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Darren White

Hunt Library

Apr 3, 2020

Student Joins Effort to Protect Health Workers

Ph.D. candidate Corbin Kling explains how he is using a 3D printer to help create face shields for workers on the front lines of COVID-19.

Apr 3, 2020

NC State’s Virtual Graduate Education Week is April 6-10

The in-person Graduate Education Week events have been postponed or cancelled. But we have planned some fun activities and different ways of recognizing our outstanding graduate students during the week.

Mar 30, 2020

PACK in Action: BJ Durham, Counseling Athletes

After growing up in Maryland and then playing basketball for Waynesburg University in Pennsylvania, BJ Durham came to NC State’s education department to study counseling, specifically for athletes.

Student works on her laptop in EB1 on Centennial Campus.

Mar 20, 2020

Shifting Online: Support for Teachers and Students

We aim to help make that shift a bit easier, especially for our graduate student and postdoc teaching audience. So, here are our tips and tricks when it comes to moving your course online.

Memorial Belltower against blue sky

Mar 2, 2020

Graduate Education is Well Represented in Strategic Planning

Graduate education is well represented among the task forces that will develop the university's next strategic plan.

Courtney Hughes meets with a student

Feb 26, 2020

New Fellowships Office Serves All Students

The newly created University Fellowships Office, led by Courtney Hughes, will offer both graduate and undergraduate students support in pursuing prestigious external awards, like Fulbright Fellowships or Goldwater Scholarships.

Tim Beck leaning against the Virginia Tech University stone welcome sign

Feb 24, 2020

Alumni Insights with Tim Becker, Rhetoric & Composition M.A.

NC State alum Tim Becker, M.A., shares insights from his academic job search and experience working as a writing instructor in the Composition Program at Virginia Tech University. This is the first piece in a series of alumni insight interviews conducted by current NC State graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.

a pair of glasses resting on a journal with writing in it which is obscured

Feb 18, 2020

NC State Postdoctoral Fellows Spotlight

What postdoctoral fellowship opportunities are available for NC State postdocs? We’ve reached out to funded postdoc fellows around campus to ask what their experience working as a fellow is like and have organized some of their tips regarding opportunities for securing a fellowship of your own.

College of Education

Feb 12, 2020

GradPack Talks: Research Focuses on College Athletes

BJ Durham's experience as a college basketball player has informed his Ph.D. research into how to help student athletes transition to a life that doesn't include college athletics.

Feb 3, 2020

6 Steps Toward Financial Literacy: Thoughts with Andrew Rotz

At a recent postdoc event, Andrew Rotz a Certified Financial Planner at the College of Veterinary Medicine, shared tips on personal finance topics ranging from budgeting to retirement.