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Darren White

Stephanie at lab bench

Jul 8, 2015

Stephanie Mathews: Converting Stinky Paper Waste into the Sweet Smell of Success

Passed a paper mill lately? The source of that nauseating smell is called black liquor, which is the result of the pulping process. Stephanie Mathews is working with NC State researchers to change that.

Woman standing by display

Jun 29, 2015

Wanted: Grad Students to Develop Science Lessons for K-12 Teachers

Graduate students and university researchers are invited to share their research knowledge with K-12 educators at the SciREN Triangle and Educator Open House, Sept. 10, at Raleigh’s N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences.

Jenna Montgomery Armstrong

Jun 29, 2015

Student Receives Doris Duke Fellowship for Child Welfare Research

NC State doctoral student Jenna Montgomery Armstrong received a Doris Duke Fellowship to help with her research on preventing child maltreatment among families living in homeless shelters.

Global Issues, Local Solutions

Jun 17, 2015

Grad Students Invited to Global Change Symposium

NC State graduate students are invited to join faculty, staff and affiliates for the campus Global Change Symposium, Aug. 28, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Talley Student Union Ballroom. The event is free, but participants must register by July 15.

david fiala

Jun 9, 2015

Meet David Fiala

David Fiala, past president of NC State's University Graduate Student Association, describes the many reasons why he chose NC State for his computer engineering doctorate.

College of Textiles

Jun 5, 2015

Peter Harries to Join NC State’s Graduate School

Dr. Peter J. Harries, assistant dean of graduate studies at the University of South Florida, will oversee academic affairs as senior associate dean of the Graduate School at NC State.

group shot on steps

Jun 5, 2015

Graduate Education Day: Students Share Research with Policymakers

Three NC State graduate students and Graduate School Dean Maureen Grasso joined others from across the state in sharing the value of their research to the state of North Carolina.

students working in studio

Jun 4, 2015

Workshop Boosts Dissertation Writing and Completion

Doctoral students jump-started their dissertations in May with the help of expert advice and professional coaching at the Graduate School’s third Dissertation Institute.

'Student' talks with mentor

Apr 15, 2015

Theater Delta Presents at NC State: Interactive Theater for Social Change

In late March, the NC State Graduate School sponsored Theater Delta to engage with approximately 40 people gathered in a campus auditorium for an interactive workshop concerning mentorship.