 2016

Workshop Teaches the Art of Science Communication

Science workshop teaches graduate students and postdocs how to share their research with different audiences.

Sindhu and David in front of Grad School

May 18, 2016

Student Programmer Attends International Conference

Graduate School programmer Sindhu Balakrishnan, a graduate student in computer science, was invited to present her work at an international conference in Valencia, Spain.