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Rubric: Teaching Philosophy

Writing a Teaching Philosophy (or Teaching Statement) can be a challenging task and we aim to partner with you in crafting one that highlights the distinct aspects of your pedagogy and conveys a high level of quality. With this in mind, here is a rubric that we will use to guide the feedback we share with you. We look forward to supporting you!

Evaluation Categories

  • Excellent (E)
  • Satisfactory (S)
  • Improvement (I)
IntroductionIntroduces teaching philosophy by presenting a central theme, core question(s) or broad concept around which the content is based (e.g., the beliefs, values and/or goals that inform your teaching).E,S,I
Teaching MethodsIdentifies the central beliefs, theories or methods that distinguish teaching practice. Includes specific examples of teaching methods and/or “success stories” from your teaching experience.E,S,I
Assessment ApproachesExplains approach to assessing teaching effectiveness by considering questions such as, “How do you know your goals for student learning are being met?”
Identifies the assessment tools used (e.g., tests, papers, portfolios, journals) and how they support student learning.
Includes specific examples of assessment approach and/or “success stories” from your teaching experience.
Diversity, Equity, InclusionIdentifies and describes methods of incorporating diverse perspectives into teaching.
Describes approaches used to provide opportunities for students to connect course material to their goals or interests.
Includes specific examples and/or “success stories” from your teaching experience.
ConclusionIncludes a strong concluding paragraph that reiterates connection between Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSAs) and needs identified in the job posting.E,S,I
Organization & LayoutDocument demonstrates effective and clear organization (introduction, body with clear points, conclusion).
Applies  headings to distinguish key sections; also uses “Style” tool (e.g., Microsoft Word) to ensure accessibility and promote consistency.
Grammar & MechanicsAvoids passive language; contains no grammatical or spelling errors; uses parallelism in lists.E,S,I
Teaching Philosophy Rubric