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Graduate Faculty

Name Academic Rank Work Location Tenure Home Status Level
Abarca Gimenez AgustinNuclear EngineeringAffiliate Grad Faculty
Abolhasani MiladProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Abrams Jr Charlie F.Emeritus ProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Abrams Robin FranProfessorArchitectureArchitectureGrad Faculty
Abt Robert CarrollEmeritus Named ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Acker Deborah RenoShelton Leadership CenterAffiliate Grad Faculty
Acosta Jaramillo Juan JoseAssoc ProfessorCAMCORE-CooperativeFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Adams Warren Carrol LynnAdjunct Asst ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Adams Warren Carrol LynnAsst Teaching ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Adams Warren Carrol LynnTeaching Asst ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Adams Jacob JamesProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Aday David DerekApplied EcologyGrad Faculty
Ade HaraldProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Adhikari Tika BahadurAdjunct Asst ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Adhikari Tika BahadurEntomology & Plant PathologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Adin Darcy BrittainAdjunct ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Adler Kenneth B.ProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Adler WilliamProfessorPhilosophy & Religious StudiesPhilosophy & Religious StudiesGrad Faculty
Aguilos Maricar MoralesAsst Research ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Aguilos Maricar MoralesResearch Asst ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Ahiska King Semra SebnemAssoc Teaching ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Ahiska King Semra SebnemTeaching Assoc ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Aimutis William RonaldNC Food Innovation LabGrad Faculty
Aiyyer AnanthaProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Akhnoukh Amin KamalAdjunct Assoc ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringAffiliate Grad Faculty
Akono Ange ThereseAssoc ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Akram BitaAsst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Akroyd DuaneProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Albert AlexAssoc ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Aldige Virginia MSociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Alexander Jamie DowdyAsst ProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Alexander Winser EdwardElectrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Alexander Winser EdwardStatistics Grad & TempGrad Faculty
Alexanderian AlenAssoc ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Alff KristenAsst ProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Allaire Jason ChristopherAssoc ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Allen Angela MalelyaAsst Teaching ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Allen Angela MalelyaTeaching Asst ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Allen Howard LeeEmeritus ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Allen Jonathan C.ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Allen Kimberly IngramProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Allen Nina SEmeritus ProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Allen StevenProfessorEconomics-Poole COMEconomics-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Allen Tania LeighAssoc ProfessorArt and DesignArt and DesignGrad Faculty
Almond Glen WilliamProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Alonso Bellver Jose MiguelProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Alsmadi Zeinab YousefAsst Teaching ProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Alsmadi Zeinab YousefTeaching Asst ProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Alston-Mills Brenda PEmeritus ProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Amassian AramProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Ambaras David RProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Ambrose Graham WilliamAsst ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Ames Natalie R.Assoc ProfessorSchool of Social WorkSchool of Social WorkGrad Faculty
Amoozegar AzizProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesSoil ScienceGrad Faculty
Anand VikasProfessorMBA Program-Poole COMMgmt, Innovation & EntrepreneuGrad Faculty
Anarde Katherine AlyseAsst ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Anderson Karen LeondriaAdjunct Asst ProfessorELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Anderson Karen LeondriaELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Anderson Kenneth EProfessorPrestage Poultry SciencePrestage Poultry ScienceGrad Faculty
Anderson Kevin LDept-Population,Health,PathobiGrad Faculty
Anderson RobinAsst ProfessorSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Andrady Anthony LAdjunct ProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Affiliate Grad Faculty
Aneja Viney PalProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Ange-Van Heugten Kimberly DawnTeaching ProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Anistratov Dmitriy YProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Annett-Hitchcock Kate EmmaEmeritus ProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtGrad Faculty
Annett-Hitchcock Kate EmmaProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyGrad Faculty
Anson Christopher MProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Apperson Charles SmithEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Appling Tracy AnnAsst Teaching ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Appling Tracy AnnTeaching Asst ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Arakelyan IlyaAdjunct Asst ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Arangdad Shaghayegh RezaeiAdjunct Asst ProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtAffiliate Grad Faculty
Arangdad Shaghayegh RezaeiLecturerTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtAffiliate Grad Faculty
Arasu PremaAdmissionsGrad Faculty
Ardon Sayao Marcelo LuiseAssoc ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Arendt Carli AnneAsst ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Arguello-Miranda PhD OrlandoAsst ProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Argyropoulos Dimitris SForest BiomaterialsGrad Faculty
Armstrong Helen SaundersProfessorGraphic & Industrial DesignGraphic & Industrial DesignGrad Faculty
Armstrong Todd AaronAdjunct ProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Armwood Abigail RoseAsst Clinical ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Armwood Abigail RoseClinical Asst ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Arnold Alison E.LecturerPerforming Arts and TechnologyPerforming Arts and TechnologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Arumugam SankarasubramanianProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Ascencio-Ibanez Jose TrinidadAssoc Teaching ProfessorBiochemistryBiochemistryGrad Faculty
Ascencio-Ibanez Jose TrinidadTeaching Assoc ProfessorBiochemistryBiochemistryGrad Faculty
Ascienzo Sarah AnneAsst ProfessorSchool of Social WorkSchool of Social WorkGrad Faculty
Ash Sarah LibermanEmeritus ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Ashley Patricia AndrewsLecturerELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Ashrafi HudsonAssoc ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Aspnes David EProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Athe Paridhi Nuclear EngineeringAffiliate Grad Faculty
Atkins Clarke E.Dept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Atkins Hannah MarieDept-Population,Health,PathobiAffiliate Grad Faculty
Atkinson Maxine P.Sociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Auerbach David D.Emeritus Asst ProfessorPhilosophy & Religious StudiesPhilosophy & Religious StudiesGrad Faculty
Augspurger Thomas PaulAdjunct Assoc ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Augustyn VeronicaAssoc ProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Austin David FranklinEmeritus Associate ProfessorPhilosophy & Religious StudiesPhilosophy & Religious StudiesGrad Faculty
Austin RobertCrop & Soil SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Averett Paige ElaineProfessorSchool of Social WorkSchool of Social WorkGrad Faculty
Avila Cardoso AmandaAsst ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Avramova Maria NikolovaProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Awad AmroAssoc ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Aylor David LawrenceAssoc ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Ayoub AliForest BiomaterialsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Ayscue Jennifer BaucomAssoc ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Aysu AydinAssoc ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Azcarate-Peril Maria AndreaAdjunct Asst ProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Aziz PhD Tarek NadimAssoc ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Azmy Yousry YProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Bacheler Jack S.Emeritus ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomologyGrad Faculty
Bahler Dennis REmeritus Associate ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Bailey Christopher ScottDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Bailey Kermit LAssoc ProfessorGraphic & Industrial DesignGraphic & Industrial DesignGrad Faculty
Bakalov Bojko NentchevProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Baker AnneEnglishGrad Faculty
Baker ChristaAsst ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Baker James R.Emeritus ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomologyGrad Faculty
Baker James R.Entomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Baker Justin ScottAssoc ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Baker-Russell Virginia MichelleAsst Teaching ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Baker-Russell Virginia MichelleTeaching Asst ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Baker-Ward Lynne ElizabethEmeritus ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Baldwin MadalynAsst Research ProfessorLandscape ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureAffiliate Grad Faculty
Baldwin MadalynResearch Asst ProfessorLandscape ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureAffiliate Grad Faculty
Baldwin Tameshia BallardAsst Teaching ProfessorEngineering-Academic AffairsSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Affiliate Grad Faculty
Baldwin Tameshia BallardTeaching Asst ProfessorEngineering-Academic AffairsSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Affiliate Grad Faculty
Baliga Bantval JayantEmeritus Distinguished ProfElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Balik Charles M.Emeritus ProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Balik Suzanne MAsst Teaching ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Balik Suzanne MTeaching Asst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Balint-Kurti Peter JUSDA ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Ballington Jr James RalphEmeritus ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Bandodkar Amay JairajAsst ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Banker James R.HistoryGrad Faculty
Banks Harvey ThomasMathematicsGrad Faculty
Banzhaf Henry SpencerProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Baran Mesut EProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Baran Perver KorcaEmeritus Teaching ProfessorCtr. for Geospatial AnalyticsParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Barbeau Phillip SpencerAdjunct ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Barbieri Carla EProfessorParks, Recreation & Tourism MgParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Barcinas PhD Susan JaneAssoc ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Bardaka EleniAssoc ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Bardon Robert EProfessorCNR Extension AdministrationFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Barker Roger L.ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Barlaz Morton AEmrtus Distng'd Univ ProfCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Barletta Kristin AnneProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtGrad Faculty
Barletta Philip ThomasElectrical & Computer Engr.Affiliate Grad Faculty
Barnes Audrey LankfordProfessorGraphic & Industrial DesignGraphic & Industrial DesignGrad Faculty
Barnes Harold J.Dept-Population,Health,PathobiGrad Faculty
Barnes Tiffany M.ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Barnhardt William WiltonEnglishGrad Faculty
Baron Dror ZeevAssoc ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Baron Jerry JIR-4 ProjectAffiliate Grad Faculty
Barr Krispin WagonerAsst Teaching ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Barr Krispin WagonerTeaching Asst ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Barr Steve HProfessorMgmt, Innovation&EntrepreneurMgmt, Innovation & EntrepreneuGrad Faculty
Barrangou RodolpheProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Barrie Thomas MProfessorArchitectureArchitectureGrad Faculty
Bartlett James EELPHDGrad Faculty
Bartlett Michelle EELPHDGrad Faculty
Barton Ryan RichardBTEC-Biomfg Training Ed CtrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Barycki Joseph JProfessorBiochemistry - METRICBiochemistryGrad Faculty
Bass Lisa RAssoc ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Bassett Ross KnoxProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Bataller Alexander WilliamAsst ProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Bates Erik WalterAsst ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Batista de Melo CaioAsst Teaching ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Batista de Melo CaioTeaching Asst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Batra Subhash K.Nonwovens InstituteGrad Faculty
Battestilli TzvetelinaTeaching ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Baugh Jr John WProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Baumer David L.Business Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Bayless Rosemary LeslieAsst ProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Baynes Ronald EProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Beal Candy MAssoc ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Beal Candy MTELSGrad Faculty
Beare Zachary CharlesAssoc ProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Beasley Mark SProfessorAccounting-Poole COMAccounting-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Becchi MichelaAssoc ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Beck PhD Keith RussellEmeritus ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryGrad Faculty
Beck Ashley EstherAdjunct Asst ProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Beckman Gary DeanTeaching ProfessorPerforming Arts and TechnologyPerforming Arts and TechnologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Becktel KalycaAsst ProfessorCommunicationCommunicationGrad Faculty
Becnel Alexander ThomasAsst ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Bedair Salah M. A.ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Beeler Benjamin WarrenAsst ProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Begeny John CharlesProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Behler Anna MariaAssoc Teaching ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Behler Anna MariaTeaching Assoc ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Beichner Robert JEmeritus ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Belcher Scott MProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Bell Jr BryanProfessorArchitectureArchitectureGrad Faculty
Bellalta Maria De La GraciaProfessorLandscape ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureGrad Faculty
Ben-Horin PhD TalAsst ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Benge Drinda ElaineAsst Teaching ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Benge Drinda ElaineTeaching Asst ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Benhabbour Soumya RahimaAssoc ProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Bennett Barbara AProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Bennett Sara LynnAsst Clinical ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Bennett Sara LynnClinical Asst ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Benson David M.Emeritus ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Benson Geoffrey A.Emeritus ProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Berglund Emily ZechmanProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Bernhard Mark CharlesAdjunct Teaching ProfessorELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Bernhard Mark CharlesOffice of the Vice ProvostAffiliate Grad Faculty
Bernhard Richard HaroldEmeritus ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Bernholc JerzyProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Berreth Todd MichaelAsst Teaching ProfessorArt and DesignArt and DesignGrad Faculty
Berreth Todd MichaelTeaching Asst ProfessorArt and DesignArt and DesignGrad Faculty
Bertone Matthew AlanEntomology & Plant PathologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Berube David MichaelProfessorCommunicationCommunicationGrad Faculty
Bhattacharya SubhashishProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Bielke LisaAssoc ProfessorPrestage Poultry SciencePrestage Poultry ScienceGrad Faculty
Bigham SajjadAssoc ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Bilderback Theodore E.Emeritus ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Bilenkin VladimirWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Billeisen Terri LouiseAdjunct Asst ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Billeisen Terri LouiseEntomology & Plant PathologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Binder Andrew RayAssoc ProfessorCommunicationCommunicationGrad Faculty
Bindra Vandna GillAsst Teaching ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Bindra Vandna GillTeaching Asst ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Bird Carolyn L.ProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Bird David MEmeritus Named Distng'd ProfEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Bird David MEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Birgand Francois PhilippeProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Birkenheuer Adam JosephProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Birkland Thomas AProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Bitzer Donald L.ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Bivins Jason CaulfieldProfessorPhilosophy & Religious StudiesPhilosophy & Religious StudiesGrad Faculty
Bizikova PetraProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Bizios GeorgiaProfessorArchitectureArchitectureGrad Faculty
Black Betty L.Emeritus ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Blackley BrianEmeritus Teaching Assoc ProfEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Blaimer Bonnie BernadetteAdjunct Asst ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Blanchard Margaret R.ProfessorSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Blank Gary B.ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Blankenship Sylvia M.Dean's Office - CALSGrad Faculty
Blanton Richard L.ProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Blikslager Anthony TProfessorCollege Of Veterinary MedicineDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Blondin John MichaelProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Bloom Jessica DaraAssoc ProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Bloomfield PeterEmeritus ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Blum UdoEmeritus ProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Bobay Louis-Marie Jean FabriceAsst ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Bocarro Jason N.ProfessorParks, Recreation & Tourism MgParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Bochinski Jason RussellAsst Research ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Bochinski Jason RussellResearch Asst ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Bociu Lorena VioricaProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Bodda Saran SrikanthCivil Const & Environ EngineerAffiliate Grad Faculty
Boettcher III William AAssoc ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Bogan Arthur EAdjunct Asst ProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Boggs Belle McQuaideProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Bohlmann JonathanProfessorBusiness Management-Poole COMBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Bohnenstiehl DelWayne RProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Bohorquez Elaine BAssoc Teaching ProfessorPhysiology ProgramPrestage Poultry ScienceGrad Faculty
Bohorquez Elaine BTeaching Assoc ProfessorPhysiology ProgramPrestage Poultry ScienceGrad Faculty
Bokov PavelAdjunct ProfessorNuclear Grad & TempNuclear EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Bolonyai PhD AgnesAssoc ProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Bolotnov Igor AProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Bolton Clinton StaffordAdjunct Asst ProfessorELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Bolton Clinton StaffordLecturerELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Bonagura John DavidAdjunct ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Bonin Ferreira JulianaAssoc Clinical ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Bonin Ferreira JulianaClinical Assoc ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Bonner James CProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Booker Matthew MorseProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Boone Kofi MalikProfessorLandscape ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureGrad Faculty
Boos Dennis D.ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Booth Annie SauerAsst ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Borden Roy HEmeritus ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Bordoloi RongmonAssoc ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Borkowski KazimierzEmeritus ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Borkowski KazimierzEmeritus Research ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Borski Russell JProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Boss Charles B.Emeritus Associate ProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Boss Wendy F.Emeritus Named ProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Boston Rebecca SEmeritus Distinguished ProfPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Boston Rebecca S.Plant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Bottomley Gregory EdwardTeaching ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Affiliate Grad Faculty
Bottomley Gregory EdwardElectrical & Computer Engr.Affiliate Grad Faculty
Bottomley Laura JAssoc Teaching ProfessorEngineering Dean's Office/AdmnElectrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Bottomley Laura JTeaching Assoc ProfessorEngineering Dean's Office/AdmnElectrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Boulden Rawn AlfredoAsst ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Bourham Mohamed AbdelhayProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Bowden Jared HeathSciences-State Climate OfficeAffiliate Grad Faculty
Bowen Sarah KProfessorSociology & AnthropologySociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Bowman Daniel CCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Bowman Daryl T.Emeritus ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Boyette Michael DProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Boyles James CHistoryAffiliate Grad Faculty
Boyles Ryan PatrickAdjunct Assoc ProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyGrad Faculty
Boys Kathryn AnnAssoc ProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Boyter Henry AlfredAdjunct Asst ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryAffiliate Grad Faculty
Bozkurt Alper YusufProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Braden Jeffery PaulProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Bradford MarianneProfessorAccounting-Poole COMAccounting-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Bradford Philip DavidProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Bradley Justin MathewAssoc ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Bradley Lucy KProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Bradshaw Michael JamesAsst ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Braga CristinaAsst Teaching ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Braga CristinaTeaching Asst ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Braham Richard RileyEmeritus ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Brandeis Susan D.ProfessorArt and DesignArt and DesignGrad Faculty
Brandenburg Rick LynnEmeritus Named Distng'd ProfEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Brandenburg Rick LynnEmeritus ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Branoff Theodore JEmeritus Associate ProfessorSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Branson Bruce CProfessorAccounting-Poole COMAccounting-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Braun JamesAsst ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Braunbeck Helga GProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Brazel Joseph F.ProfessorAccounting-Poole COMAccounting-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Breeden Roshaunda LecoleAsst ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Breen MatthewProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Breen Michael ScottAdjunct ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringAffiliate Grad Faculty
Breidt FrederickAdjunct ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Breitschwerdt Edward BealmearProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Brenner Donald WayneProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Bressler Eugene HProfessorLandscape ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureGrad Faculty
Breuhaus Babetta AnnDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Brglez FrancResearch ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Bristol David G.College of Sciences - DeanAffiliate Grad Faculty
Brody Arnold R.Dept Molecular Biomedical ScieAffiliate Grad Faculty
Brooks Eric RobertAsst ProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Brooks Wayne MauriceEmeritus ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomologyGrad Faculty
Brothers Gene LeroyEmeritus Associate ProfessorParks, Recreation & Tourism MgParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Brown Alvin B.ProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Brown Ashley CarsonAssoc ProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Brown Dennis TProfessorBiochemistryBiochemistryGrad Faculty
Brown Elisabeth Mary MargaretAssoc Teaching ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Brown Elisabeth Mary MargaretTeaching Assoc ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Brown James WBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Brown John DProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Brown Otis BResearch ProfessorNC Inst of Climate StudiesMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Brown Zachary StevenAssoc ProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Brown-Guedira Gina LynnUSDA ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Bruce Jacklyn AAssoc ProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Brudno YevgenyAssoc ProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Bruneau Arthur HenryEmeritus ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Brunet James RAssoc ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Bruno-Barcena Jose ManuelProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Bryant Jennifer RichmondAssoc ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Bryant MatthewProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Buchler Nicolas EmileAssoc ProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Buchwalter DavidProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Buckel Jeffrey A.ProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyGrad Faculty
Buckless Frank Alan OrthProfessorDean's Office-Poole COMAccounting-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Buckner Gregory DProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Budhathoki Uprety JanukaAsst ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Buhler Wayne GProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Buhrman Gregory KaleBTEC-Biomfg Training Ed CtrGrad Faculty
Buie Timothy WendellAssoc ProfessorGraphic & Industrial DesignGraphic & Industrial DesignGrad Faculty
Bullard Lisa GTeaching ProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Affiliate Grad Faculty
Bullock PhD KarenSchool of Social WorkGrad Faculty
Bunds Kyle StephenAssoc ProfessorParks, Recreation & Tourism MgParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Buol StanleyEmeritus Distinguished ProfCrop & Soil SciencesSoil ScienceGrad Faculty
Buongiorno Nardelli MarcoPhysicsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Burchell Michael RProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Burgess Helen JaneProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Burke Megan JolaneAssoc Clinical ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Burke Megan JolaneClinical Assoc ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Burkey Kent OliverUSDA ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Burkholder JoAnn MarieProfessorApplied Aquatic Ecology CenterApplied EcologyGrad Faculty
Burleson Gary RayDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Burnette Jennifer LeslieProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Burrack Hannah JEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Busch Kirstin Collette RogisAssoc ProfessorSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Bush Kimberly AnnTeaching ProfessorParks, Recreation & Tourism MgParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Bykova Marina F.ProfessorPhilosophy & Religious StudiesPhilosophy & Religious StudiesGrad Faculty
Byrd Jr Medwick VaughanTeaching ProfessorForest BiomaterialsForest BiomaterialsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Byrd Christy MichelleAssoc ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Byrd Gregory TProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Byun SunghwanAsst ProfessorSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Cabas Mijares Ashly MargotAssoc ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Cahoon Charles WilliamAssoc ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Calkins Margaret EvansProfessorLandscape ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureGrad Faculty
Call Douglas FranklinAssoc ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Callahan Benjamin JohnAssoc ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Callanan Roger AAdjunct Asst ProfessorStudent ConductCurr, Instr & Counselor Ed-CEDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Campbell Jennifer LTeaching ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Campbell YanAsst ProfessorPrestage Poultry SciencePrestage Poultry ScienceGrad Faculty
Caner MehmetProfessorEconomics-Poole COMEconomics-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Caner TuranayAssoc ProfessorMgmt, Innovation&EntrepreneurMgmt, Innovation & EntrepreneuAffiliate Grad Faculty
Cang ZixuanAsst ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Cannon SarahAsst Teaching ProfessorEducation Extension DivisionTELSGrad Faculty
Cannon SarahTeaching Asst ProfessorEducation Extension DivisionTELSGrad Faculty
Cao JieAssoc ProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyGrad Faculty
Carbone IgnazioProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Carbonell Ruben G.ProfessorBTEC-Biomfg Training Ed CtrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Card AlexanderAsst Teaching ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Card AlexanderTeaching Asst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Carley Danesha Gita SethAssoc ProfessorIntegrated Pest Mgmt-ResearchHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Carlson Brian ErnestAdjunct Asst ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Carr JonProfessorMgmt, Innovation&EntrepreneurMgmt, Innovation & EntrepreneuGrad Faculty
Carrier Sarah JProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Carroll Jr Daniel EFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Carroll Jennifer JeanAssoc ProfessorSociology & AnthropologySociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Carson Susan BProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Cartee Lianne A.Teaching ProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringAffiliate Grad Faculty
Carter DariusAsst ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Carter Gregory LynnLecturerArt and DesignArt and DesignAffiliate Grad Faculty
Carter Lonny LangstonAsst Teaching ProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtAffiliate Grad Faculty
Carter Lonny LangstonTeaching Asst ProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtAffiliate Grad Faculty
Carter Michael PurcellEmeritus ProfessorGraduate School-Dean's OfficeEnglishGrad Faculty
Carvalho da Silva Felipe Alves CorreaAsst ProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Casper Jonathan MAssoc ProfessorParks, Recreation & Tourism MgParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Cassill PhD Nancy LouiseTextile & Apparel, TechnologyGrad Faculty
Castellano Felix NicholasProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Castellanos Reyes DanielaAsst ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Castillo Miguel SebastianAssoc ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Castle Lucas CullenAsst Teaching ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Castle Lucas CullenTeaching Asst ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Castorena Cassandra AlisonProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Castro Bolinaga Celso FranciscoAssoc ProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Catete Veronica MeredithAsst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Catignani George L.Emeritus ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Cengiz EzgiAsst ProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Chabay Ruth W.Emeritus ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Chakrabortty AranyaProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Chakraborty SumitaEnglishGrad Faculty
Chandler Richard E.Emeritus ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Chang Hou-MinForest BiomaterialsGrad Faculty
Chang Wei-ChenAssoc ProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Chapman Benjamin JamesProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Chapman Diane DoloresTeaching ProfessorOffice for Faculty ExcellenceELPHDGrad Faculty
Chapman Lisa McNewAdjunct Prof of the PracticeELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Chen ChaoAsst ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Chen ChuyiAsst ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Chen CrystalAssoc ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Chen DanjueAssoc ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Chen HsuanAsst ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Chen Karen BoruAssoc ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Chen MingtaiAsst Teaching ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Chen MingtaiTeaching Asst ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Chen Stefanie Lynn HartmanAsst Teaching ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Chen Stefanie Lynn HartmanTeaching Asst ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Chen WeiLecturerMathematicsMathematicsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Chen WeijianAsst ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Chen Yuang Sung AlProfessorAccounting-Poole COMAccounting-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Cheng Jay JiayangProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Cheng KeDept Molecular Biomedical ScieGrad Faculty
Cheng YangAssoc ProfessorCommunicationCommunicationGrad Faculty
Cherry Megan LAssoc ProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Cherry William LCollege of DesignAffiliate Grad Faculty
Chertock Alina EmilProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Chi MinProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Chiang Vincent L CEmeritus Distinguished ProfFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Chiechi Ryan CardiffAssoc ProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Childs Nicole MarieAsst Teaching ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Childs Nicole MarieTeaching Asst ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Chirkova Rada YuryevnaProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Cho SoolyeonProfessorCollege of DesignArchitectureGrad Faculty
Choi IseulAsst ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Chou Wu-showEmeritus ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Choudoir MalloryAsst ProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Chouljenko Alexander VladimirovichAsst ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Chow Mo-YuenElectrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Christiansen Emily FenimoreDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Chu Moody Ten-ChaoProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Cid Ruiz YaironAsst ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Clark Aaron CatronProfessorSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Clark AlexisAsst Teaching ProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Clark AlexisTeaching Asst ProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Clark Robert L.ProfessorEconomics-Poole COMEconomics-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Clark Roger HarrisonProfessorArchitectureArchitectureGrad Faculty
Clarke CharlesAsst ProfessorBusiness Management-Poole COMBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Clarke Laura IProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Clarke Susan T.Dept-Population,Health,PathobiGrad Faculty
Classen John JProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Clift Bryan ChristopherAsst ProfessorParks, Recreation & Tourism MgParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Clinton Carter KAsst ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Clouse Steven DEmeritus ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Coady MariaProfessorCollege Of EducationTELSGrad Faculty
Coble Harold D.Emeritus ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Coggburn Jerrell DProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Cohen Allen CResearch ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Cohen Jo-Ann DEmeritus ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Cohen Jo-Ann DProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Cohen Marissa HerchlerPrestage Poultry ScienceAffiliate Grad Faculty
Cohen PaulEmeritus Named Distng'd ProfFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Cole Kirsti KarraProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Cole-Husseini Jacqueline HeatherAssoc ProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Collazo Jaime AUSDI ProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyGrad Faculty
Collazo Ramon RProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Collins Guy DavidAssoc ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Collins William K.Emeritus Named ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Colmenarejo Hernando LauraAsst ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Combettes Patrick LouisProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Comins Daniel L.Emeritus ProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Comstock Gary LProfessorPhilosophy & Religious StudiesPhilosophy & Religious StudiesGrad Faculty
Conant Gavin ClayProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Confrey JereEmeritus Named Distng'd ProfSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Confrey JereSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Cook Rachel LouiseAssoc ProfessorThe Forest Nutrition CooperatiFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Cooke Natalie KathleenAsst ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Cooper Arthur W.Emeritus ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Cooper Caren BethProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Cooper Matthew EllisTeaching ProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Affiliate Grad Faculty
Cope William GregoryProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyGrad Faculty
Cordeira Jason MichaelAdjunct ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciAffiliate Grad Faculty
Cornwell John CalhounEmeritus ProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Cornwell John CalhounAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Coronel Pablo MarceloAdjunct ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScAffiliate Grad Faculty
Correa Maria TDept-Population,Health,PathobiGrad Faculty
Corredor Waldron Adriana MariaAsst ProfessorEconomics-Poole COMEconomics-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Cosco Nilda GracielaResearch ProfessorCollege of DesignLandscape ArchitectureAffiliate Grad Faculty
Costanza Jennifer KwasnyAdjunct ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Cotanch Stephen R.Emeritus ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Covington David H.EnglishGrad Faculty
Cowger ChristinaUSDA Assoc ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Cowley Michael AnthonyAssoc ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Cox Chandra DProfessorArt and DesignArt and DesignGrad Faculty
Cox Jeffrey AlanAdjunct Prof of the PracticeELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Craig Lee AProfessorEconomics-Poole COMEconomics-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Craig Stephen BartholomewAssoc ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Crane Patrick BrentAdj Asst Prof of the PracticeELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Crawley Sydney ElaineAdjunct Asst ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Cray Paula JProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Creamer Nancy GEmeritus Named Distng'd ProfHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Creamer Nancy GHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Crespo RocioProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Crisci ElisaAsst ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Crisp Denise MGraphic & Industrial DesignGrad Faculty
Crisp James E.HistoryGrad Faculty
Crissman Dorothy E.Accounting-Poole COMAffiliate Grad Faculty
Crook NathanAsst ProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Croom Dan BarryEmeritus ProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Crosbie Christopher JamesAssoc ProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Crossland Cathy L.ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Crouse David AProfessorCALS - Academic ProgramsCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Crow Johnny L.Emeritus Asst ProfessorSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Crowley Martha L.ProfessorSociology & AnthropologySociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Crozier Carl REmeritus ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Cruse PhD Glenn PaulAssoc ProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Cruz Angel ElisaCtr for Env Farming Sys (CEFS)Affiliate Grad Faculty
Cubbage Frederick WillisProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Cubeta Marc AProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Cui GuohongAdjunct Assoc ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Cui HantaoAssoc ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Culbreth Jr Charles ThomasEmeritus Named Distng'd ProfFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Cullen John MichaelDept-Population,Health,PathobiGrad Faculty
Cullinan Douglas A.Emeritus ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Cumbie William PAdjunct Asst ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchAffiliate Grad Faculty
Cunningham Mary K.Assoc ProfessorPhilosophy & Religious StudiesPhilosophy & Religious StudiesGrad Faculty
Cuomo Jerome JProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Curry Adam CharlesAsst Research ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Curry Adam CharlesResearch Asst ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Curry Magdalena Alyssa EllisAsst ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Curtis Patricia AnnEmeritus ProfessorPrestage Poultry SciencePrestage Poultry ScienceGrad Faculty
Cutitaru MihailAssoc Teaching ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Cutitaru MihailTeaching Assoc ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Cutts Bethany BrookeAssoc ProfessorParks, Recreation & Tourism MgParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Czaja Ronald FSociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
D'Amorim MarceloAssoc ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Da KedongHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Dai HuaiyuProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Daley Dennis M.ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Danehower David A.Emeritus Associate ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Daniel Louis BroaddusAdjunct Asst ProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Daniele MichaelProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Daniels Harry ValentineProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyGrad Faculty
Daniels Karen EProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Danielsen Bartley RAssoc ProfessorBusiness Management-Poole COMBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Dannels Deanna PatriciaProfessorCHASS Dean's OfficeCommunicationGrad Faculty
Danowitz Mary AnnEmeritus Named ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Darhower Mark AnthonyAssoc ProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Das AnupamAsst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Dasmohapatra SudiptaForest BiomaterialsGrad Faculty
Daub Margaret E.Emeritus Named Distng'd ProfPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Daub Margaret E.Plant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Davidian MarieProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Davidson Michael G.Dept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Davis Jr Edward WillmoreEmeritus ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Davis Andrew PaulAsst ProfessorSociology & AnthropologySociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Davis Catherine Van WieAsst ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Davis Dennis ScottAssoc ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Davis Eric LeeEmeritus Named Distng'd ProfEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Davis Jack ParkerFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScAffiliate Grad Faculty
Davis Jeanine M.Assoc ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Davis Jerry M.Emeritus ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Davis K. ShannonMgmt, Innovation&EntrepreneurGrad Faculty
Davis Lauren Marie BerringsFitts Ind & Syst Eng Grad TempAffiliate Grad Faculty
Davis Meredith JoyProfessorGraphic & Industrial DesignGraphic & Industrial DesignGrad Faculty
Davis William RhettProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Dawes Gregory A.ProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Day MeganAsst ProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Dayton Paul AProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
De Gezelle Jillian MarieAssoc Teaching ProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
De Gezelle Jillian MarieTeaching Assoc ProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
De La Cruz Florentino BanaagCivil Const & Environ EngineerGrad Faculty
De Los Reyes III Francis LajaraProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
DeCarolis Joseph FProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
DeCoster StacyProfessorSociology & AnthropologySociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
DeCuir-Gunby Jessica TheresaTELSGrad Faculty
DeFrancesco Teresa CProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
DeJoy Daniel A.Emeritus Associate ProfessorCommunicationCommunicationGrad Faculty
DeLuca V. WilliamEmeritus Associate ProfessorSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
DeMarco Laura MargaretAsst ProfessorSociology & AnthropologySociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
DeMaster David JohnEmeritus ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
DePerno Christopher SProfessorFisheries and Wildlife ProgramFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
DeSoucey Michaela AnneAssoc ProfessorSociology & AnthropologySociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
DeWoskin Robert SAdjunct ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Dean Alexander G.Assoc ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Dean Lisa LouiseAdjunct ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Dean Ralph AProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Degernes Laurel ADept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Deitemeyer Kandi WestmorelandAdjunct Prof of the PracticeELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Deitz Lewis L.Emeritus ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomologyGrad Faculty
DelGrosso Steven VincentAdjunct LecturerFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
DelGrosso Steven VincentLecturerFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Delborne Jason AaronProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Delcambre Carla FAssoc ProfessorLandscape ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureGrad Faculty
Delgado PhD CesarAssoc ProfessorSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Delipei Grigorios KyriakosNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Dello Kathie DianeAdjunct Asst ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Dello Kathie DianeSciences-State Climate OfficeGrad Faculty
Dembek Katarzyna AgnieszkaAsst ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Deming Margaret ElenProfessorLandscape ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureGrad Faculty
DenHartog Emiel AProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Dennis Robert GAssoc ProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Denson Cameron DeLeonAssoc ProfessorSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Deresienski DianeDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Desmarais Sarah LouiseAdjunct ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Despain Jeffrey ScottAssoc ProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Despain Jennifer AnneSenior LecturerWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Devine Hugh AEmeritus ProfessorParks, Recreation & Tourism MgParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Dewey Ralph EProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Diaconeasa Mihai AurelianAsst ProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Diaz Lope MaxArt and DesignGrad Faculty
Dickey David AlanEmrtus Nmd Distng'd Univ ProfStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Dickey David AlanStatisticsGrad Faculty
Dickey Elizabeth CarolEmeritus Distinguished ProfMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Dickey Elizabeth CarolProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Dickey Michael DavidProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Dicks Robert SEmeritus Associate ProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Diebold Jeffrey ChildressAssoc ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Diekman Brian William O'CallaghanAssoc ProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Diekman Brian William O'CallaghanAsst ProfessorBiological SciencesBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Dietrich Joel CaseyProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Dillahunt Ajamu AmiriAsst ProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Ding HuilingProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Dinh Nam TrucProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Dinh Phuong-Uyen CaoAsst Research ProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Dinh Phuong-Uyen CaoResearch Asst ProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Dinh Phuong-Uyen CaoDept Molecular Biomedical ScieGrad Faculty
Ditto William LawrenceProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Dodsworth Robin MProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Doherty Colleen JenniferAssoc ProfessorBiochemistryBiochemistryGrad Faculty
Dole John MartinProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Doll Barbara AExtension ProfessorSea Grant ProgramBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Doll Christian JosephAsst Teaching ProfessorSociology & AnthropologySociology & AnthropologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Doll Christian JosephTeaching Asst ProfessorSociology & AnthropologySociology & AnthropologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Dominguez Ignacio XavierAsst Teaching ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Dominguez Ignacio XavierTeaching Asst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Donaldson JosephAssoc ProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Dong JingyanProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Dorfman Jeffrey HarrisProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Dorman David CProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Doster Joseph M.Emeritus ProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Dougherty Daniel BProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Dow Thomas A.Emrtus Nmd Distng'd Univ ProfMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Dow Thomas A.Mechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Dow Thomas CharlesSenior LecturerAccounting-Poole COMAccounting-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Doyle JonEmeritus Named Distng'd ProfComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Drake Mary AnneProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Drake Timothy ArthurAssoc ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Dreher Patrick AAdjunct Research ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Computer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Dretsch Heather JohnsonAsst ProfessorBusiness Management-Poole COMBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Driscoll Catherine MProfessorPhilosophy & Religious StudiesPhilosophy & Religious StudiesGrad Faculty
Dsouza Prabhu Newton SantoshDoctor of DesignGrad Faculty
Duan XiaolinProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Dubljevic VeljkoProfessorPhilosophy & Religious StudiesPhilosophy & Religious StudiesGrad Faculty
Duca Alina NicoletaTeaching ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Duckworth Owen WProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesSoil ScienceGrad Faculty
Ducoste JoelProfessorEngineering Dean's Office/AdmnCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Dudley Marc K.ProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Dudziak Donald J.Emeritus ProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Duel-Hallen AlexandraProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Duggins Jonathan WilliamAssoc Teaching ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Duggins Jonathan WilliamTeaching Assoc ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Dukes Charlene MAdjunct Prof of the PracticeELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Dumdum Lyra PerezLecturerFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchAffiliate Grad Faculty
Dunn Corey GarlandUSDI Asst ProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyGrad Faculty
Dunn Patricia CEmeritus Named Distng'd ProfAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Dunn Patricia CAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Dunn RobertProfessorInterdisciplinary Programs-SVPApplied EcologyGrad Faculty
Dunne PhD Jeffrey ColinAssoc ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Dunning DianneCollege Of Veterinary MedicineAffiliate Grad Faculty
Dunning Rebecca DianeAsst Research ProfessorCALS - Academic ProgramsHorticultural ScienceAffiliate Grad Faculty
Dunning Rebecca DianeResearch Asst ProfessorCALS - Academic ProgramsHorticultural ScienceAffiliate Grad Faculty
Dunphy Edward JamesEmeritus ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Dunphy Edward JamesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Duque-Wilckens NataliaAsst ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Dur UmutProfessorEconomics-Poole COMEconomics-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Durham CarmenAsst Teaching ProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Durham CarmenTeaching Asst ProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Dutta RudraProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Dye Janice AAdjunct Assoc ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Dygert Nicholas JamesAdjunct Assoc ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciAffiliate Grad Faculty
Dykstra Michael JackDept-Population,Health,PathobiGrad Faculty
Dyson Yarneccia DanielleProfessorSchool of Social WorkSchool of Social WorkGrad Faculty
Eades William GregoryLecturerMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Eapen JacobProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Early Peter JosephClinical ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Earp Julia BAssoc ProfessorBusiness Management-Poole COMBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Eaton Mitchell JAdjunct Asst ProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyGrad Faculty
Ebert Kimberly LynnAssoc ProfessorSociology & AnthropologySociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Echekki TarekProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Eddinger Pammy YueAdjunct Prof of the PracticeELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Edens Frank W.ProfessorPrestage Poultry SciencePrestage Poultry ScienceGrad Faculty
Eder Brian KLecturerMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciAffiliate Grad Faculty
Edgington Cynthia PageAssoc Teaching ProfessorSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Edgington Cynthia PageTeaching Assoc ProfessorSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Edmisten Keith LProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Edwards Jr Jack RayProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Edwards Amanda RossAssoc Teaching ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Edwards Amanda RossTeaching Assoc ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Edwards Callie WombleFriday InstituteAffiliate Grad Faculty
Edwards Eric CharlesAdjunct Assoc ProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Edwards Harriett CProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Edwards Michael BAssoc ProfessorParks, Recreation & Tourism MgParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Efimenko KirillAssoc Research ProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Affiliate Grad Faculty
Efimenko KirillResearch Assoc ProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Affiliate Grad Faculty
Egalite Anna JProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Egan Warren SarahAsst Teaching ProfessorAdvanced AnalyticsELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Egan Warren SarahTeaching Asst ProfessorAdvanced AnalyticsELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Eggleston David BProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Eischen Jeffrey WEmeritus Associate ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Eisemann JoanEmeritus ProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Ekkad Srinath VaradarajanProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
El-Shafei Ahmed MohamedProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Elhanafi DrissBTEC-Biomfg Training Ed CtrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Ellington GrantAssociate Extension ProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Ellington GrantExtension Associate ProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Ellis Alan ReidAssoc ProfessorSchool of Social WorkSchool of Social WorkGrad Faculty
Ellis Jesse AaronProfessorBusiness Management-Poole COMBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Ellis Ruby LaTeshiaAsst ProfessorSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Ellison Donald CEmeritus ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Ellovich Risa S.Sociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Ellson Richard WayneLecturerMathematicsMathematicsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Elting Mary WilliardAssoc ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Emigh Ted H.Biological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Enahora BasheerahAsst ProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Enamait John DaleAdjunct Prof of the PracticeELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Enck William HProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Ender Kenneth LyleProfessor of the PracticeELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Enders Jeffrey RichardMETRIC Mass SpectrometryAffiliate Grad Faculty
Endicott Ronald PAssoc ProfessorPhilosophy & Religious StudiesPhilosophy & Religious StudiesGrad Faculty
Engell Miles DeanTeaching ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
English David JAdjunct Teaching ProfessorELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Erchul William P.Emeritus ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Ercumen AyseAssoc ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Erdim BurakAssoc ProfessorArchitectureArchitectureGrad Faculty
Eroglu AbdulkerimAsst ProfessorKannapolis ResearchBiochemistryGrad Faculty
Ertem Eray TugceAsst ProfessorCommunicationCommunicationGrad Faculty
Esbenshade Kenneth L.Animal ScienceGrad Faculty
Escobedo Adolfo RaphaelAssoc ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Estes Edmund A.Emeritus ProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Estes Patricia AAssoc Teaching ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Estes Patricia ATeaching Assoc ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Eun Do YoungProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Evans Jr Robert OEmeritus ProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Evans Robert JosephAssoc Teaching ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Affiliate Grad Faculty
Evans Robert JosephTeaching Assoc ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Affiliate Grad Faculty
Everman Wesley JProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Ewere Felix EnogieruAssoc Teaching ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Ewere Felix EnogieruTeaching Assoc ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Fackler Paul L.Emeritus ProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Fagen Jennie RuthEntomology & Plant PathologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Fahrenholz Adam CharlesAssoc ProfessorPrestage Poultry SciencePrestage Poultry ScienceGrad Faculty
Fair BarbaraAssoc ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Falk Elisabeth StreitAssoc Teaching ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Falk Elisabeth StreitTeaching Assoc ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Fallen Benjamin DavidUSDA Asst ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Fang Shu-CherngProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Fang TiegangProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Fang XiaoleiAssoc ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Fang XiaomengAsst ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Farazmand Mohammad MehdiAsst ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Farer RaoulProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Farfurnik DemitryAdjunct ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Farfurnik DemitryAsst ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Farin Charlotte EEmeritus ProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Farmer Barry LouisAdjunct ProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringAffiliate Grad Faculty
Fasina Yewande OlubusolaPrestage Poultry ScienceAffiliate Grad Faculty
Fathi YahyaProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Faulkner Valerie NessAdjunct ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Favorov Oleg VAssoc Research ProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Favorov Oleg VResearch Assoc ProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Fedkiw Peter S.ProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Fedukovich Casie JAssoc ProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Feeny Thomas P.ProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Felder Richard M.Emeritus Named ProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Fell Harrison GeorgeProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Fellner VivekProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Feng JingProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Fenn Molly A.Teaching ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Fenton Suzanne ElizabethCtr for Human Health & the EnvGrad Faculty
Ferguson II Stephen CAssoc ProfessorPhilosophy & Religious StudiesPhilosophy & Religious StudiesGrad Faculty
Ferguson Scott MAssoc ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Ferket Peter R.ProfessorPrestage Poultry SciencePrestage Poultry ScienceGrad Faculty
Fernandes April DawnAssoc ProfessorSociology & AnthropologySociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Fernandez Gina EProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Ferruzzi Mario GiovanniAdjunct ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Ferzli Miriam GTeaching ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Feuer Elizabeth RachelAsst Teaching ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Feuer Elizabeth RachelTeaching Asst ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Findley Daniel JAdjunct Assoc ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringAffiliate Grad Faculty
Findley Daniel JAdjunct Asst ProfessorInstitute For Trans Research &Civil, Const & Env EngineeringAffiliate Grad Faculty
Fisher Loren RayProfessorAdministration - Research ServCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Fisher Matthew BruceAssoc ProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Fitzgerald Patrick JAssoc ProfessorArt and DesignArt and DesignGrad Faculty
Fitzpatrick David CharlesAssoc Teaching ProfessorSchool of Social WorkSchool of Social WorkAffiliate Grad Faculty
Fitzpatrick David CharlesTeaching Assoc ProfessorSchool of Social WorkSchool of Social WorkAffiliate Grad Faculty
Flammer KevenDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Flath David JosephEconomics-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Fleener Mattie JayneELPHDGrad Faculty
Fleener Mattie JayneGeneral School - EducationGrad Faculty
Fleming Joy MorganAssoc ProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Fletcher Jr Oscar JDept-Population,Health,PathobiGrad Faculty
Flickinger Michael CarlEmeritus ProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Flinchum Russell AlanAssoc ProfessorGraphic & Industrial DesignGraphic & Industrial DesignGrad Faculty
Flink Charles AlbertProfessor of the PracticeReal Estate ProgramLandscape ArchitectureGrad Faculty
Flores HayleyBTEC-Biomfg Training Ed CtrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Flores Kevin BryantAssoc ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Flowers IV William LucasProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Flowers James LeeEmeritus ProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Flowers James RClinical ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Floyd Brian AllanProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Floyd Myron FranProfessorCollege of Natural ResourcesParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Flynn Patrick JamesAsst ProfessorMgmt, Innovation&EntrepreneurMgmt, Innovation & EntrepreneuGrad Faculty
Foegeding Edward AllenEmeritus Named Distng'd ProfFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Foegeding Edward AllenFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Fogle Callie AnneClinical ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Fogleman AprilAssoc ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Fonteno III William CarlEmeritus ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Foody Kathleen MarieAsst ProfessorPhilosophy & Religious StudiesPhilosophy & Religious StudiesGrad Faculty
Ford Ericka NAssoc ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Ford Richard BanburyEmeritus ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Fornaro Robert JosephEmeritus ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Fornes Raymond EarlEmeritus ProfessorCollege of Sciences - DeanPhysicsGrad Faculty
Forrester Jodi AnneAssoc ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Fortner Brand IrvingTeaching ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Foster Derek MAssoc ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Foster Lori LeaProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Fountain John CrothersEmeritus ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Fox Andrew AlanProfessorLandscape ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureGrad Faculty
Fox Garey AltonProfessorDean's Office - CALSBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Frampton Jr Lewis JohnEmeritus ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Frank Steven DProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Franke John E.Emeritus ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Franks RobertProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Franz Jason RoyAssoc ProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Franzen Marissa Marie SloanAsst Teaching ProfessorSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Franzen Marissa Marie SloanTeaching Asst ProfessorSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Franzen StefanProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Franzluebbers Alan JUSDA ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Franzon Paul D.ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Frazier Nishani MkwandaProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Frederick Douglas J.Emeritus ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Freeman Harold S.Textiles-Dean's OfficeGrad Faculty
Freeman Harold StanleyEmeritus Named ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryGrad Faculty
Freitag Sandria BAssoc Teaching ProfessorHistoryHistoryAffiliate Grad Faculty
Freitag Sandria BTeaching Assoc ProfessorHistoryHistoryAffiliate Grad Faculty
Frey Gregory EAdjunct Assoc ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchAffiliate Grad Faculty
Frey Henry CProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Freytes PhD Donald OsvaldoAssoc ProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Friend Craig TProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Frohlich CarlaProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Frye Bobbie JeanAsst Teaching ProfessorELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Frye Bobbie JeanTeaching Asst ProfessorELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Fuller Frederick JosephDept-Population,Health,PathobiGrad Faculty
Fuller Jarrett WestonAsst ProfessorGraphic & Industrial DesignGraphic & Industrial DesignGrad Faculty
Fulp Ronald O.Emeritus ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Fulp Ronald O.LecturerMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Funkhouser Edward TrumanEmeritus Associate ProfessorCommunicationCommunicationGrad Faculty
Fusarelli Bonnie CProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Fusarelli Lance D.ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Fyfe Margaret SimonAssoc ProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Fyfe Paul CammAssoc ProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Gabr Mohammed AwadProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Gaddameedhi ShobhanAssoc ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Gadsby John EvanDept Molecular Biomedical ScieGrad Faculty
Gage Joseph LeeAsst ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Gaines Briana GabriellaAsst Teaching ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Gaines Briana GabriellaTeaching Asst ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Gajda John WilliamProfessor of the PracticeElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Affiliate Grad Faculty
Galik ChristopherProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Gallagher Danielle MoloneyAsst Teaching ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Gallagher Danielle MoloneyTeaching Asst ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Gallagher Victoria JProfessorCommunicationCommunicationGrad Faculty
Gallippi Caterina MProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Gamcsik MichaelAssoc ProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Gamsjaeger LisaAsst ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Gandhi Farhan SaifuddinProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Gannon Travis WProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Gao PengAsst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Gao WeiAssoc ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Garcia Menendez FernandoAssoc ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Garcia KevinAssoc ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Garcia Linda LorraineAdj Asst Prof of the PracticeELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Gardner Marian-Elizabeth B.Teaching ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Gardner Randolph G.Emeritus ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Gardner Sarah YDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Garland Genevieve MarieAsst Research ProfessorORI - OROCTextile Engr Chemistry & SciAffiliate Grad Faculty
Garland Genevieve MarieResearch Asst ProfessorORI - OROCTextile Engr Chemistry & SciAffiliate Grad Faculty
Garrigan Shelley E.ProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Garson George DPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Garval Michael DProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Gastrow ClaudiaAsst ProfessorSociology & AnthropologySociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Gates Terry AllenAssoc Teaching ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Gates Terry AllenTeaching Assoc ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Gatewood Algie CarverAdjunct Prof of the PracticeELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Gatiboni Luciano ColpoProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Gaweda AdamAsst Teaching ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Gaweda AdamTeaching Asst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Gayles Joy GastonProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Gehringer Edward FrancisProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Genereux David PaulProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Genzer JanProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Gerard Mathew P.Teaching ProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Ghashghaei TroyProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Ghiladi Reza AProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Ghosh RajaAsst ProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Ghosh Sujit KProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Ghosh Tushar K.ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Ghoshal SubhashisProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Gibson Jacqueline MacDonaldProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Gibson-Knowles Anna MarieAsst Teaching ProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Gibson-Knowles Anna MarieTeaching Asst ProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Gilger Brian CProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Gill CarolinaProfessorGraphic & Industrial DesignGraphic & Industrial DesignGrad Faculty
Gill Harvinder SinghProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Gillan PhD Douglas JohnEmeritus Distinguished ProfPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Gilleskie Gary LouisAdjunct Assoc ProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Gilleskie Gary LouisAssoc Teaching ProfessorBTEC-Biomfg Training Ed CtrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Gilleskie Gary LouisTeaching Assoc ProfessorBTEC-Biomfg Training Ed CtrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Gilligan John GProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Gilman MikhailAssoc Research ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Gilman MikhailResearch Assoc ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Gilmartin David P.ProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Gilmore Troy EdwardAdjunct Asst ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciAffiliate Grad Faculty
Gimeno Isabel MProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Ginn George WarrenAsst Teaching ProfessorGraphic & Industrial DesignGraphic & Industrial DesignAffiliate Grad Faculty
Ginn George WarrenTeaching Asst ProfessorGraphic & Industrial DesignGraphic & Industrial DesignAffiliate Grad Faculty
Glasper RufusAdjunct Prof of the PracticeELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Glazer EdithProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Glazewski Krista DawnProfessorFriday InstituteTELSGrad Faculty
Glen Charlotte DawsonField FacultyHorticultural ScienceSoutheast District-penderAffiliate Grad Faculty
Glotfelty Timothy WilliamAdjunct Asst ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciAffiliate Grad Faculty
Glotfelty Timothy WilliamSciences-State Climate OfficeAffiliate Grad Faculty
Gluck Jessica MarieAdjunct Asst ProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Gluck Jessica MarieAsst ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Godfrey A BlantonProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtGrad Faculty
Godwin John RProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Goldfarb BarryEmeritus ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Goldfarb BarryThe Forest Nutrition CooperatiGrad Faculty
Goldman Nathan ChadAssoc ProfessorAccounting-Poole COMAccounting-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Goller Carlos ChristopherTeaching ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Golub RobertProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Gomez Joseph A.EnglishGrad Faculty
Gomez Shawn M.ProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Gonzalez Prelcic NuriaAdjunct ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Gonzalez Liara MAssoc ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Gonzalez Liara MDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Gonzalez Maria EugeniaAssoc ProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Gonzalez Ronalds WilfredoAssoc ProfessorForest BiomaterialsForest BiomaterialsGrad Faculty
Goodell Lora SuzanneProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Goodwin Barry K.ProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Goodwin Jean ElizabethProfessorCommunicationCommunicationGrad Faculty
Gookin PhD Jody LProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Gopalarathnam AshokProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Gordon MarshaProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Gordon Tammrah SProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Gordy Claire LeeAssoc Teaching ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Gordy Claire LeeTeaching Assoc ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Gorman Christopher BProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Gorny Adrienne MarieAsst ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Goshe Michael B.Assoc ProfessorBiochemistryBiochemistryGrad Faculty
Gotwalt Christopher MStatistics Grad & TempAffiliate Grad Faculty
Gould Christopher RobertEmeritus ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Gould Fred L.ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Gould Richard DavidEmeritus ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Grabow Garry LEmeritus ProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Grace LandonAssoc ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Gracieux MarnonBTEC-Biomfg Training Ed CtrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Gracz HannaEmeritus Associate ProfessorBiochemistryBiochemistryGrad Faculty
Graham Stephen EdwardLecturerFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchAffiliate Grad Faculty
Grainger John J.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Granlund KennethAssoc ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Grant Christine S.ProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Grant EdwardEmeritus ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Grasso MaureenEmeritus ProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtGrad Faculty
Graves Devon LomesAsst ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Gray DeLeon LAssoc ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Gray Denis OwenPsychologyGrad Faculty
Gray Joshua MichaelAssoc ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Greder Katherine CeliaAsst ProfessorArt and DesignArt and DesignGrad Faculty
Green Jr James TEmeritus ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Green David PatrickEmeritus ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Green Matthew PironAssoc ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Greene Steven HProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Greenland AndrewAsst ProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Greenstein Theodore NeumanEmeritus ProfessorSociology & AnthropologySociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Gregory James DEmeritus ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Gremaud Pierre AlainProfessorGraduate School-Dean's OfficeMathematicsGrad Faculty
Grennes Thomas J.Economics-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Grieger Khara DeanneAsst ProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyGrad Faculty
Grieger Khara DeanneAsst ProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnApplied EcologyGrad Faculty
Grieshop Andrew PProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Grifenhagen Jill FreibergAssoc ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Griffin Clifford EAssoc ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Griffin Whitney BethAsst Clinical ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Griffin Whitney BethClinical Asst ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Griffis Dieter PAssoc Research ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciAffiliate Grad Faculty
Griffis Dieter PResearch Assoc ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciAffiliate Grad Faculty
Griffith Emily HohmeisterProfessor of the PracticeStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Griffith Matthew HenningAssoc Profess of the PracticeArchitectureArchitectureAffiliate Grad Faculty
Griggs John RichardEmeritus Teaching Assoc ProfMathematicsMathematicsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Grimes Jesse LeeProfessorPrestage Poultry SciencePrestage Poultry ScienceGrad Faculty
Grimmett Marc AndersonProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Grimwood James M.EnglishGrad Faculty
Grinbaum AlonAsst ProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Grindem Carol B.Dept-Population,Health,PathobiGrad Faculty
Gross KevinProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Gross Ruth VeraEmeritus ProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Grossfeld Robert M.Emeritus ProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyGrad Faculty
Grossman Kathryn MaryAsst ProfessorSociology & AnthropologySociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Gruber-Hollingshead Erika JaneAsst ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Gruehn DanielAssoc ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Gruen Margaret ElizabethAssoc ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Grunden Amy MicheleProfessorAdministration - Research ServPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Gu QingAssoc ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Gu XiaohuiProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Guarnieri PhD Charles RichardAdjunct Assoc ProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringAffiliate Grad Faculty
Guarnieri PhD Charles RichardMaterials Sci Engr-Grads&TempsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Gubbins Keith EEmeritus Named Distng'd ProfChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Gubbins Keith EChemical & Biomolecular EngrGrad Faculty
Guddati Murthy NProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Guerrero Farias Rafael FelipeAsst ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Guertault Lucie Simone GeorgetteAsst ProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Guez Assuncao Wesley KlewertonAssoc ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Guilluy Christophe DanielAsst ProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Guin Autumn HopeAdjunct Asst ProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Guin Autumn Hope4-H Youth Dev & Fam & Cons SciAffiliate Grad Faculty
Guiteras Raymond PatrickAssoc ProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Gulling Dana KathleenProfessorArchitectureArchitectureGrad Faculty
Gulyuk AlexeyAsst Teaching ProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Gulyuk AlexeyTeaching Asst ProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Gumpertz Marcia LynnEmeritus Research ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Gundogdu KenanProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Guo FangfeiAsst ProfessorBusiness Management-Poole COMBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Guo ZhishanAssoc ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Gupta AbhinavProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Gupta Ajaya K.Emeritus ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Gupta Rachana AshokTeaching ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Gupta Rajeev KumarAssoc ProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Gutierrez Li Thath Men AlejandroAsst ProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Guvenc IsmailProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Gwalani BharatAsst ProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Haase David G.Emeritus ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Haenn Nora MProfessorSociology & AnthropologySociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Haeseler Jillian SusanWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Haider Mansoor AbbasProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Haigler Candace HopeProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Haikal GhadirAssoc ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Hajbabaie AliAssoc ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Hajibabai Dizaji LeilaAssoc ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Hakovirta Marko JuhaniProfessorForest BiomaterialsForest BiomaterialsGrad Faculty
Halberstadt Amy geneProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Hale Scott AProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Hall Carol K.ProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Hall Jonathan RussellAsst ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Hall Steven GeorgeProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Hallen Hans DProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Halleran Jennifer LaurenAsst ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Hallowell George DeweyArchitectureAffiliate Grad Faculty
Halweg Christopher JAssoc Teaching ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Halweg Christopher JTeaching Assoc ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Ham Derek AllenArt and DesignGrad Faculty
Ham Remington ArielAsst Teaching ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceAffiliate Grad Faculty
Ham Remington ArielTeaching Asst ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceAffiliate Grad Faculty
Hamilton Douglas StephenAsst ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Hamilton Paul TEmeritus Associate ProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Hammerberg BruceDept-Population,Health,PathobiGrad Faculty
Hamouda HechmiTeaching ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryGrad Faculty
Han KookAssoc ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Hancock Bonnie V.Professor of the PracticeAccounting-Poole COMAccounting-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Handfield Robert BProfessorBusiness Management-Poole COMBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Hanel Rita MAdjunct Asst ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Hanley-Bowdoin Linda KayProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyBiochemistryGrad Faculty
Hansen BernardAssoc ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Hanson Dana J.Assoc ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Haque AbidaAsst Teaching ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Haque AbidaTeaching Asst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Hardie Elizabeth MillsDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Hardin Charles C.Assoc ProfessorBiochemistryBiochemistryGrad Faculty
Hardison-Moody Anne MargaretAssoc ProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Hardy David HCrop & Soil SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Harfoush Khaled Abdel HamidAssoc ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Harmon Frank CorneliusProfessor of the PracticeArchitectureArchitectureAffiliate Grad Faculty
Harmon Russell SAdjunct ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciAffiliate Grad Faculty
Harms Craig AProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Harper James DEmeritus ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomologyGrad Faculty
Harries Peter JuergenProfessorGraduate School-Dean's OfficeMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Harris Angela RoseAssoc ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Harris Dan OwenLecturerStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Harris Gabriel KeithProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Harris William C.HistoryGrad Faculty
Harrison PhD Jane LindsaySea Grant ProgramGrad Faculty
Harrison Antony HowardEnglishGrad Faculty
Harrison Tara MyersAssoc ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Harrison William CharlesLecturerELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Harrysson Ola Lars AndersProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Hartman Catherine ElizabethAsst ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Hartstone-Rose PhD AdamProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Harwood Karey AlisonAssoc ProfessorPhilosophy & Religious StudiesPhilosophy & Religious StudiesGrad Faculty
Haskett Mary EEmeritus ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Hassan Awatif EEmeritus ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Hassan Hosni MoustafaProfessorPrestage Poultry SciencePrestage Poultry ScienceGrad Faculty
Hassan TasnimProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Hauck Marlene LDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Haugh Jason MProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Hauser PhD Peter JacobEmeritus ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryGrad Faculty
Hauser John R.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Havlin John LProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesSoil ScienceGrad Faculty
Havner Kerry S.Emeritus ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Hawari Ayman IProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Hawkes Christine VeronicaProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Hawkins Eleanor CProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Hawkins Eleanor CDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Hawkins Mary BethBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Hayes Robert BruceAssoc ProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Haynie III William JEmeritus ProfessorSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Hazel Dennis WilliamEmeritus Associate ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
He LingfengAssoc ProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
He RuoyingProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
He YingchenAsst ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Headen Alvin E.Economics-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Healey Christopher GrahamProfessorAdvanced AnalyticsComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Heatwole Harold FEmeritus ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Heber SteffenProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Heckman Sarah SmithTeaching ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Hector Emily CharlotteAsst ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Heese Hans SebastianProfessorBusiness Management-Poole COMBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Heinen Dustin RyanAssoc Teaching ProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Heinen Dustin RyanTeaching Assoc ProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Heiniger Ronnie WilliamProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Heiranian MohammadAsst ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Heise Ryan JAdjunct Asst ProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Heitman Joshua LProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesSoil ScienceGrad Faculty
Helmer MartinAsst ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Helminck Aloysius GEmeritus ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Helms Pickett Stephanie MargaretAdjunct Asst ProfessorELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Hemenway Cynthia LEmeritus ProfessorBiochemistryBiochemistryGrad Faculty
Hemphill Destiny LoveLecturerEnglishEnglishAffiliate Grad Faculty
Henard David HProfessorBusiness Management-Poole COMBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Henderson Karla AnnEmeritus ProfessorParks, Recreation & Tourism MgParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Henneton Mireille Anne MoniqueAsst Teaching ProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Henneton Mireille Anne MoniqueTeaching Asst ProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Henriksen Michala de LindeAssoc ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Hepworth-Warren Kate LouiseAsst ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Hepworth-Warren Kate LouiseDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Her JiwoongAssoc ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Hergeth Helmut HerbertAssoc ProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtGrad Faculty
Hernandez Daisy AhumadaAsst ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Hernandez RaquelAssoc Research ProfessorBiochemistryBiochemistryGrad Faculty
Hernandez RaquelResearch Assoc ProfessorBiochemistryBiochemistryGrad Faculty
Hernandez RicardoAssoc ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Hess George R.ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchLandscape ArchitectureGrad Faculty
Hess George R.For & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Hess Paul RAssoc ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Hess Thomas M.ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Hess Thomas MichaelPsychologyGrad Faculty
Hessling Peter AAdjunct Asst ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Hester M ThomasEnglishGrad Faculty
Hesterberg Dean LCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Hesterberg Dean LSoil ScienceGrad Faculty
Hibbard James PatrickEmeritus ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Hicks Gregory EugeneLecturerELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Hicks Gregory EugeneELPHDGrad Faculty
Hightower Joseph EEmeritus ProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Hill David BrianProfessorArchitectureArchitectureGrad Faculty
Hill MarbellaAsst ProfessorSociology & AnthropologySociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Hinesley Lewis E.Emeritus ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Hinks DavidProfessorTextiles-Dean's OfficeTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Hinshaw Jeffrey M.Emeritus ProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyGrad Faculty
Hinton Timothy JProfessorPhilosophy & Religious StudiesPhilosophy & Religious StudiesGrad Faculty
Hipp James AaronProfessorParks, Recreation & Tourism MgParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Hobbs Heidi HAssoc ProfessorAcademic and Student AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Hodge Gary RayProfessorCAMCORE-CooperativeFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Hodge George LawrenceEmeritus Associate ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Hodgson Thom JoelEmeritus Named Distng'd ProfFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Hoffmann PhD Kristin FisherAsst Clinical ProfessorTELSTELSAffiliate Grad Faculty
Hoffmann PhD Kristin FisherClinical Asst ProfessorTELSTELSAffiliate Grad Faculty
Hoffmann MarkAssoc ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Hoffmann William AProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Hoggan Chad DavidProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Hoggard LoriAsst ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Hoit Marc IProfessorVC for Off of Info TechnologyCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Holland James BUSDA ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Hollar Seth EAsst Teaching ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Mechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Hollar Seth ETeaching Asst ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Mechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Hollebrands Karen FlanaganProfessorEducation ResearchSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Holton William CAdjunct ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Affiliate Grad Faculty
Honeycutt Thomas LynnEmeritus Associate ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Hong HoonProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Hooker Willard E.Emeritus ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Hopfenberg Harold B.Emeritus Named ProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Hopkins Douglas CEmeritus Research ProfessorCLAWSElectrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Hopkins Douglas CElectrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Hopkins Skylar RaeAsst ProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyGrad Faculty
Hoppin Jane AProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Horn Timothy JosephAssoc ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Horne Erin ThomasAsst Clinical ProfessorEducation Extension DivisionTELSGrad Faculty
Horne Erin ThomasClinical Asst ProfessorEducation Extension DivisionTELSGrad Faculty
Horowitz Jonathan MEmeritus ProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Horowitz Jonathan MProfessorOfc of Research & InnovationDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Horstman Dora LiAsst ProfessorBusiness Management-Poole COMBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Hosseinian SeyedmohammadhosseinAsst ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Hostetter Nathan JamesUSDI Asst ProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyGrad Faculty
Hou JiaAssoc ProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
House John SAdjunct Assoc ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
House John SLecturerData Science AcademyEnglishAffiliate Grad Faculty
House John SData Science AcademyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Hoversten PhD Mark ElisonProfessorCollege of DesignLandscape ArchitectureGrad Faculty
Howard Anna Kathleen TylerTeaching ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Howard KeithAsst Teaching ProfessorParks, Recreation & Tourism MgParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Howard KeithTeaching Asst ProfessorParks, Recreation & Tourism MgParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Howze Pamela BoltonLecturerELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Hoyo CathrineProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Hsiang Simon MFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Hsiao Chien Ching LilianAssoc ProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Hsiao Fu-ChenAsst Research ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Hsiao Fu-ChenResearch Asst ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Hsieh Tzung FuProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Hu JianxinAssoc ProfessorArchitectureArchitectureGrad Faculty
Hu JingjieAsst ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Hu ShuijinProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Huang Chu-JenAssoc ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Huang HeProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Huang Hsiao-Ying ShadowAssoc ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Huang KeDept Molecular Biomedical ScieGrad Faculty
Hubbe Martin AProfessorForest BiomaterialsForest BiomaterialsGrad Faculty
Hudson Lola CarolLecturerDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Hudson Lola CarolDept Molecular Biomedical ScieGrad Faculty
Hudson Samuel MackEmeritus ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryGrad Faculty
Huerta Vazquez Alejandra ItzelAsst ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Huffman Paul RProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Huffman Rodney L.Emeritus Associate ProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Hughes Brian LProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Hughes IanAsst ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Hughes LilyAsst Research ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciAffiliate Grad Faculty
Hughes LilyResearch Asst ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciAffiliate Grad Faculty
Hughes-Oliver Jacqueline M.ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Hulse-Kemp Amanda MarieUSDA Asst ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Hunt III William FProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Hunt Jr Louis DavidEMAS Strategic InitiativesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Hunt Jessica HeatherProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Hunt Marvin WEnglishAffiliate Grad Faculty
Hunter Steven WadeAdjunct ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Huntington Gerald BEmeritus ProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Huntsinger Leta FayAdjunct Assoc ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringAffiliate Grad Faculty
Huntsinger Leta FayInstitute For Trans Research &Affiliate Grad Faculty
Hurlburt Holly SiobhanProfessorUniversity CollegeHistoryGrad Faculty
Hurley Ryan JAssoc ProfessorCommunicationCommunicationGrad Faculty
Husain IqbalProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Huseth Anders SchmidtAssoc ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Hwang Chan MiAsst ProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtGrad Faculty
Hyde Jennie BollingerPsychologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Hyland Ethan GordonAssoc ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Hyman David N.Economics-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Hyman MichaelProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Iafrate Gerald JElectrical & Computer Engr.Affiliate Grad Faculty
Iglesias Frascheri Carlos ArielProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Iiames John ShepherdAdjunct Asst ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchAffiliate Grad Faculty
Intile DVM Joanne LynnAssoc Clinical ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Intile DVM Joanne LynnClinical Assoc ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Iorizzo MassimoAssoc ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Ipsen IlseProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Irving Douglas LeeProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Irwin Connor SeanAsst Teaching ProfessorGraphic & Industrial DesignGraphic & Industrial DesignAffiliate Grad Faculty
Irwin Connor SeanTeaching Asst ProfessorGraphic & Industrial DesignGraphic & Industrial DesignAffiliate Grad Faculty
Irwin Rebecca ElizabethProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyGrad Faculty
Isaacson Nathaniel KennethAssoc ProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Isik FikretProfessorTree Improvement CooperativeFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Isleib Thomas G.Crop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Ison Elon AyindeProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Istook Cynthia LEmeritus ProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyGrad Faculty
Istook Cynthia LProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtGrad Faculty
Ito KazufumiProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Ivanisevic AlbenaMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Ivanov Kostadin NikolovProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Ivy Julie SimmonsEmeritus Named Distng'd ProfFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Jackson Brian EugeneProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Jackson Denis SheraldBTEC-Biomfg Training Ed CtrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Jackson Melvin JonathanOffice for Faculty ExcellenceAffiliate Grad Faculty
Jackson Steven DEmeritus Teaching ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Jacob Megan EProfessorDean's Office - CALSAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Jaeger Audrey J.ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Jaimes Hector AProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Jakes Susan ScherffiusAsst Extension ProfessorAg And Natural Resources/commAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Jakes Susan ScherffiusExtension Asst ProfessorAg And Natural Resources/commAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Jakubikova ElenaProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Jameel HasanProfessorForest BiomaterialsForest BiomaterialsGrad Faculty
Jameson Jessica KatzProfessorCommunicationCommunicationGrad Faculty
Janakiraman RamkumarProfessorBusiness Management-Poole COMBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Jarry-Shore Michael AndreAsst ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Jaselskis Edward JProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Jasper Warren JProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Jayaratne Koralalage Sunil UpaliProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Jaykus Lee-AnnEmeritus Distinguished ProfFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Jeffries Micha JennineAsst Teaching ProfessorTELSElementary EducationGrad Faculty
Jeffries Micha JennineTeaching Asst ProfessorTELSElementary EducationGrad Faculty
Jeffries Stephanie BreardAssoc Teaching ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Jeffries Stephanie BreardTeaching Assoc ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Jeng Xinge JessieAssoc ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Jennings Gregory DonaldEmeritus ProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Jennings Jamie AllisonAssoc Teaching ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Jennings Jamie AllisonTeaching Assoc ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Jennings Katherine MaryAssoc ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Jeong Yea JiAsst ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Jett Jackson BatesEmeritus ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Jett Jackson BatesProfessorTree Improvement CooperativeFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Jetton PhD Robert MillerAssoc ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Jhala Arnav HarishAssoc ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Ji Chueng RyongProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Ji HangjieAsst ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Jiang JicaiAsst ProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Jiang ShiyanAsst ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Jiang WenAsst ProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Jiang XiaoningProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Jiao ShuyinAsst Teaching ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Jiao ShuyinTeaching Asst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Jin BongilAssoc ProfessorGraphic & Industrial DesignGraphic & Industrial DesignGrad Faculty
Jin Byoungho EllieProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtGrad Faculty
Jin GuoliangAdjunct Asst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Jing NaihuanProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Johanningsmeier Suzanne DunnAssoc ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Johnson Amy MarieAssoc ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Johnson CarlaProfessorSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Johnson CoreyProfessorParks, Recreation & Tourism MgParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Johnson Henry LouisProfessor of the PracticeELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Johnson JeremiahAssoc ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Johnson Justin JohnAsst ProfessorArt and DesignArt and DesignGrad Faculty
Johnson Kennita AdrianAsst ProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Johnson Melissa AEmeritus ProfessorCommunicationCommunicationGrad Faculty
Johnson Nevin EdwardAsst ProfessorPhilosophy & Religious StudiesPhilosophy & Religious StudiesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Johnson Richard R.Emeritus ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Johnston Andrew RobertAssoc ProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Johnston David WestEmeritus Named Distng'd ProfCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Johnston Lynette MarieAsst ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Joijode Abhay ShamAdjunct ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciAffiliate Grad Faculty
Joines PhD Sharon Melissa BennettProfessorCollege of DesignGraphic & Industrial DesignGrad Faculty
Joines Jeffrey AllenProfessorAcademic ProgramsTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Jones Christopher MichaelCtr. for Geospatial AnalyticsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Jones Corey MichaelAsst ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Jones Daniela SofiaAsst ProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Jones Ebony PearlAsst ProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Jones Jacob LProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Jones Jill SpargurAsst Teaching ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Jones Jill SpargurTeaching Asst ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Jones Katherine ElizabethCtr. for Geospatial AnalyticsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Jones Melissa GailProfessorSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Jones Samuel LCollege Of Veterinary MedicineGrad Faculty
Jones Tamecia RAsst ProfessorSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Jones Whitney McraeAssoc Teaching ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Jones Whitney McraeTeaching Assoc ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Jordan Chad VictorTeaching ProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Jordan David LProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Joseph Michael VadakekaraAsst ProfessorPrestage Poultry SciencePrestage Poultry ScienceGrad Faculty
Josephs NathanielAsst ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Jovanovic MilenaAsst ProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Joyner Charles EdwardArt and DesignGrad Faculty
Kabukcuoglu Dur Ayse ZeynetiAsst ProfessorEconomics-Poole COMEconomics-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Kaeser Tobias ErnstDept-Population,Health,PathobiGrad Faculty
Kais SabreProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Kalat James W.Emeritus ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Kalnina IlzeAsst ProfessorEconomics-Poole COMEconomics-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Kaltofen Erich LProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Kaminsky Jessica AnnProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Kammerer Christian FarrellAdjunct Asst ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Kamper Derek GaryProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Kandilov Ivan TodorovProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Kang Min JeongAssoc ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Kanters Michael AProfessorParks, Recreation & Tourism MgParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Kaoumi DjamelProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Kapravelos AlexandrosAssoc ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Kasichainula JagannadhamAssoc ProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Kasper-Marienberg Verena InesAssoc ProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Kasworm Carol EdithEmeritus Named ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Kathariou SophiaFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Katsumata AyakoEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Katti Madhusudan VithalAssoc ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Katz Susan MEnglishGrad Faculty
Kaur ParminderPhysicsGrad Faculty
Kautz Elizabeth JaneAsst ProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Kay PhD Colin DavidAdjunct ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Kay Michael G.Assoc ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Kays Roland WesleyResearch ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Kearns Devin McCreadyProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Kedrowicz April AnnAssoc ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Keelara Veerappa ShivaramuAdjunct Asst ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Keene Bruce WProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Kelley Carl TimothyEmeritus ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Kelley John HAssoc Research ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Kelley John HResearch Assoc ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Kelley Stephen SEmeritus ProfessorForest BiomaterialsForest BiomaterialsGrad Faculty
Kellner PhD Hans DoddsEnglishGrad Faculty
Kellogg Shaun BFriday InstituteAffiliate Grad Faculty
Kelly Daniel PatrickAsst ProfessorSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Kelly Robert MProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Keltie Richard F.Emeritus ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Kemahlioglu-Ziya EdaAssoc ProfessorBusiness Management-Poole COMBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Kemper Alexander FranciscusAssoc ProfessorCollege of Sciences ResearchPhysicsGrad Faculty
Kendall AllisonAsst Clinical ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Kendall AllisonClinical Asst ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Kendall Corinne JAdjunct Research Assoc ProfBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Kennedy George G.ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Kennedy-Stoskopf SuzanneDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Kentgens-Craig MargretAdjunct Assoc ProfessorArchitectureArchitectureAffiliate Grad Faculty
Kern JordanAsst ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Kerns James PProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Kessel John J.Emeritus ProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Keung Albert Jun QiAssoc ProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Keyser Tara LynnAdjunct ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchAffiliate Grad Faculty
Keyton JoannEmeritus ProfessorCommunicationCommunicationGrad Faculty
Khachatoorian HaigGraphic & Industrial DesignGrad Faculty
Khaledi MortezaEmeritus ProfessorChemistryChemistryAffiliate Grad Faculty
Khan PhD Sarah ShafiqAssoc Teaching ProfessorBusiness Management-Poole COMBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Khan PhD Sarah ShafiqTeaching Assoc ProfessorBusiness Management-Poole COMBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Khan Saad AProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Khater Akram FProfessorKhayrallah Ctr Lebanese DiaspHistoryGrad Faculty
Khisa MosesAssoc ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Khorram SiamakEmeritus ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Khosla Narendra P.Emeritus ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Kiassat Ashkan CoreyTeaching ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Kick Edward LeeEmeritus ProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Kierepka Elizabeth MarieAsst Research ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Kierepka Elizabeth MarieResearch Asst ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Kiess Aaron ShawnProfessorPrestage Poultry SciencePrestage Poultry ScienceGrad Faculty
Kim ByungsooAsst ProfessorGraphic & Industrial DesignGraphic & Industrial DesignGrad Faculty
Kim DaisoonAsst ProfessorEconomics-Poole COMEconomics-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Kim Jung-EunAsst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Kim Ki WookProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Kim Mi GyungProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Kim SeoyoungAsst ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Kim Sung WooProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Kim Sung-JuAssoc ProfessorSchool of Social WorkSchool of Social WorkGrad Faculty
Kim Youngsoo RProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Kimler William CharlesAssoc ProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Kimmel DavidAdjunct Assoc ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciAffiliate Grad Faculty
King Jason TylerAssoc Teaching ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
King Jason TylerTeaching Assoc ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
King John SProfessorFER Tree PhysiologyFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
King Martin WilliamProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
King Russell E.ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
King Stacy WProfessorBusiness Management-Poole COMBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Kinley-Hanlon Maya Marie AntoinetteAsst Teaching ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Kinley-Hanlon Maya Marie AntoinetteTeaching Asst ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Kinsella William JEmeritus ProfessorCommunicationCommunicationGrad Faculty
Kirby Barbara MalpiediEmeritus ProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Kirby Sarah DProfessorAdministration - Extension SerAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Kirkman Bradley LaneProfessorMgmt, Innovation&EntrepreneurMgmt, Innovation & EntrepreneuGrad Faculty
Kish Jr Frederick AnthonyProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Kittle Autry Meagan AlexandraAssoc Teaching ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringAffiliate Grad Faculty
Kittle Autry Meagan AlexandraTeaching Assoc ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringAffiliate Grad Faculty
Kiwanuka-Tondo JamesEmeritus ProfessorCommunicationCommunicationGrad Faculty
Kleiner ManuelAssoc ProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Kleinstreuer ClementEmeritus ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Klondike Travis MatthewAssoc Research ProfessorLandscape ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureAffiliate Grad Faculty
Klondike Travis MatthewResearch Assoc ProfessorLandscape ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureAffiliate Grad Faculty
Knappe Detlef RProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Knauer Mark TProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Kneller James PProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Knoeber Charles RobertEconomics-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Knollenberg Whitney GraceAssoc ProfessorParks, Recreation & Tourism MgParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Knowles Charles ErnestEmeritus ProfessorMar, Earth & Atmos Sci Grad-TmMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Knowles James RobertAssoc Teaching ProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Knowles James RobertTeaching Assoc ProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Knuth Melinda JeanAsst ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Koch Carl C.Emeritus Named Distng'd ProfMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Koch Frank HAdjunct Assoc ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchAffiliate Grad Faculty
Koch Joanna GreerAssoc Teaching ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Koch Joanna GreerTeaching Assoc ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Kochersberger Robert C.EnglishGrad Faculty
Kochtcheeva Lada VyacheslavovnaProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Koci Matthew D.ProfessorPrestage Poultry SciencePrestage Poultry ScienceGrad Faculty
Kocurek Michael JForest BiomaterialsGrad Faculty
Kogan Irina AleksandrovnaProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Kolar PraveenProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Komarnytsky SlavkoAssoc ProfessorKannapolis ResearchFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Kon Thomas MatthewAssoc ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Konig SebastianAsst ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Kornegay Julia LHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Korobkina EkaterinaNuclear Reactor ProgramGrad Faculty
Kosenko Kama AAssoc ProfessorCommunicationCommunicationGrad Faculty
Kota Arun KumarAssoc ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Kotlarz Nadine PouranAsst ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Kotter-Gruehn DanaTeaching ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Kouri Richard EllisBusiness Management-Poole COMAffiliate Grad Faculty
Kowalsky Mervyn JProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Kozhanova TatianaAsst Teaching ProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Kozhanova TatianaTeaching Asst ProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Kraft Timothy CharlesAssoc ProfessorBusiness Management-Poole COMBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Krakowsky Matthew DavidUSDA Assoc ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Kramer Jonathan CharlesEmeritus Teaching ProfessorPerforming Arts and TechnologyPerforming Arts and TechnologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Kramer Jonathan CharlesLecturerCHASS Intrdsc Affairs&PartnerPerforming Arts and TechnologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Kramer Jonathan CharlesLecturerPerforming Arts and TechnologyPerforming Arts and TechnologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Krause Wendy E.Assoc ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Krawczyk Katherine AnnProfessorAccounting-Poole COMAccounting-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Krim HamidProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Krim JacquelineEmeritus ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Krings AlexanderProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Krishnamurthy SrinivasanAssoc ProfessorBusiness Management-Poole COMBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Kropaczek David JosephAdjunct ProfessorNuclear Grad & TempNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Krotee March LeeProfessorHealth and Exercise StudiesHealth and Exercise StudiesGrad Faculty
Krupa ErinAssoc ProfessorSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Krute Linda DAdjunct Asst ProfessorEngineering Dean's Office/AdmnState Climate Office - AGNETGrad Faculty
Kudenov Michael WProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Kulchina ElenaAssoc ProfessorMgmt, Innovation&EntrepreneurMgmt, Innovation & EntrepreneuGrad Faculty
Kulesza Stephanie BrookeAsst ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Kulkarni Raveendra RangaraoAsst ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Kullman Seth WilliamProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Kumah Divine PhilipAssoc ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Kuraparthy VasuProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Kuttal SandeepAssoc ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Kuzma JenniferProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Kuznetsov Andrey ValerevichProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Kwon Cassandra HyunAdjunct Asst ProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Kwon Cassandra HyunTextile ExtensionAffiliate Grad Faculty
LaBarr Aric DavidAssoc Teaching ProfessorAdvanced AnalyticsEconomics-Poole COMAffiliate Grad Faculty
LaBarr Aric DavidTeaching Assoc ProfessorAdvanced AnalyticsEconomics-Poole COMAffiliate Grad Faculty
LaBean Thomas HProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Laber Eric BenjaminAdjunct ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Lackmann Gary MProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Lada Thomas J.Emeritus ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Lado Jr FredEmeritus ProfessorPhysicsMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Laggner FlorianAsst ProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Laleicke Paul FrederikAsst ProfessorForest BiomaterialsForest BiomaterialsGrad Faculty
Lalush David SAssoc ProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Lamar Traci Ann MayProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtGrad Faculty
Lamb Harold HenryEmeritus ProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Lambert Misty DawnAssoc ProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Lambert Valerie AnnAssoc ProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Lan KaiAsst ProfessorForest BiomaterialsForest BiomaterialsGrad Faculty
Landin Jennifer MarieTeaching ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Lane ElizabethAsst ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Lang Albert JosephFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchAffiliate Grad Faculty
Langerhans Randall BrianAssoc ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Langley Ricky LeeAdjunct Asst ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Lanier Tyre C.Food,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Lanzas CristinaProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Laplante PhD CarolineAssoc ProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Lapp John S.Economics-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Lari PoonehAsst Teaching ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Lari PoonehTeaching Asst ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Larick DuaneEmeritus ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Larick DuaneExec Vice Chancellor & ProvostGrad Faculty
Larson Lincoln RayAssoc ProfessorParks, Recreation & Tourism MgParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Larson Sarah MichelleAssoc ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Lascelles Duncan X.ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Laster Scott M.Emeritus ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Laux Dorianne LouiseEnglishGrad Faculty
Lavelle Jerome PhilipProfessorAssociate Dean For Academic AfTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Lavoine Nathalie MarieAsst ProfessorForest BiomaterialsForest BiomaterialsGrad Faculty
Lavopa Anthony J.Emeritus ProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Law Emily CandaceAsst Teaching ProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtAffiliate Grad Faculty
Law Emily CandaceTeaching Asst ProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtAffiliate Grad Faculty
Law Jerry MDept-Population,Health,PathobiGrad Faculty
LeBlanc Gerald AndreEmeritus ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
LeBlanc Sharonda Latrice JohnsonAsst ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
LePrevost Catherine ElizabethExtension ProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyGrad Faculty
Lebude Anthony VAssoc ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Lechner Steven EdwinAsst Teaching ProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Lechner Steven EdwinTeaching Asst ProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Lee Alice MeiAssoc Teaching ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Lee Alice MeiTeaching Assoc ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Lee Andrew JeungahnAsst ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Lee BongmookAdjunct Assoc ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Lee Chin HoAsst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Lee Dean JunyuelAdjunct ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Lee DonggunAsst ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Lee HannaAsst ProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtGrad Faculty
Lee Hollylynne StohlProfessorSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Lee JaeminAsst ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Lee Jeong DaeAsst Teaching ProfessorHealth and Exercise StudiesHealth and Exercise StudiesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Lee Jeong DaeTeaching Asst ProfessorHealth and Exercise StudiesHealth and Exercise StudiesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Lee John KellyProfessorResearch & Development CenterTELSGrad Faculty
Lee KangjaeParks, Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Lee Susanna MAssoc ProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Lee Yuan-ShinProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Legant WesleyAsst ProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Leggett Zakiya HolmesAssoc ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Leiter Jeffrey CarlSociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Leithold Elana L.ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Lemaster Richard LForest BiomaterialsGrad Faculty
Leming Michael LloydEmeritus ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Leon Gonzalez Ramon GonzaloProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Leonard Suzanne McKayAsst ProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Leonas KarenProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtGrad Faculty
Lester II James CProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Leung Kent Kwan HoAsst ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Leung Yu-FaiProfessorParks, Recreation & Tourism MgParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Levenbook Barbara B.Emeritus ProfessorPhilosophy & Religious StudiesPhilosophy & Religious StudiesGrad Faculty
Leverentz Andrea MargaretProfessorSociology & AnthropologySociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Levin Harold D.Emeritus Associate ProfessorPhilosophy & Religious StudiesPhilosophy & Religious StudiesGrad Faculty
Levine Jay FrederickProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Levy PhD Michael GreenDept-Population,Health,PathobiGrad Faculty
Levy RachelProfessorData Science AcademyMathematicsGrad Faculty
Lewald Carol AnnAcademic and Student AffairsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Lewbart Gregory AProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Lewellen Christina MariaAssoc ProfessorAccounting-Poole COMAccounting-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Lewis Ramsey SProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Ley David H.Dept-Population,Health,PathobiGrad Faculty
Li BailianProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Li FanxingProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Li HuiAsst ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Li HuiningAsst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Li JiajiaAsst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Li Lingjuan WangProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Li XiaotongAsst ProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Li XuProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Li Zane KunAsst ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Li ZhengAssoc ProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Li ZhilinProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Liao Chia yuehAssoc ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Lidman TyeAssoc ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Lietz AmandaAsst ProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Lila Mary AnnProfessorKannapolis ResearchFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Lim Phooi K.Emeritus ProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Lim Shuang FangAssoc ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Lin Shih-ChunAssoc ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Lin Xiao-BiaoEmeritus ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Lin XingchengAsst ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Lindbo David LEmeritus ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Linder Keith EDept-Population,Health,PathobiGrad Faculty
Lindsay Edwin KeithAssoc Teaching ProfessorParks, Recreation & Tourism MgParks Recreation & Tourism MgAffiliate Grad Faculty
Lindsay Edwin KeithTeaching Assoc ProfessorParks, Recreation & Tourism MgParks Recreation & Tourism MgAffiliate Grad Faculty
Lindsay VincentAssoc ProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Lindsey Jonathan SProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
List George FProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Little MichaelAsst ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Little Trevor J.Emeritus ProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyGrad Faculty
Littlejohn Deborah KAssoc ProfessorGraphic & Industrial DesignGraphic & Industrial DesignGrad Faculty
Liu Hsiao-ChingProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Liu JianqingAsst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Liu Jing-puProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Liu JunAssoc ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Liu MingAsst Research ProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Liu MingResearch Asst ProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Liu WushengAssoc ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Liu XiaojingAsst ProfessorBiochemistryBiochemistryGrad Faculty
Liu XiaoruiAsst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Liu XuAdjunct Assoc ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Liu YinAsst ProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Liu YuanAdjunct ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Liu YuanAsst ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Liu YuchenAsst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Liu YunanAssoc ProfessorOperations Research-engrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Livingston David PUSDA ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Livingston Frederick J.Assoc Teaching ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Livingston Frederick J.Teaching Assoc ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Lloyd Alun LProfessorCollege of Sciences - DeanMathematicsGrad Faculty
Lobaton Edgar JProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Locke Anna MichelleUSDA Asst ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Lommel Steven AllenProfessorAdministration - Research ServEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Long Terri AProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Longland Richard LeighAssoc ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Lopez Soto Eduardo JavierAsst ProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Lopez Torres Angeles ValeriaAsst ProfessorGraphic & Industrial DesignGraphic & Industrial DesignGrad Faculty
Lorenzen Marce D.ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Losordo Thomas M.Emeritus ProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Loughlin Daniel HAdjunct Asst ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringAffiliate Grad Faculty
Louws Frank JohnProfessorHorticultural ScienceEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Lu NingProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Lu WenbinProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Lu WenchangResearch ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Lubischer Jane L.Teaching ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Lubkeman David LeeElectrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Lubkin Sharon RProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Lucia Lucian AmerigoAdjunct ProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Lucia Lucian AmerigoProfessorForest BiomaterialsForest BiomaterialsGrad Faculty
Lucier Gregory WAssoc Research ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Lucier Gregory WResearch Assoc ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Luff Jennifer AnnAssoc ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Luginbuhl Jean-MarieEmeritus ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Lugo Velez Monica ElenaAsst ProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Lukic Srdjan MiodragProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Lukins Jordan McNeillAsst Teaching ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Lukins Jordan McNeillTeaching Asst ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Lunardi LedaEmeritus ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Lunn David PaulDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Lunn Katharine FionaDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Luo HongProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Lupek MeganAsst Teaching ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Lupek MeganTeaching Asst ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Luria Keith PhillipProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Lux LeAnn RanaeAsst ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Lynch PhD Collin FrancisAssoc ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Lynch Abigail JuliaApplied EcologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Lynch Alex MichaelAssoc ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Lynch Emily ClaireAdjunct Research Assistant ProBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Lyons Kevin MProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Lyu ZheAsst ProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Mabrito Robert AlanAssoc ProfessorPhilosophy & Religious StudiesPhilosophy & Religious StudiesGrad Faculty
Macdonald Jeffrey MAssoc ProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Machado GustavoAssoc ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Mack Katherine JeanAsst ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Mackenzie Jr John MBiochemistryGrad Faculty
Magallanes Fernando H.Emeritus Associate ProfessorLandscape ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureGrad Faculty
Magarey Roger DuncanIntegrated Pest Mgmt-ResearchAffiliate Grad Faculty
Maggi RicardoResearch ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Mahaffey James WilliamEmeritus ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Mahinthakumar GnanamanikamProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Mahoney Richard DoyleProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Mahony-Atallah Kristen ElizabethAsst ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Mainland Charles MichaelEmeritus ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Maity ArnabProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Makris Thomas MichaelProfessorBiochemistryBiochemistryGrad Faculty
Malgonde Onkar ShamraoAsst ProfessorBusiness Management-Poole COMBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Malheiros Ramon DinizAsst ProfessorPrestage Poultry SciencePrestage Poultry ScienceGrad Faculty
Mali IvanaAssoc ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Mallavarapu Aditi KrishnaAsst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Mallette Bruce IngramELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Maltecca ChristianProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Manfra Meghan McGlinnProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Manion Andrew JasonAsst ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Mankad ShawnAssoc ProfessorBusiness Management-Poole COMBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Mannshardt Elizabeth CatherineStatisticsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Mantooth Renae NAsst Professor of the PracticeArchitectureArchitectureGrad Faculty
Manzoni AnnaProfessorSociology & AnthropologySociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Maraffi ChristopherAsst ProfessorArt and DesignArt and DesignGrad Faculty
Marante Traci BrynneProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Marchant Montenegro Hernan PedroProfessorArt and DesignArt and DesignGrad Faculty
Margolis Stephen E.Economics-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Mari JorgeProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Mariani Christopher L.ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Markham Stephen KProfessorNCSU Entrepreneurship ProgramMgmt, Innovation & EntrepreneuGrad Faculty
Marks Steven LAdjunct ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Marks Steven LCollege Of Veterinary MedicineAffiliate Grad Faculty
Marlin Joe A.Emeritus ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Marra Michele CEmeritus ProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Marsden KurtAssoc ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Marshall Pham Samantha AnnAsst ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Marshall David S.Emeritus USDA ProfEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Marshall Patricia LProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Martens Christopher RobinAdjunct Asst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Martin Jr Robert HEmeritus ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Martin David WPsychologyGrad Faculty
Martin Donald Eugene KempAssoc ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Martin EmilyAsst Clinical ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Martin EmilyClinical Asst ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Martin FlorenceProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Martin James DProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Martin Katherine LeeAssoc ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Martin Linda DintamanUrban Affairs & Community ServGrad Faculty
Martin Louis AProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Martin Meredith PearlAsst ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Martin Michael PatrickAdjunct ProfessorPrestage Poultry SciencePrestage Poultry ScienceAffiliate Grad Faculty
Martin Ryan GlennProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Mason Sarah KatherineAdjunct Assoc ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Mastromauro Michael LouisAsst Clinical ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Mastromauro Michael LouisClinical Asst ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Matalenas Laura AnnLecturerPsychologyPsychologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Matherne Jacob PaulAsst ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Mathews Gary LynnEmeritus Teaching ProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Mathews Kyle GProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Mathur KavitaAssoc ProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtGrad Faculty
Matsuda NoboruAssoc ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Matthews BrianAsst Teaching ProfessorSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Matthews BrianTeaching Asst ProfessorSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Matthews Delisia RaychelleAssoc ProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtGrad Faculty
Matthews Jessica LoockAdjunct Asst ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Mattingly Carolyn JaneProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Mattingly John KellyProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Maultsby Bevin LaurelAssoc Teaching ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Maultsby Bevin LaurelTeaching Assoc ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Maxa Edward L.Emeritus Associate ProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Maxwell Earl S.BiochemistryGrad Faculty
May Leila SEnglishGrad Faculty
Mayer Roger CProfessorMgmt, Innovation&EntrepreneurMgmt, Innovation & EntrepreneuGrad Faculty
Mayhorn Christopher BrookeProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Mayorga Maria EstherProfessorEngineering Dean's Office/AdmnFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Maze BenoitAsst Research ProfessorNonwovens InstituteTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Maze BenoitResearch Asst ProfessorNonwovens InstituteTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Mazzoleni Andre PProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
McAvoy PaulaAssoc ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
McCall Patricia LouSociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
McClelland Jacquelyn W.Emeritus ProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
McConnell Brandon MarkAssoc Research ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
McConnell Brandon MarkResearch Assoc ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
McConnell David AEmeritus ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
McCord Marian GayleAdjunct ProfessorForest BiomaterialsForest BiomaterialsGrad Faculty
McCoy Emily RyanAssoc Profess of the PracticeLandscape ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureAffiliate Grad Faculty
McDonald III Bruce D.ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
McDonald RosaAsst ProfessorArchitectureArchitectureGrad Faculty
McDonald Steven J.ProfessorSociology & AnthropologySociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
McElroy Michael B.Economics-Poole COMGrad Faculty
McFeeters Roger FloydFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
McGahan Mary C.College of Sciences - DeanGrad Faculty
McGill Alicia EbbittAssoc ProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
McGill Dru EvanAsst ProfessorSociology & AnthropologySociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
McGowan Herle MTeaching ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
McGrath Peter JosephAsst ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
McGuire Keon MonteAssoc ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
McKeand Steven EdwardEmeritus ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
McKeand Steven EdwardTree Improvement CooperativeGrad Faculty
McKee Katherine ElizabethAssoc ProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
McKenna Gregory BornResearch ProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
McKenney Erin AlisonAsst ProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyGrad Faculty
McKenzie Wendell HerbertEmeritus ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
McKeown Julia O'NealAssoc Teaching ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
McKeown Julia O'NealTeaching Assoc ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
McKerrow Alexa JAdjunct Asst ProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
McLaughlin Anne CollinsProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
McLaughlin Gail C.ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
McLaughlin LeviProfessorPhilosophy & Religious StudiesPhilosophy & Religious StudiesGrad Faculty
McLaughlin Richard AEmeritus ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
McMonigal Kayleen TheresaAdjunct Asst ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciAffiliate Grad Faculty
McMullin MichelleAsst ProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
McNulty Steven GeorgeUSDA ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
McQueen LaTanya DeniseAsst ProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
McRae David S.Emeritus ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
McRae Gail G.Emeritus ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Mcginley Kathleen AnnAdjunct Asst ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchAffiliate Grad Faculty
Mcintyre Donald RayAdjunct Asst ProfessorPrestage Poultry SciencePrestage Poultry ScienceAffiliate Grad Faculty
Mcleod Sterling MarkAsst Teaching ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Mcleod Sterling MarkTeaching Asst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Meade Adam WProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Medhin Negash G.ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Meentemeyer Ross KendallProfessorCtr. for Geospatial AnalyticsFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Megalos Mark ArthurEmeritus Extension ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Meiklejohn Kelly AnnAssoc ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Meilleur FloraProfessorBiochemistryBiochemistryGrad Faculty
Meisner Colten CharlesAsst ProfessorCommunicationCommunicationGrad Faculty
Meitzen John EdwardProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Mell JulieAssoc ProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Mellen Charron KatherineAssoc ProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Melnitchouk WallyAdjunct ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Melton III Thomas A.Emeritus Named ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Melton III Thomas A.Ag And Natural Resources/commGrad Faculty
Menegatti StefanoAssoc ProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Menzies Timothy JamesProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Mera Roberto JavierAsst Teaching ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciAffiliate Grad Faculty
Mera Roberto JavierTeaching Asst ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciAffiliate Grad Faculty
Meritet Danielle MarieAsst Clinical ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Meritet Danielle MarieClinical Asst ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Merrill Melissa SchusterProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Mershon Donald H.PsychologyGrad Faculty
Mertz John PEmeritus Associate ProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Meskhidze NicholasProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Messenger Kristen MicheleAssoc ProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Meurs Kathryn MontgomeProfessorCollege Of Veterinary MedicineDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Meuten Donald J.Dept-Population,Health,PathobiGrad Faculty
Meyer Jr CarlEmeritus ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Meyer Elijah SterlingAsst Teaching ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Meyer Elijah SterlingTeaching Asst ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Meyer John R.Emeritus ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Mian Rouf MUSDA ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Michielsen StephenEmeritus ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryGrad Faculty
Michnowicz James CasimirProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Mickle James E.Emeritus ProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Midani Mohamad SamirAdjunct Assoc ProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Midgett Arion KennedyAsst ProfessorBiochemistryBiochemistryGrad Faculty
Mielke Jeffrey IngleProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Mikaelyan Aram ArshakAsst ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Mikail RajibAdjunct Asst ProfessorFREEDM CenterElectrical & Computer Engr.Affiliate Grad Faculty
Mikhalevich Irina GregoryevnaAsst ProfessorPhilosophy & Religious StudiesPhilosophy & Religious StudiesGrad Faculty
Milla-Lewis Susana RitaProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Miller III Thomas KenanEmeritus Named Distng'd ProfNCSU Entrepreneurship ProgramElectrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Miller III Thomas KenanElectrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Miller Carolyn RaeEnglishGrad Faculty
Miller Eric S.ProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Miller Grady L.ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Miller W JProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Miller William LaubachEmeritus ProfessorBiochemistryBiochemistryGrad Faculty
Millhauser JohnAssoc ProfessorSociology & AnthropologySociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Mills Amanda CatonAsst ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Min WookheeComputer Science-engrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Minogue JamesProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Minter Larry JDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Mirbagher Ajorpaz SamiraAsst ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Mishra I Santosh KumarAssoc ProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Mishra Aura AnkitaAsst ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Misra Kailash ChandraProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Misra VeenaProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Mitas LubosProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Mitasova HelenaProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Mitchell Anne WProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Mitchell KarlynAssoc ProfessorBusiness Management-Poole COMBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Mitchell Philip HAssoc ProfessorForest BiomaterialsForest BiomaterialsGrad Faculty
Mitchell Rolanda LevicaAsst ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Mitin DmitriAssoc Teaching ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Mitin DmitriTeaching Assoc ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Mitkov ZlatinAsst Teaching ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Mitkov ZlatinTeaching Asst ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Mitra AritraAsst ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Mochizuki HiroyukiAsst ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Mody Sujata SudhakarAssoc ProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Mojica Gemma FoustFI/CED Research FellowsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Mollinari PhD MarceloAsst Research ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceAffiliate Grad Faculty
Mollinari PhD MarceloResearch Asst ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceAffiliate Grad Faculty
Monaco Thomas J.Emeritus ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Monahan John FEmeritus ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Moncada Reyes Marvin LeonelAsst ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Moneta LarryBelk Center for Comm CollegeAffiliate Grad Faculty
Monette Benjamin JosephTeaching ProfessorLandscape ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureAffiliate Grad Faculty
Monette Benjamin JosephLandscape ArchitectureAffiliate Grad Faculty
Money Eric ShaneAssoc Teaching ProfessorCtr. for Geospatial AnalyticsFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Money Eric ShaneTeaching Assoc ProfessorCtr. for Geospatial AnalyticsFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Monks David W.ProfessorAdministration - Research ServHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Monroe Jr DannyBTEC-Biomfg Training Ed CtrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Monteiro-Riviere Nancy ADept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Montero Gerardo AAdjunct Asst ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryAffiliate Grad Faculty
Monti Belmonte JulioAsst ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Montoya Brina MortensenProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Moog Robert S.Public & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Moon DonghwanAsst ProfessorArchitectureArchitectureGrad Faculty
Moore Gary E.Emeritus ProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Moore Jeannette AAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Moore Marguerite MurrayProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtGrad Faculty
Moore Robin C.Emeritus ProfessorLandscape ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureGrad Faculty
Moore Roger LouisEmeritus Associate ProfessorParks, Recreation & Tourism MgParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Moorman Christopher EProfessorFisheries and Wildlife ProgramFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Morais Duarte B.ProfessorParks, Recreation & Tourism MgParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Morant Tamah ChesneyTeaching ProfessorUniversity CollegeEconomics-Poole COMAffiliate Grad Faculty
Moresco AnnekeDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Moretto Mark JosephAsst ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Morgado Patricia EAssoc ProfessorArchitectureArchitectureGrad Faculty
Morgado Patricia EEmeritus Associate ProfessorArchitectureArchitectureGrad Faculty
Morillo John DEmeritus ProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Morrill Melinda SandlerProfessorEconomics-Poole COMEconomics-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Morrill Thayer StephenProfessorEconomics-Poole COMEconomics-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Morrison Patrick JamesComputer Science-engrGrad Faculty
Morrissey Sharon VanhookAdjunct Prof of the PracticeELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Morrow William MEmeritus ProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Motsinger-Reif Alison AnneStatisticsGrad Faculty
Mott Bradford WayneAdjunct Asst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Mowatt PhD Norman AaronProfessorParks, Recreation & Tourism MgParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Mozdziak Paul EdwardProfessorPrestage Poultry SciencePrestage Poultry ScienceGrad Faculty
Muddiman David CProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Mueller James PaulEmeritus ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Mueller Rainer FrankProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Mulholland James StephenProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Mullen Michael DavidEmeritus ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Mullen Michael DavidProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Muller MarieAssoc ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Mulvey Kelly Lynn SaraAssoc ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Mulvey Paul WAssoc ProfessorMgmt, Innovation&EntrepreneurMgmt, Innovation & EntrepreneuGrad Faculty
Munana Karen RProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Murr Natalie SimonaAsst Clinical ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Murr Natalie SimonaClinical Asst ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Murray David SethTeaching ProfessorCHASS Intrdsc Affairs&PartnerSociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Murray Ryan WilliamAsst ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Murty Korukonda LingaProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Muse Spencer VProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Musulin Sarah E.Assoc Clinical ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Musulin Sarah E.Clinical Assoc ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Muth John FProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Muzhingi TawandaFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScAffiliate Grad Faculty
Mwangi samuel NjorogeAsst ProfessorPrestage Poultry SciencePrestage Poultry ScienceGrad Faculty
Mykyta Larysa AnnaWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Nagel RobertEmeritus ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Nagle Jr H TroyProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Nalepa Christine AnnAdjunct Assoc ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Nam Chang SAdjunct ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Nance Mark TAssoc ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Narayan JagdishProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Narayan Roger JagdishProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Narayanaswamy VenkateswaranProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Nartker Katherine ErinAsst ProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtGrad Faculty
Nascone-Yoder Nanette MProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Nason James MEconomics-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Nassar Sylvia Christine MariaProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Nau James M.Emeritus ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Nau James M.Emeritus ProfessorEngineering OnlineCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Nawab YasirAdjunct ProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Neal Joseph CProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Neel Jennifer ADept-Population,Health,PathobiGrad Faculty
Neilson Andrew PeterProfessorKannapolis ResearchFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Nelson Sagues Natalie GenevieveAssoc ProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Nelson Stacy Arnold CharlesProfessorCollege of Natural ResourcesFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Neupert Shevaun D.ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Nevzorov Alexander AProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Newmark Craig M.Economics-Poole COMAffiliate Grad Faculty
Nfah-Abbenyi PhD Juliana MakuchiProfessorFaculty & Staff Dev. & SuccessEnglishGrad Faculty
Ngaile GraciousProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Nguyen Tien KhaiAssoc ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Nichols Elizabeth GuthrieProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Niedzlek-Feaver MarianneBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Nielsen Dahlia M.Assoc ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Nielsen Larry AndrewEmeritus ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Nietfeld JohnProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Nikoi Nii KoteiAsst ProfessorCommunicationCommunicationGrad Faculty
Nix Carol LynnCrafts CenterAffiliate Grad Faculty
Njie Haddy MAssoc Teaching ProfessorCHASS Intrdsc Affairs&PartnerPsychologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Njie Haddy MTeaching Assoc ProfessorCHASS Intrdsc Affairs&PartnerPsychologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Nocera AmatoAsst ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Nolan Jennifer AnneAssoc ProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Nolan Michael WarrenProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Norgilas DominykasAsst ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Norris Larry KeithEmeritus Associate ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Nowell Branda LProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Nsonwu Maura BuschProfessorSchool of Social WorkSchool of Social WorkGrad Faculty
O'Brien Gail WHistoryGrad Faculty
O'Connor Brendan TimothyProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Obenour Daniel RAssoc ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Oblinger James LeslieEmeritus ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Oden Robert DwightAdjunct LecturerElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Affiliate Grad Faculty
Oden Robert DwightLecturerElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Affiliate Grad Faculty
Odle JackProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Odom Janice EAdjunct Asst ProfessorAlumni EngagementCHASS Intrdsc Affairs&PartnerAffiliate Grad Faculty
Oduor Kenya FreemanAdjunct Asst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Oduor Kenya FreemanAsst Teaching ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Oduor Kenya FreemanTeaching Asst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Ogan KemaforAssoc ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Oh AnnieAsst ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Oh DavidAsst ProfessorGraphic & Industrial DesignGraphic & Industrial DesignGrad Faculty
Ohata JunAsst ProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Ojiambo PeterProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Olby Natasha JProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Oliver Kevin MProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Oliver-Hoyo Maria TeresaProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Olivry Thierry Jean MarieDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Ollis D FChemical & Biomolecular EngrGrad Faculty
Olson Jonathan WAssoc ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Oltmans Arnold W.Emeritus Associate ProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Olufsen Annemette SofieProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Olukolu Bode AHorticultural ScienceAffiliate Grad Faculty
Oneal Jr John BElectrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Opperman Charles H.ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Opperman Logan JacobAsst Teaching ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Opperman Logan JacobTeaching Asst ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Opromolla Luca DavidProfessorEconomics-Poole COMEconomics-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Oralkan OmerProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Orders Amy BuchananEHPS Strategic InitiativesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Ore John-Paul WilliamAsst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Orgeron PhD Devin A.EnglishGrad Faculty
Ormond Robert BAssoc ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Orndorff Paul E.Dept-Population,Health,PathobiGrad Faculty
Oronsaye Iyare Emmanuel ChristopherAsst ProfessorArt and DesignArt and DesignGrad Faculty
Orr David BAssoc ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Orr Miriam EProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Osborne Jason A.ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Osborne Susan SinclairEmeritus Associate ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Osburn Carlton M.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Osburn Christopher LeeProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Osburn Monica ZozoneCounseling ServicesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Osmond Deanna LProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Oten Kelly Lynn FelderhoffAsst ProfessorForestry ExtensionFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Ottesen Johnny T.Adjunct ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Ougouag Abderrafi Mohammed El-AmineProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Overstreet Norman AndrewELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Overton Margery FrancesProfessorInst. Strategy & AnalysisCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Oviedo-Rondon Edgar OrlandoProfessorPrestage Poultry SciencePrestage Poultry ScienceGrad Faculty
Owen Lewis AndrewProfessorCollege of Sciences - DeanMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Oxenham WilliamEmeritus Named Distng'd ProfTextile Engineering, ChemistryGrad Faculty
Ozaltin Nur OzgeAsst Teaching ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Ozaltin Nur OzgeTeaching Asst ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Ozaltin Osman YalinAssoc ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Ozawa Sarah MarieAsst ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Ozdemir OzgurAssoc Research ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Affiliate Grad Faculty
Ozdemir OzgurResearch Assoc ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Affiliate Grad Faculty
Ozlu EkremAsst ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Ozturk Hatice OrunBiomedical Program - ENGAffiliate Grad Faculty
Ozturk Mehmet CevdetProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Pacifici Jamian KrishnaAssoc ProfessorFisheries and Wildlife ProgramFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Pacifici Lara BTeaching ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Paciulli Lisa MSenior LecturerBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Padilla ArthurMgmt, Innovation&EntrepreneurGrad Faculty
Paerl Ryan WilliamAssoc ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Paesler MichaelEmeritus ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Pagach Donald PProfessorAccounting-Poole COMAccounting-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Page PhD Lavon BarryEmeritus Associate ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Painter Jason LawrenceThe Science House-SciencesThe Science House-COSAffiliate Grad Faculty
Pairis-Garcia Monique DanielleProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Pal LokendraProfessorForest BiomaterialsForest BiomaterialsGrad Faculty
Pala OkanComputer Science-engrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Palmquist Raymond B.Economics-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Palmtag Scott ParkerResearch ProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Pancorbo JenniferBTEC-Biomfg Training Ed CtrBTEC-Biomanuf Training Ed CtrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Pandolfo Tamara JaneAsst Teaching ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Pandolfo Tamara JaneTeaching Asst ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Pang TaoProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Pankow Mark RobertAdjunct Assoc ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Panthee Dilip RajAssoc ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Pantic ZeljkoAssoc ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Papanicolaou AndrewAssoc ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Papapanagiotou IoannisAsst Teaching ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Affiliate Grad Faculty
Papapanagiotou IoannisTeaching Asst ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Affiliate Grad Faculty
Papich Mark GProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Papp DavidAssoc ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Paquin Laura AnneAsst ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Parajuli RajanAssoc ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Parcel Toby LSociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Pardue Samuel LloydCALS - Academic ProgramsGrad Faculty
Park PhD SoonhyeProfessorSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Park SunkyuProfessorForest BiomaterialsForest BiomaterialsGrad Faculty
Park Travis DaleProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Parker III George W.Emeritus Associate ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Parker Brean'a MonetAsst ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Parker Matthew DavidProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Parker Michael L.Assoc ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Parks Lisa DTeaching ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Parnin Christopher JosephAdjunct Assoc ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Parrillo-Chapman Lisa LynneProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtGrad Faculty
Parsons Gregory NProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Pasalar CelenAssoc ProfessorLandscape ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureGrad Faculty
Paskova Tania MilkovaElectrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Pasquinelli Melissa AnneProfessorCollege of Natural ResourcesForest BiomaterialsGrad Faculty
Pasten Jose AgustinProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Patisaul Heather BeaupreAdjunct ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Patrick Jason FredrickAssoc ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Patterson Robert P.ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Patton ColleenAsst ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Paul Stepan SebouhAssoc Teaching ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Paul Stepan SebouhTeaching Assoc ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Paulette Tate SewellAssoc ProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Paur SandraEmeritus Associate ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Pavlidis SpyridonAssoc ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Pawlak Joel JustinAssoc ProfessorForest BiomaterialsForest BiomaterialsGrad Faculty
Payton Fay CobbBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Pazdernik Karl Timothy LeRoyAsst Research ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Pazdernik Karl Timothy LeRoyResearch Asst ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Peacock Charles H.Emeritus ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Pearce Douglas K.Economics-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Pearson Erin FreyAsst Research ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Pearson Erin FreyResearch Asst ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Pearson Jamie NicoleAssoc ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Peet Mary MonnigEmeritus ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Pelletier DenisProfessorEconomics-Poole COMEconomics-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Pendlebury Michael JohnEmeritus ProfessorPhilosophy & Religious StudiesPhilosophy & Religious StudiesGrad Faculty
Peng XinxiaAssoc ProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Penick John EEmeritus ProfessorSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Pennell Joan ThrushSchool of Social WorkGrad Faculty
Penrose Ann M.EnglishGrad Faculty
Peralta Perry NacnacAssoc ProfessorForest BiomaterialsForest BiomaterialsGrad Faculty
Percy Adrian JohnProfessorPlant SciencesPlant and Microbial BiologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Perera Imara YasminResearch ProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Peretti Steven W.Emeritus Associate ProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Perez Diaz Ilenys MunizAdjunct Assoc ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Perkins-Veazie PenelopeProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Perros Harilaos GeorgeEmeritus ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Perros Helen C.HistoryAffiliate Grad Faculty
Perry Lester BakerAdjunct ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciAffiliate Grad Faculty
Pesout OndrejNC State PragueAffiliate Grad Faculty
Peszlen Ilona MariaAssoc ProfessorForest BiomaterialsForest BiomaterialsGrad Faculty
Peters Kara JoProfessorEngineering Dean's Office/AdmnMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Peterson Markus NilsProfessorFisheries and Wildlife ProgramFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Peterson Matthew OAssoc ProfessorGraphic & Industrial DesignGraphic & Industrial DesignGrad Faculty
Petherbridge Donna TuckerAdjunct Asst ProfessorDELTAELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Petitte James NEmeritus ProfessorPrestage Poultry SciencePrestage Poultry ScienceGrad Faculty
Petras VaclavCtr. for Geospatial AnalyticsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Petrasova AnnaCtr. for Geospatial AnalyticsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Petritz Olivia AnneAssoc ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Petry William KevinAsst ProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Petters Robert M.Emeritus ProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Petty Ian TProfessorDELTABiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Pfaendtner Walter JamesProfessorEngineering Dean's Office/AdmnChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Pfaffendorf JessicaAsst ProfessorSociology & AnthropologySociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Pham Lam Dinh SonAsst ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Phan WilliamAsst ProfessorEconomics-Poole COMEconomics-Poole COMAffiliate Grad Faculty
Phelan Daniel JosephAdjunct Prof of the PracticeELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Philbrick C RussellMarine, Earth And AtmosphericGrad Faculty
Phillips Richard BusbeeAdjunct ProfessorForest BiomaterialsForest BiomaterialsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Phillips Shannon ElizabethProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Picart Jose' AProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Pickworth Poole Carrie LynnAssoc ProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Piedrahita Jorge AProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Pierce Joshua GlennProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Pierce Kursten VeronicaAsst ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Pierce MarcelaProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Pietrafesa Leonard J.Emeritus ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Pigg Stacey LProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Piggott Nicholas EProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Pinton Gianmarco FrancescoAssoc ProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Place WayneProfessorArchitectureArchitectureGrad Faculty
Planchart AntonioAssoc ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Polacheck William JosephAdjunct Asst ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Polacheck William JosephAsst ProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Pollack Jeffrey MProfessorMgmt, Innovation&EntrepreneurMgmt, Innovation & EntrepreneuGrad Faculty
Pollock Kenneth HughEmeritus ProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyGrad Faculty
Pond III Samuel B.PsychologyGrad Faculty
Ponnusamy LoganathanEntomology & Plant PathologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Poole PhD Chad AshleyAsst ProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Poole Daniel HeathProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Poore Matt HProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Pope Carol A.Emeritus ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Porter Stephen RobertProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Porter Wesley MarkAdjunct Assoc ProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Porterfield Jane AnnAssoc ProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtGrad Faculty
Portillo Chaves Federico ExearioLecturerPhysicsPhysicsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Posner Lysa PamProfessorCVM-ACADEMIC AffairsDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Post Angela RoseAssoc ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Post Justin BlaiseTeaching ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Potter Kevin MAdjunct ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Pourdeyhimi BehnamProfessorTextiles-Dean's OfficeTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Pourghaz MoeProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Powell Elizabeth ErinAssoc ProfessorMgmt, Innovation&EntrepreneurMgmt, Innovation & EntrepreneuAffiliate Grad Faculty
Powell Gareth StephenAsst ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Powell Nancy C.Emeritus ProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyGrad Faculty
Powell Roger A.Emeritus ProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyGrad Faculty
Prater John T.Adjunct ProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringAffiliate Grad Faculty
Prestemon Jeffrey PAdjunct ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchAffiliate Grad Faculty
Presutti David GAsst Teaching ProfessorBiochemistryBiochemistryAffiliate Grad Faculty
Presutti David GTeaching Asst ProfessorBiochemistryBiochemistryAffiliate Grad Faculty
Price Charles EdwiinLecturerELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Price Charles EdwiinELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Price Thomason WilliamAssoc ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Prioli Carmine A.EnglishGrad Faculty
Pritchard Ruie J.Emeritus ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Proestos Giorgio TalottiAsst ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Protz Shawn StephenAsst ProfessorArchitectureArchitectureGrad Faculty
Proulx CarolineAssoc ProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Provencher Denis MichaelProfessorCHASS Intrdsc Affairs&PartnerWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Puckett Paige RollinsBiological And Agricultural EnAffiliate Grad Faculty
Puelz CharlesAdjunct Asst ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Pullin AllisonAsst ProfessorPrestage Poultry SciencePrestage Poultry ScienceGrad Faculty
Purnell Marshall E.Professor of the PracticeArchitectureArchitectureGrad Faculty
Purnell Robert CAdjunct Assoc ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchAffiliate Grad Faculty
Puryear Bobby LeeLecturerEconomics-Poole COMEconomics-Poole COMAffiliate Grad Faculty
Puryear Stephen MontagueProfessorPhilosophy & Religious StudiesPhilosophy & Religious StudiesGrad Faculty
Putcha Mohan SastriEmeritus ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Qu ZhenAsst ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Quddus Md AbdulAsst ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Queen Sara GleeAssoc ProfessorArchitectureArchitectureGrad Faculty
Quesada Lina MariaProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Quist Juliana ReginaCtr. for Geospatial AnalyticsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Qureshi Muquarrab AhmedFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Qurollo Barbara AliceAssoc Research ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Qurollo Barbara AliceResearch Assoc ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Rabiei AfsanehProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Rachunok Benjamin AAsst ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Raghvendra Sharath KumarAssoc ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Rahe MichaelAsst ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Rahman MOHAMMED ShamimurEmeritus ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Rajala Sarah AnnElectrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Ralls Robert ScottAdjunct Prof of the PracticeELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Ralston Victoria NealAssoc Teaching ProfessorCHASS Intrdsc Affairs&PartnerCHASS Intrdsc Affairs&PartnerAffiliate Grad Faculty
Ralston Victoria NealTeaching Assoc ProfessorCHASS Intrdsc Affairs&PartnerCHASS Intrdsc Affairs&PartnerAffiliate Grad Faculty
Ramirez Melissa VirginiaAssoc Teaching ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Ramirez Melissa VirginiaTeaching Assoc ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Ramirez-Ulate Luis AlonsoProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyGrad Faculty
Rand J. PatrickProfessorArchitectureArchitectureGrad Faculty
Rand William MichaelProfessorBusiness Management-Poole COMBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Randriamiadana Irina ArimananaAsst ProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Ranjithan SanmugavadivelProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Ranney Thomas G.ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Rao Balaji MadhavProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Rappa Michael AProfessorAdvanced AnalyticsComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Rasdorf William JohnProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Rasmussen David AlanAssoc ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Rathbun Leah ChristineAdjunct Asst ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchAffiliate Grad Faculty
Raymann KasieAsst ProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Raymond Dana GordonLecturerArt and DesignArt and DesignGrad Faculty
Reading Benjamin JAssoc ProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyGrad Faculty
Reading Nathan PProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Reamer Amy CraigEngineering OnlineEngineering OnlineAffiliate Grad Faculty
Reardon Robert JohnAssoc ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Reaser Jeffrey LeoProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Reaves Bradley GallowayAssoc ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Reavis Dick JEmeritus Associate ProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Rebach SteveSea Grant ProgramAffiliate Grad Faculty
Reberg-Horton Samuel ChristopherProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Redding W RichDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Reed Jr Robert EApplied Aquatic Ecology CenterAffiliate Grad Faculty
Reeves Douglas StephenEmeritus ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Reich Brian JProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Reichin Sydney LylaAsst ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Reid Traciel V.Assoc ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Reif David MichaelAdjunct ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Reiland Thomas WEmeritus ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Reiland Thomas WStatisticsGrad Faculty
Reisig Dominic DuaneProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Reiskind Martha BurfordAssoc ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Reiskind Michael HayProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Rejesus Roderick M.ProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Rellan Alvarez RubenAssoc ProfessorBiochemistryBiochemistryGrad Faculty
Relyea Jackie EunjungAsst ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Renkow Mitchell AdamEmeritus ProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Rey Sanchez Andres CamiloAsst ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Reynolds Jr Claude LewisMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Reynolds James LeeAsst Research ProfessorAdv Self-pwr Sys Integr SensrTElectrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Reynolds James LeeResearch Asst ProfessorAdv Self-pwr Sys Integr SensrTElectrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Reynolds Kanton TyroneAssoc Teaching ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Reynolds Kanton TyroneTeaching Assoc ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Reynolds Stephen PoulterResearch ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Reynolds William MatthewAsst Teaching ProfessorSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Reynolds William MatthewTeaching Asst ProfessorSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Rhea Sarah KathleenAsst ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Rice Jr James AlanEmeritus ProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyGrad Faculty
Rice Arthur R.Emeritus Named ProfessorLandscape ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureGrad Faculty
Rice-Boayue Jacelyn JauniceAsst ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Richardson Robert JerylProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Richmond Demetrius DEducation CouncilAffiliate Grad Faculty
Rickabaugh James ArthurAsst ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Ricker Matthew ClarkAssoc ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Ricketts DavidProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Riddick Francine PiscitelliAsst Teaching ProfessorELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Riddick Francine PiscitelliTeaching Asst ProfessorELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Riddle John M.HistoryGrad Faculty
Rider Traci RoseAssoc ProfessorArchitectureArchitectureGrad Faculty
Rieder David MauriceProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Rieder Kathleen CallahanArt and DesignGrad Faculty
Riehn RobertProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Rindos Andrew JAdjunct Assoc Teaching ProfElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Affiliate Grad Faculty
Rishika RishikaAssoc ProfessorBusiness Management-Poole COMBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Rissman Emilie FrancescaProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Ristaino Jean B.ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Ritchie David F.ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Rittling Mary ElizabethProfessor of the PracticeELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Rivers Erin NicoleAsst ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Rivers LouieAdjunct Assoc ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Riviere Jim E.Emeritus Named Distng'd ProfDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Rizkalla SamiEmeritus Distinguished ProfCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Rizvi ImranAssoc ProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Robarge Wayne P.Emeritus ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Robarge Wayne P.Crop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Roberson Gary TEmeritus ProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Roberts David LAssoc ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Roberts Malcolm C.Dept-Population,Health,PathobiGrad Faculty
Roberts Reade BruceAssoc ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Roberts Stephen DeanEmeritus Named Distng'd ProfFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Robertson DominiqueEmeritus ProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Robertson Ian DouglasDept Molecular Biomedical ScieAffiliate Grad Faculty
Robins Nicholas ATeaching ProfessorHistoryHistoryAffiliate Grad Faculty
Robinson Stefanie MoraAssoc ProfessorBusiness Management-Poole COMBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Robinson Terrell EmonLecturerSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Robinson Walter AProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Robveille CynthiaAsst Research ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Robveille CynthiaResearch Asst ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Rock PhD Christopher DewayneAssoc Research ProfessorCtr Addit Manf & Log-CAMALFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Rock PhD Christopher DewayneResearch Assoc ProfessorCtr Addit Manf & Log-CAMALFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Rockenbach Alyssa NicoleProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Rodgers Maria L.Asst ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Rodriguez JesusProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Rodriguez-Puebla MarceloAssoc ProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Roe Richard M.ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Roe Simon CDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Roederer Ian UlyssesAssoc ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Roessner Holly AlineAsst Clinical ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Roessner Holly AlineClinical Asst ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Rogers Jordan ReedAsst ProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Roise Joseph PeterProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Rojas Orlando JoseAdjunct ProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Roland Christopher MProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Rollins Yvonne B.Emeritus ProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Romero Sanchez HUGOAdjunct Asst ProfessorPrestage Poultry SciencePrestage Poultry ScienceAffiliate Grad Faculty
Romo Lynsey KlueverProfessorCommunicationCommunicationGrad Faculty
Ronquest Rebecca EllenAssoc ProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Rose Elizabeth CaitlinAsst Clinical ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Rose Elizabeth CaitlinClinical Asst ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Rose Robert B.Assoc ProfessorBiochemistryBiochemistryGrad Faculty
Rosenfeld Cynthia PorterAsst Teaching ProfessorCommunicationCommunicationGrad Faculty
Rosenfeld Cynthia PorterTeaching Asst ProfessorCommunicationCommunicationGrad Faculty
Ross Ann HelenProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Ross Donna BartonStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Ross-Estrada Mariea DavonaAsst Clinical ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Ross-Estrada Mariea DavonaClinical Asst ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Rotenberg DorithProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Rotenberg EricProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Rothenberg Lori FayEmeritus Associate ProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyGrad Faculty
Rothermel Gregg EvanProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Rouphail Nagui MProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Rouphail Nagui MichelEmrtus Distng'd Univ ProfCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Rouphail Nagui MichelInstitute For Trans Research &Grad Faculty
Rouskas GeorgiosProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Rouxelin PascalNuclear EngineeringAffiliate Grad Faculty
Royal Kenneth DarrellDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Rubilar Rafael AlejandroAdjunct Assoc ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchAffiliate Grad Faculty
Rudolph Julia EProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Ruffino Rico BenjaminAsst Professor of the PracticeForest BiomaterialsForest BiomaterialsGrad Faculty
Rufty Thomas WEmeritus Named Distng'd ProfCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Rumyantsev ArtemAsst ProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Runkle Jennifer RAdjunct Asst ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Runkle Jennifer RNC Inst of Climate StudiesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Rushing PhD John EualEmeritus ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Russo Marc ErnestAssoc ProfessorArt and DesignArt and DesignGrad Faculty
Rust Jon PaulEmeritus ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Rutherford Teomara AlexandraTELSGrad Faculty
Ryu Jong EunAsst ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
SIEWERDT FRANKProfessorPrestage Poultry SciencePrestage Poultry ScienceGrad Faculty
Sabornie Edward J.Emeritus ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Safley Charles D.Emeritus ProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Sageman-Furnas Andrew O'SheaAsst ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Sagues William JosephAsst ProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Sagui Maria CProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Saia Sheila MarieAdjunct Asst ProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Saibaba Arvind KrishnaAssoc ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Saini YogeshProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Saker Korinn EdnaProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Saki ZahraAsst ProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtGrad Faculty
Saksala Teemu SakariAsst ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Salmon Sonja IreneAssoc ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Saloni Daniel EriqueAssoc ProfessorForest BiomaterialsForest BiomaterialsGrad Faculty
Salstad M. LouiseWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Salvi Deepti ArvindAssoc ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Samandar Mohamad ShoaibAdjunct Asst ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringAffiliate Grad Faculty
Samandar Mohamad ShoaibInstitute For Trans Research &Affiliate Grad Faculty
Sambandan DeepaBTEC-Biomfg Training Ed CtrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Samberg Mark JustinTELSGrad Faculty
San Juan Blanco Jorge EmilioAsst ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
San Miguel AdrianaAssoc ProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Sanchez Salas Georgina MariaCtr. for Geospatial AnalyticsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Sandeep K PProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Sanders Catherine ElizabethAsst ProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Sanders Timothy HEmeritus USDA ProfFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Sanii EzatEmeritus Associate ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Sankar SudhaAsst ProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Sannes Philip L.Dept Molecular Biomedical ScieGrad Faculty
Sano Michael BenjaminAssoc ProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Sanoff HenryEmeritus Named ProfessorArchitectureArchitectureGrad Faculty
Santiso Erik EmilioAssoc ProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Santos Soares de Freitas FredericoAssoc ProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Santos Fernanda Bottaro de OliveiraAsst Teaching ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Santos Fernanda Bottaro de OliveiraTeaching Asst ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Saravitz Carole HAsst Research ProfessorPhytotronPlant and Microbial BiologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Saravitz Carole HResearch Asst ProfessorPhytotronPlant and Microbial BiologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Sarkar SusmitaAsst ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Sartor Ryan CharlesAsst ProfessorBiochemistryBiochemistryGrad Faculty
Satyavolu Jayalakshmi ChandrikaAssoc Teaching ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Satyavolu Jayalakshmi ChandrikaTeaching Assoc ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Saul Katherine ReedProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Savage Carla DianeEmeritus ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Savariappan Paul RajamanickamAssoc Teaching ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Savariappan Paul RajamanickamTeaching Assoc ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Saveliev Alexei V.Assoc ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Sawyers Roby BProfessorAccounting-Poole COMAccounting-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Sayde ChadiAssoc ProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Sazdanovic RadmilaAssoc ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Scafuro AlessandraAssoc ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Scales Alice YAsst Teaching Prof EmeritusSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Affiliate Grad Faculty
Scales Alice YTeaching Asst Prof EmeritusSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Affiliate Grad Faculty
Scalise James DavidProfessor of the PracticeAccounting-Poole COMAccounting-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Schaefer Thomas MProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Schaeffer Blake AllenAdjunct ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciAffiliate Grad Faculty
Schaffer Henry EEmeritus ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Schaffer Henry EResearch ComputingGrad Faculty
Schaffer Kristen JAssoc ProfessorArchitectureArchitectureGrad Faculty
Schal Jacob CProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Scharf Valery FairfaxAssoc ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Schecter StephenEmeritus ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Scheller Robert MichaelProfessorCollege of Natural ResourcesFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Schliep Erin MaryAssoc ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Schmidt Andrew PhilipAssoc ProfessorAccounting-Poole COMAccounting-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Schmidt Jessica YoungAssoc Teaching ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Schmidt Jessica YoungTeaching Assoc ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Schmitz Hans PeterProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Schnabel Lauren VProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Schneider LesleyAsst ProfessorSociology & AnthropologySociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Schnetzer AstridProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Schoenfeld Regina MProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Scholle FrankProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Schreck III Carl JamesAdjunct Asst ProfessorNC Inst of Climate StudiesMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciAffiliate Grad Faculty
Schroeder Thomas Byron HippsAsst ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Schroeder-Moreno Michelle ShawnProfessorCtr for Env Farming Sys (CEFS)Horticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Schroeter Elena Ann RitaAsst Teaching ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Schroeter Elena Ann RitaTeaching Asst ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Schulman Michael D.ProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Schulte Ann CEmeritus ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Schultheis Jonathan R.ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Schut Jacobus ArnoAdjunct ProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Schwalbe Michael L.Emeritus ProfessorSociology & AnthropologySociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Schwartzman Roy JayProfessorCommunicationCommunicationGrad Faculty
Schwarz Michael RichardAdjunct ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Schwarz Michael RichardEntomology & Plant PathologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Schweitzer Mary HigbyEmeritus ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Sciaudone Elizabeth J.Adjunct Asst ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Scotford MarthaEmeritus Named ProfessorGraphic & Industrial DesignGraphic & Industrial DesignGrad Faculty
Scott Maxwell JProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Scroggs Jeffrey ScottEmeritus Associate ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Seater John J.Economics-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Seaton Lacey ElizabethAssoc Teaching ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Seaton Lacey ElizabethTeaching Assoc ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Seay-Howard ArielAsst ProfessorCommunicationCommunicationGrad Faculty
Sederoff Heike Inge AdaProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Sederoff Ron RossEmeritus Distinguished ProfFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
See Miles TProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Seekamp Erin LynnProfessorParks, Recreation & Tourism MgParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Seifrid Martin ThomasAsst ProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Self CordarrellAsst ProfessorCommunicationCommunicationGrad Faculty
Selgrade James FrancisEmeritus ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Selle KurtBTEC-Biomfg Training Ed CtrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Sellers Kimberly FlaggProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Semazzi Fredrick HEmeritus ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Senegal Pamela GibsonAdjunct Prof of the PracticeELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Sengupta SrijanAssoc ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Seracino RudolfProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Serow Robert C.ELPHDGrad Faculty
Serr Megan ElizabethAdjunct Asst ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Setzer Sharon M.EnglishGrad Faculty
Severin PhD Laura RuthProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Seyam Abdel-fattah MohamedProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtGrad Faculty
Shah Sanjay BikramProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Shah Vijay KumarAsst ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Shahzad MuhammadAssoc ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Shamblin LeighProfessor of the PracticeMgmt, Innovation&EntrepreneurMgmt, Innovation & EntrepreneuGrad Faculty
Shamey RenzoProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Shannon Steven ChristopherProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Sharara Mahmoud Ahmed Nabil Ahmed NaguibAssoc ProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Sharma AmitAssoc ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Sharma NitinAssoc ProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Shashaani SaraAsst ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Shea DamianEmeritus ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Sheahan Breanna JoAsst ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Shear Theodore HenryAssoc ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Shearer MichaelEmeritus ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Shearon Ronald WilsonEmeritus ProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAdult & Higher EducationGrad Faculty
Sheats Mary KatherineAssoc ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Sheehy Donald RichardAssoc ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Shekasteband RezaHorticultural ScienceAffiliate Grad Faculty
Sheldon Brian W.Emeritus ProfessorPrestage Poultry SciencePrestage Poultry ScienceGrad Faculty
Shelton Sarah ElizabethAsst ProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Shen JialongAsst Research ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciAffiliate Grad Faculty
Shen JialongResearch Asst ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciAffiliate Grad Faculty
Shen XipengProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Shen YanbinAdjunct ProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceAffiliate Grad Faculty
Sheppard John DouglasProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Sherk Julieta TrevinoProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Sherry BarbaraEmeritus ProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Shertzer Kyle WAdjunct Asst ProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Sherwood Bruce A.Emeritus ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Sheth Seema NayanAssoc ProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Shew Barbara B.Emeritus Research Asst ProfEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Shew Howard D.Emeritus Named Distng'd ProfEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Shew Howard D.Entomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Shi WeiProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesSoil ScienceGrad Faculty
Shim EunkyoungAssoc ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Shin YeonjongAsst ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Shirwaiker Rohan AjitProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Showalter David ScottTeaching ProfessorAccounting-Poole COMAccounting-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Showers William JamesEmeritus ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Showers William JamesResearch ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Shriver Thomas EugeneProfessorSociology & AnthropologySociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Shultz David AProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Shumaker Ellen MarieAgricultural & Human SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Sibley Patsy AnneAssoc Teaching ProfessorCHASS Intrdsc Affairs&PartnerPsychologyGrad Faculty
Sibley Patsy AnneTeaching Assoc ProfessorCHASS Intrdsc Affairs&PartnerPsychologyGrad Faculty
Sichitiu Mihail LorinProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Siciliano Paul DavidProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Sickels CarterAsst ProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Sikes Michael L.Assoc ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Silliman VI BenjaminEmeritus ProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Sills Erin OdonnellProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Silverberg Lawrence MProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Silverman JulesEmrtus Distng'd Univ ProfEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Silverman JulesEntomologyGrad Faculty
Silverstein Jack WilliamEmeritus ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Simmons III Otto DeBruhlAsst Research ProfessorHorticultural ScienceBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Simmons III Otto DeBruhlResearch Asst ProfessorHorticultural ScienceBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Simmons Susan JeanneTeaching ProfessorAdvanced AnalyticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Simon Sindee LouProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Simons Theodore REmeritus ProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyGrad Faculty
Simpson Melanie AnneProfessorBiochemistryBiochemistryGrad Faculty
Simunovic JosipResearch ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Sinclair Thomas RAdjunct ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Singer Michael F.Emeritus ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Singh Munindar PProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Singletary Nicola Vera KatherineAsst Teaching ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Singletary Nicola Vera KatherineTeaching Asst ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Sinha AdityaCivil Const & Environ EngineerAffiliate Grad Faculty
Sirota Brent SAssoc ProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Sit Timmy LAdjunct Asst ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Sitar ZlatkoProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Sitthicharoenchai PanchanAsst ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Skaar David AllenAssoc Research ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Skaar David AllenResearch Assoc ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Skaggs Richard W.Emeritus Named Distng'd ProfBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Skokov VladimirAssoc ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Slankas John BotiousAdjunct Asst ProfessorLab for Analytic SciencesComputer Science-EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Slatta Richard WayneHistoryGrad Faculty
Slenning Barrett DDept-Population,Health,PathobiGrad Faculty
Slocumb William SCtr. for Geospatial AnalyticsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Small CandiceAdjunct Asst ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Smallwood James E.Dept Molecular Biomedical ScieGrad Faculty
Smart Lindsey SuzanneAdjunct Asst ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchAffiliate Grad Faculty
Smart Robert CharlesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Smicker Joshua JosephAsst Teaching ProfessorCommunicationCommunicationGrad Faculty
Smicker Joshua JosephTeaching Asst ProfessorCommunicationCommunicationGrad Faculty
Smirnov Alexej I.ProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Smirnova Tatyana I.Assoc ProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Smith Adrian AlanAsst Research ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Smith Adrian AlanResearch Asst ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Smith Angela CarmellaTeaching ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Smith Bret HunterUniversity CollegeGrad Faculty
Smith Charles EugeneAssoc ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Smith Charlynne ToddParks, Recreation & Tourism MgAffiliate Grad Faculty
Smith Claudia SaavedraAsst Teaching ProfessorELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Smith Claudia SaavedraTeaching Asst ProfessorELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Smith Frank J.Emeritus ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Smith Gary W.Textile & Apparel, TechnologyGrad Faculty
Smith Gavin PaulProfessorLandscape ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureGrad Faculty
Smith Geoffrey WDept-Population,Health,PathobiGrad Faculty
Smith JaredAssoc ProfessorBusiness Management-Poole COMBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Smith KurtAsst ProfessorForestry ExtensionFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Smith Ralph ConoverProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Smith V. KerryEmeritus ProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Smith William RSociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Smukowski Heil Caitlin SuzanneAsst ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Smyth Thomas J.Emeritus ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Snowden Joy LittleAsst Teaching ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Snowden Joy LittleTeaching Asst ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Snyder Jr Samuel SwordCollege Of EducationGrad Faculty
Snyder AmyAssoc Clinical ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Snyder AmyClinical Assoc ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Snyder Wesley E.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
So FrankyProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Sode KojiProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Solari Anthony G.Asst Teaching ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Solari Anthony G.Teaching Asst ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Soldati AriannaAsst ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Solomon Daniel L.StatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Sombers Leslie AAdjunct ProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Song RuiStatisticsGrad Faculty
Sorenson Clyde EProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Soroos Marvin StanleyEmeritus ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Sorrell Jr Furman YEmeritus ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Soyarslan SanemAssoc ProfessorPhilosophy & Religious StudiesPhilosophy & Religious StudiesGrad Faculty
Sozzani RosangelaProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Space BrianProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Spafford Anne McCombeAdjunct ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Spayd Sara ElizabethEmeritus ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Spears Jerry WayneEmeritus ProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Spencer Stephanie LaineHistoryGrad Faculty
Spiker Steven L.Emeritus ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Spires Hiller AEmeritus ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Spontak Richard JProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Spooner JeanBiological And Agricultural EnAffiliate Grad Faculty
Spriggs Janet NicholsAdjunct Prof of the PracticeELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Srougi Melissa ChristinaAssoc Teaching ProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Srougi Melissa ChristinaTeaching Assoc ProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Stadler John PaulAsst ProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Stafford Jr Thomas HughAcad Stu Aff-VC and Dean OffAffiliate Grad Faculty
Stage Scott AndrewAssoc ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Stage Virginia CarrawayAsst ProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Staicu Ana-MariaProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Stalker Jr Harold ThomasEmeritus ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Stallmann Matthias F.M.ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Stallrich Jonathan WesleyAssoc ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Stancil Daniel DEmeritus Named Distng'd ProfElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Stanko Michael AProfessorBusiness Management-Poole COMBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Stansbury Kim LProfessorSchool of Social WorkSchool of Social WorkGrad Faculty
Stapelmann KatharinaAssoc ProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Starly BinilAdjunct ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Steer Michael B.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Stefanski PhD Leonard A.ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Stein Allen FrederickEnglishGrad Faculty
Stein Sarah REmeritus Associate ProfessorCommunicationCommunicationGrad Faculty
Stepanova Anna NickolaevnaProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Stern Joshua AaronProfessorCollege Of Veterinary MedicineDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Stevenson Clinton DaleAssoc ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Stevenson Kathryn TateAssoc ProfessorParks, Recreation & Tourism MgParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Stewart Amanda JanisAssoc ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Stewart Amy StielerAsst Teaching ProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Stewart Amy StielerTeaching Asst ProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Stewart Debra WehrleProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Stewart Katharine ElaineProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Stewart Makena NicoleAsst Professor of the PracticeELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Stewart William JamesEmeritus ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Stewart-Ginsburg Jared HerschelAsst Teaching ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Stewart-Ginsburg Jared HerschelTeaching Asst ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Stiles Curtis AlexanderDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Stinson Timothy LinwoodAssoc ProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Stitzinger Ernest LesterEmeritus ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Stoddard Edward F.Emeritus Associate ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Stolee Kathryn ThomassetAssoc ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Stonebraker Jeffrey SAssoc ProfessorBusiness Management-Poole COMBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Stoskopf Michael K.Emeritus ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Stout Karen AnnAdjunct Prof of the PracticeELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Stowe Devorah Ann MarksAssoc Clinical ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Stowe Devorah Ann MarksClinical Assoc ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Strable Joshua JohnAsst ProfessorBiochemistryBiochemistryGrad Faculty
Strenkowski John S.Emeritus ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Strote Noah BAssoc ProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Struett Michael JohnProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Stuart Bryan LynnAdjunct Assoc ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Stuber Charles WilliamEmeritus USDA ProfAdministration - Research ServGrad Faculty
Stumpf Mitzi NicholeAsst Extension Professor4-H Youth Dev & Fam & Cons SciAgricultural & Human SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Stumpf Mitzi NicholeExtension Asst Professor4-H Youth Dev & Fam & Cons SciAgricultural & Human SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Sturgill David BrianAssoc Teaching ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Sturgill David BrianTeaching Assoc ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Su HaoAssoc ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Sublett Cameron MichaelAdjunct Assoc ProfessorELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Suchoff David HAsst ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Suh MinyoungAssoc ProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtGrad Faculty
Suh Moon WonEmeritus Named ProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyGrad Faculty
Suh Moon WonProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtGrad Faculty
Suiter Karl ArthurIntegrated Pest Mgmt-ResearchAffiliate Grad Faculty
Sullivan Craig VApplied EcologyGrad Faculty
Sullivan Kristen ArleneAsst Teaching ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Sullivan Kristen ArleneTeaching Asst ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Sullivant Seth M.ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Sun DaliAssoc ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Sun GeUSDA ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Supak Stacy KathleenAssoc Teaching ProfessorCtr. for Geospatial AnalyticsParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Supak Stacy KathleenTeaching Assoc ProfessorCtr. for Geospatial AnalyticsParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Surh GeraldEmeritus Associate ProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Suryawanshi Amol SahebraoAssoc ProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Suter Steven EProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Sutton Kevin GregorySci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Sutton Rhonda Saeleth CraverGraduate School-Dean's OfficeAffiliate Grad Faculty
Sutton Turner BondEmeritus ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Swaisgood Harold EEmeritus ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Swallow William H.Emeritus ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Swann Julie LeAnneProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Swarts JasonProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Swartz Paul DouglasAsst Research ProfessorBiochemistry - METRICBiochemistryAffiliate Grad Faculty
Swartz Paul DouglasResearch Asst ProfessorBiochemistry - METRICBiochemistryAffiliate Grad Faculty
Swartzel Kenneth R.Emeritus Named Distng'd ProfFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Swink Rodney LeonLandscape ArchitectureAffiliate Grad Faculty
Switzer William LawrenceEmeritus Associate ProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Sztajn PaolaProfessorCollege Of EducationTELSGrad Faculty
Tacker Robert ChristopherAdjunct Asst ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericAffiliate Grad Faculty
Tackett Justin CarlAsst ProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Tafreshi HoomanProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Taheri JavadEmeritus Research Assoc ProfFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Tai EikoWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Takeuchi YuIntegrated Pest Mgmt-ResearchAffiliate Grad Faculty
Taliercio Earl WilliamCrop & Soil SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Tang MinhAssoc ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Tang WentaoAsst ProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Tang WenyuanAssoc ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Tarpy David R.ProfessorApplied EcologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Tate Lloyd PatrickDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Tateosian Laura GrayAssoc Teaching ProfessorCtr. for Geospatial AnalyticsParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Tateosian Laura GrayTeaching Assoc ProfessorCtr. for Geospatial AnalyticsParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Taveirne Michael EdwardAssoc Teaching ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Taveirne Michael EdwardTeaching Assoc ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Taylor Jr Raymond GEmeritus ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Taylor Andrew JProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Taylor Bradley WilliamAssoc ProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyGrad Faculty
Taylor Eileen ZProfessorAccounting-Poole COMAccounting-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Taylor Linda ReindersFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Tefft Karen MicheleAssoc Clinical ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Tefft Karen MicheleClinical Assoc ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Telang Pankaj RameshLecturerComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Tellez Bohorquez Fabio AndresAsst ProfessorArt and DesignArt and DesignGrad Faculty
Temple Traci LynAsst Teaching ProfessorDELTAArt and DesignAffiliate Grad Faculty
Temple Traci LynTeaching Asst ProfessorDELTAArt and DesignAffiliate Grad Faculty
Templin Robert GrantAdjunct Prof of the PracticeELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Terando Adam JAdjunct Asst ProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Terry Stephen D.Emeritus Associate ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Terry Stephen D.Emeritus Research Assoc ProfMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Terzioglu FatmaAsst ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Tesar PaulEmeritus Named ProfessorArchitectureArchitectureGrad Faculty
Thakur SiddharthaProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Thapa AnuAsst ProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Thayer Gwyneth AnneLibrarianLibrariesLibrariesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Theil Elizabeth C.BiochemistryGrad Faculty
Theis ThomasAssoc ProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Theriot Casey MichelleProfessorDept-Population,Health,PathobiPopulation Health&PathobiologyGrad Faculty
Theyson Thomas WAdjunct ProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Thiessen Lindsey DanielleAdjunct Asst ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Thomas Carrie JoTeaching ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Thomas Erik RProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Thomas John EProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Thomas Melvin EProfessorSociology & AnthropologySociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Thomas RachaelDept Molecular Biomedical ScieAffiliate Grad Faculty
Thompson PhD Donald BarryThermal Protection & Comfort CAffiliate Grad Faculty
Thompson Elizabeth Ellen AndersonLecturerBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Thompson Jon FEnglishGrad Faculty
Thompson Maxine SSociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Thompson Peter MatthewMETRIC Magnetic ResonanceBiochemistryAffiliate Grad Faculty
Thompson William F.ProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Thomson Margareta MariaProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Thomson Randy J.Sociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Thorne Jeffrey LEmeritus ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Thornton Courtney HighInst. Strategy & AnalysisAffiliate Grad Faculty
Thrall Donald E.Dept Molecular Biomedical ScieGrad Faculty
Thuente David J.Emeritus ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Thuente Mary HelenEnglishGrad Faculty
Thuo MartinProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Thurman Walter N.Emeritus ProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Tian RenranAsst ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Tian YuanqingAsst ProfessorGraphic & Industrial DesignGraphic & Industrial DesignGrad Faculty
Tigue Deidre HarmonAdjunct ProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Tilford TerriAsst Teaching ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Tilford TerriTeaching Asst ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Tilotta David CProfessorForest BiomaterialsForest BiomaterialsGrad Faculty
Tilotta David CForest BiomaterialsGrad Faculty
Ting Siu-ManProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Tisdale Ripley HsiehUSDA Asst ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Titus Aaron PTeaching ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Titus Kimberly JAssoc Teaching ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Titus Kimberly JTeaching Assoc ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Titus-Becker Katherine CorleyWISE ProgramAffiliate Grad Faculty
Tompkins Mary BDept-Population,Health,PathobiGrad Faculty
Tonelli Alan EEmeritus ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryGrad Faculty
Toomer Ondulla TyvetteAdjunct Assoc ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScPrestage Poultry ScienceGrad Faculty
Torres Quezada Emmanuel AmableAsst ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Townsend John KeithElectrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Townsend Latricia WalkerFriday InstituteAffiliate Grad Faculty
Townsend ScottEmeritus ProfessorGraphic & Industrial DesignGraphic & Industrial DesignGrad Faculty
Tracy Joseph B.ProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Tran AlexanderAsst Clinical ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Tran AlexanderClinical Asst ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Tran Chau MinhAssoc Teaching ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Tran Chau MinhTeaching Assoc ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Tran Hien TrongProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Tregeagle Daniel TrevellanAsst ProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Treme JulianneTeaching ProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Trew Jr Robert JamesNanofabrication FacilityGrad Faculty
Trivedi ShwetaTeaching ProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Truong Van-DenEmeritus USDA ProfFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Tsiatis Anastasios AEmeritus Distinguished ProfStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Tsuji JunProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Tsuji YoshiakiProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Tsynkov Semyon VictorProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Tu Juei FengProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Tuck JamesProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Tulbure Mirela GabrielaProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Turinsky Paul J.Emeritus ProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Turner Alison McGlinnAsst ProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Turner Lynn G.Emeritus ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Turner Lynn G.Agricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Tyler Beverly BMgmt, Innovation&EntrepreneurGrad Faculty
Typhina Elizabeth AnnFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Tzeng Jung-YingProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Ueda YuAsst Clinical ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Ueda YuClinical Asst ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Umbach Paul DavidProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Umstead Kelly AnnAdjunct Assoc ProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Umstead Kelly AnnAssoc ProfessorGraphic & Industrial DesignGraphic & Industrial DesignGrad Faculty
Underwood Benjamin ShaneProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Underwood Herbert A.Emeritus ProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyGrad Faculty
Unocic Kinga AngelikaAssoc ProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Unocic Raymond RobertAssoc ProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Unruh Snyder Lori JuneAssoc ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Unsal MithatProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Uzsoy RehaProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Vaden Shelly L.ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Valacchi PhD GiuseppeProfessorKannapolis ResearchAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Valliyil Thankachan SharmaAssoc ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Van Landeghem Laurianne ChantalAssoc ProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
VanDyke C GeraldEmeritus ProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
VanHeugten EricProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
VanWallendael AcerAsst ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Vann Matthew ChristopherAssoc ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Vann Rachel AtwellAssoc ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Varner Kelley MarieAsst ProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciAffiliate Grad Faculty
Vashaee DaryooshProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Vasu Ellen S.College Of EducationGrad Faculty
Vatsavai Ranga RajuProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Vazquez-Guardado AbrahamAsst ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Veety Elena NicolescuAsst Teaching ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Veety Elena NicolescuTeaching Asst ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Velev Orlin DimitrovProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Veliadis John VictorProfessorNG Pwr Elec Natl Mfg InnovatioElectrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Venditti Richard ArthurProfessorForest BiomaterialsForest BiomaterialsGrad Faculty
Venkatesh SureshAsst ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Vepraskas Michael JohnProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesSoil ScienceGrad Faculty
Vick Candace GoodeEmeritus Associate ProfessorParks, Recreation & Tourism MgParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Vickery Kenneth P.HistoryGrad Faculty
Villamizar Martinez PhD Lenin ArturoAssoc ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Villanes AndreaAsst Teaching ProfessorAdvanced AnalyticsComputer Science-EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Villanes AndreaTeaching Asst ProfessorAdvanced AnalyticsComputer Science-EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Villani Sara MichelleAsst ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Vincent Kenneth StevenProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Viniotis IoannisProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Vinueza Benitez Nelson RodrigoProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Voiland Michael PSea Grant ProgramAffiliate Grad Faculty
Volpe Vanessa VictoriaAssoc ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Vose James MatthewAdjunct ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchAffiliate Grad Faculty
Vouk Mladen AProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Vouk Mladen AlanProfessorOfc of Research & InnovationComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Vukina TomislavProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Vukomanovic JelenaAssoc ProfessorParks, Recreation & Tourism MgParks Recreation & Tourism MgGrad Faculty
Wade RobertAsst Teaching ProfessorParks, Recreation & Tourism MgParks Recreation & Tourism MgAffiliate Grad Faculty
Wade RobertTeaching Asst ProfessorParks, Recreation & Tourism MgParks Recreation & Tourism MgAffiliate Grad Faculty
Wagger Michael G.Emeritus ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Wagoner KaseyAsst Teaching ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Wagoner KaseyTeaching Asst ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Wahls Harvey E.Emeritus ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Walden Michael L.Emeritus Named Distng'd ProfAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Waldvogel Michael GerardEmeritus Extension Assoc ProfEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Walgenbach James F.ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Walker Christopher ScottAsst ProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Walker Lin LiAsst ProfessorPrestage Poultry SciencePrestage Poultry ScienceGrad Faculty
Walker Mark DProfessorBusiness Management-Poole COMBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Walker Trevor DavisAsst ProfessorTree Improvement CooperativeFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Walkowiak Temple AAssoc ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Wall Jr John N.EnglishGrad Faculty
Wallace III James M.LecturerSociology & AnthropologySociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Wallace III James M.Sociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Walls Douglas M.Assoc ProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Walsh Rebecca AnnAssoc ProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Walter William M.Emeritus USDA ProfFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Wan HongAssoc ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Wang HongProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Wang Jack Peng-YuAssoc ProfessorForest Biotech ProgramFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Wang JingxinProfessorForest BiomaterialsForest BiomaterialsGrad Faculty
Wang ShutingAsst Teaching ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Wang ShutingTeaching Asst ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Wang WenyeProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Wang XiaogangAdjunct ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Wang XiaoqiuAssoc ProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Ward Dawn TeresaInterdisciplinary Programs-SVPAffiliate Grad Faculty
Ward Jason KellamAssoc ProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Ward Stephanie HillAssoc ProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Ware Henry Oliver TenadooahAsst ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Warner Wendy JAssoc ProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Warr Richard SimonProfessorDean's Office-Poole COMBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Warren Catherine AEnglishGrad Faculty
Warren Sarah TimberlakeEmeritus Associate ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Warsing Donald PAssoc ProfessorBusiness Management-Poole COMBusiness Management-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Waschka II Rodney AnthonyProfessorCHASS Intrdsc Affairs&PartnerCHASS Intrdsc Affairs&PartnerGrad Faculty
Washburn Steven PaulEmeritus ProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Wasiolek Suzanne J.ELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Watson Benjamin AllenAssoc ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Watson David WEmeritus ProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Watzin MaryEmeritus ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Weaver Andrew RyanAsst ProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Wegmann Karl WilliamProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Wehner Todd CraigEmeritus Named Distng'd ProfHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Wei QingshanAssoc ProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Wei TongchuanAsst Research ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Wei TongchuanResearch Asst ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Weintraub Jory PhilipAsst Teaching ProfessorCommunicationCommunicationAffiliate Grad Faculty
Weintraub Jory PhilipTeaching Asst ProfessorCommunicationCommunicationAffiliate Grad Faculty
Weintraub Jory PhilipInterdisciplinary Programs-SVPAffiliate Grad Faculty
Weisel Deborah LammAsst Teaching ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Weisel Deborah LammTeaching Asst ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Weiss Ira RProfessorMgmt, Innovation&EntrepreneurMgmt, Innovation & EntrepreneuGrad Faculty
Wellenius Ian PatrickCLAWSAffiliate Grad Faculty
Wells RandyEmeritus ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Wen WujieAssoc ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Weninger Keith R.ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Wentworth Thomas R.Emeritus ProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Wermke DominikAsst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Werner Dennis JamesEmeritus Named Distng'd ProfHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Werner Dennis JamesEmeritus ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Wesp Julie KAsst ProfessorSociology & AnthropologySociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Wessels Walter J.Economics-Poole COMGrad Faculty
West II Harvey AAssoc Research ProfessorCtr Addit Manf & Log-CAMALFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
West II Harvey AResearch Assoc ProfessorCtr Addit Manf & Log-CAMALFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
West Andre JulianProfessorTextile ExtensionTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtGrad Faculty
Westermeyer Hans DanielAssoc ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Westmoreland Phillip RProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
Whangbo Myung H.Emeritus Distinguished ProfChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Wheeler Elisabeth AForest BiomaterialsGrad Faculty
Whetten Ross WEmeritus ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Whetten Ross WEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Whetten Ross WFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Whipker Brian EProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Whitacre Michael DavidDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
White ErinPhD in DesignAffiliate Grad Faculty
White Isabella GransburyAsst Teaching ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
White Isabella GransburyTeaching Asst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
White Jeffrey G.Emeritus Associate ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
White Leonard WilsonProfessor of the PracticeFREEDM CenterElectrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
White Robert E.Emeritus ProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
White Susan NormaSea Grant ProgramAffiliate Grad Faculty
Whited Robert LowellAssoc ProfessorAccounting-Poole COMAccounting-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Whitehill Justin Graham AlexanderAsst ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Whitfield Anna ElizabethProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Whitlow Lon WeidnerEmeritus ProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Whitten Jerry LynnEmeritus ProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Widman Laura MarieProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Wiebe Eric NEmeritus ProfessorFriday InstituteSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Wiebe Eric NEmeritus ProfessorSci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Sci, Tech, Engr & Math (STEM)Grad Faculty
Wiegmann Brian MProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Wierer Jr Jonathan JosephProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Wiley Stephen BAssoc ProfessorCommunicationCommunicationGrad Faculty
Wilkerson Gregory KeithAdjunct ProfessorDept of Clinical SciencesDept of Clinical SciencesGrad Faculty
Williams Jr Billy MerleProfessorInstitute For Trans Research &Civil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Williams Cathy SueLecturerELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Williams Cranos MProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Williams Gavin JohnProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Williams J'den BAsst Teaching ProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtAffiliate Grad Faculty
Williams J'den BTeaching Asst ProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtAffiliate Grad Faculty
Williams Jonathan PaulAsst ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Williams Laurie AProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Williams Paul F.Accounting-Poole COMGrad Faculty
Williams Saundra WallCOE-Dean's Offic Grads & TempsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Williams Tova NykailaAsst ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Williamson John DEmeritus Associate ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Williamson Sara ElizabethAssoc ProfessorArt and DesignArt and DesignGrad Faculty
Willits Daniel H.Emeritus ProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Willoughby Julie AnnAdjunct Asst ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryGrad Faculty
Wilson Alyson GabbardProfessorNat'l Security Intel & DefenseStatisticsGrad Faculty
Wilson Elizabeth BEmeritus ProfessorAgricultural & Human SciencesAgricultural & Human SciencesGrad Faculty
Wilson James ReedEmeritus ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Wilson JoneeTELSGrad Faculty
Wilson Lorenzo G.Emeritus ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Wilson Mark AEmeritus Associate ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Wineland Michael JohnEmeritus ProfessorPrestage Poultry SciencePrestage Poultry ScienceAffiliate Grad Faculty
Wineland Michael JohnPrestage Poultry ScienceAffiliate Grad Faculty
Winner William EEmeritus ProfessorFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchFor & Envir Res Acad ResearchGrad Faculty
Winston HubertEmeritus Associate ProfessorChemical & Biomolecular EngrGrad Faculty
Winston HubertChemical & Biomolecular G&TGrad Faculty
Wirt Lesley GriecoELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Wiseman AngelaAssoc ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Wisinger NinaAssoc ProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Witham Keith AllenAdjunct Assoc ProfessorELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Wogalter Michael SPsychologyGrad Faculty
Wohlgenant Michael K.Emeritus Named ProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Wolcott Thomas G.Emeritus ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Wolfinger Russell DAdjunct ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Wolfram Walter AProfessorEnglishEnglishGrad Faculty
Wollenzien Paul LEmeritus ProfessorBiochemistryBiochemistryGrad Faculty
Wong Chau-WaiAsst ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Wood Michael WilliamDept of Clinical SciencesAffiliate Grad Faculty
Woodbridge Janie FlemingAsst ProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtGrad Faculty
Woodley Alexander LakeAssoc ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Woods Isaac LeeAsst ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Worley-Davis LynnAssoc Teaching ProfessorPrestage Poultry SciencePrestage Poultry ScienceGrad Faculty
Worley-Davis LynnTeaching Assoc ProfessorPrestage Poultry SciencePrestage Poultry ScienceGrad Faculty
Wormsley William ESociology & AnthropologyAffiliate Grad Faculty
Wright David RAdjunct Asst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Wright Fred AndrewProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Wright Mia BrantleyAsst ProfessorSociology & AnthropologySociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Wu FenProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Wu JunjieProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Wu TianfuAssoc ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Wu XuAsst ProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Wyer Mary BEmeritus Associate ProfessorPsychologyPsychologyGrad Faculty
Wyner Joshua SethAdjunct Prof of the PracticeELPHDELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Wysk PhD Richard AllenEmeritus Named Distng'd ProfFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Xi LinResearch ProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceGrad Faculty
Xiang LirongAsst ProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Xiang QiuyunProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Xiao LuoAssoc ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Xiao YiProfessorChemistryChemistryGrad Faculty
Xie DeyuProfessorPlant and Microbial BiologyPlant and Microbial BiologyGrad Faculty
Xie LianProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Xiong LimingAssoc ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Xu PhD GuozhouAssoc ProfessorBiochemistryBiochemistryGrad Faculty
Xu BowenAsst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Xu ChengyingProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Xu ChenhanAsst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Xu DongkuanAsst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Xu RuijuanAsst ProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Xu XuAssoc ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Xu YingjiaoProfessorTextile & Apparel, TechnologyTextile & Apparel Tech & MgmtGrad Faculty
Yang GeProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrGrad Faculty
Yang MinliangAsst ProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Yang MinliangAsst ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Yang ShuAssoc ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Yeh Chi-AnAsst ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Yeh Ting-FengAssoc ProfessorForest BiomaterialsForest BiomaterialsGrad Faculty
Yelverton Fred HProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Yelverton Fred HCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Yencho George CProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Yin JieAssoc ProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Yin RongAsst ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Yingling Yaroslava GProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Yoder Jeffrey AProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Yoon IntaeAssoc ProfessorSchool of Social WorkSchool of Social WorkGrad Faculty
Yoon Man KiAsst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
York Alan ClarenceEmeritus Named ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Young Albert R.ProfessorPhysicsPhysicsGrad Faculty
Young Carl AAssoc ProfessorTELSTELSGrad Faculty
Young CarolynProfessorEntomology & Plant PathologyEntomology & Plant PathologyGrad Faculty
Young EricEmeritus ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Young Greggry SMgmt, Innovation&EntrepreneurGrad Faculty
Young Robert E.Emeritus ProfessorFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrFitts Dept Indust & Syst EngrGrad Faculty
Young Sidney StanleyAdjunct ProfessorStatisticsStatisticsAffiliate Grad Faculty
Young SierraAsst ProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Young Tamara V.Assoc ProfessorELPHDELPHDGrad Faculty
Youngblood Curtis EdmundEconomics-Poole COMAffiliate Grad Faculty
Youngsteadt ElsaAssoc ProfessorApplied EcologyApplied EcologyGrad Faculty
Youssef Mohamed AProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Yu Donna GTeaching ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Yu RuozhouAsst ProfessorComputer Science-engrComputer Science-EngrGrad Faculty
Yu WensongAssoc Research ProfessorFREEDM CenterElectrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Yu WensongResearch Assoc ProfessorFREEDM CenterElectrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Yuan Fuh-GwoProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Yuan WenqiaoProfessorBiological And Agricultural EnBiological And Agri EngrGrad Faculty
Yuter Sandra E.ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Zagacki Kenneth S.ProfessorCommunicationCommunicationGrad Faculty
Zagenczyk Jr Thomas JosephProfessorMgmt, Innovation&EntrepreneurMgmt, Innovation & EntrepreneuGrad Faculty
Zaharoff David AlexanderProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Zahler Sara LouiseAsst ProfessorWorld Languages and CulturesWorld Languages and CulturesGrad Faculty
Zahn Margaret ASociology & AnthropologyGrad Faculty
Zakas ChristinaAsst ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Zambon Joseph BrendanAdjunct Asst ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Zambon Joseph BrendanAdjunct Research Assistant ProMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Zanno Lindsay EAssoc Research ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Zanno Lindsay EResearch Assoc ProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Zelna Carrie LAdjunct Asst ProfessorAcademic SuccessELPHDAffiliate Grad Faculty
Zeng ZhaobangProfessorHorticultural ScienceStatisticsGrad Faculty
Zenkov Dmitry ValerievichProfessorMathematicsMathematicsGrad Faculty
Zering Kelly D.ProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Zhang DaowenProfessorStatisticsStatisticsGrad Faculty
Zhang JianAsst ProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Zhang JingAsst ProfessorHorticultural ScienceHorticultural ScienceGrad Faculty
Zhang XiangdongResearch ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Zhang XiangwuProfessorTextiles-Dean's OfficeTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Zhang YangAdjunct Asst ProfessorBiomedical Program - ENGBiomedical Program-EngineeringGrad Faculty
Zhang YangAsst ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Zhang Yin SanAsst ProfessorMarine, Earth And AtmosphericMarine Earth & Atmospheric SciGrad Faculty
Zheng HaotianAsst ProfessorFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScFood,Bioprocess & Nutrition ScGrad Faculty
Zheng XiaoyongProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
Zhirnov Victor VladimirovichAdjunct Assoc ProfessorMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringAffiliate Grad Faculty
Zhou KaixiongAsst ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty
Zhou QiyuAsst ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Zhou YihuiProfessorBiological SciencesBiological SciencesGrad Faculty
Zhu MengmengAsst ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryTextile Engr Chemistry & SciGrad Faculty
Zhu YongProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Zhu Yuntian TEmeritus Distinguished ProfMaterials Science &EngineeringMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Zhu Yuntian TMaterials Science &EngineeringGrad Faculty
Ziccarelli Andrew JosephAsst ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
Ziegler Amanda LeeAsst ProfessorDept Molecular Biomedical ScieDept Molecular Biomedical SciGrad Faculty
Zikry Mohammed AProfessorMechanical & Aerospace EngrMechanical & Aerospace EngrGrad Faculty
Zink James RichardAssoc ProfessorPublic & International AffairsPublic & International AffairsGrad Faculty
Zino John FrederickAssoc Teaching ProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Zino John FrederickTeaching Assoc ProfessorNuclear EngineeringNuclear EngrAffiliate Grad Faculty
Zobel Richard W.Adjunct ProfessorCrop & Soil SciencesCrop & Soil SciencesGrad Faculty
Zonderman David AaronProfessorHistoryHistoryGrad Faculty
Zorner Paul SHorticultural ScienceAffiliate Grad Faculty
Zuckerman Gilroy J.Accounting-Poole COMAffiliate Grad Faculty
da Costa Portugal Duarte FernandaAsst ProfessorCommunicationCommunicationGrad Faculty
de Aragao Umbuzeiro GiselaAdjunct ProfessorTextile Engineering, ChemistryAffiliate Grad Faculty
de Queiroz Anderson RodrigoAssoc ProfessorCivil Const & Environ EngineerCivil, Const & Env EngineeringGrad Faculty
van Kempen Theo AAdjunct ProfessorAnimal ScienceAnimal ScienceAffiliate Grad Faculty
van Vliet PhD Arnoldus HendrikusDept-Population,Health,PathobiAffiliate Grad Faculty
van Zanten John H.Assoc Teaching ProfessorBTEC-Biomfg Training Ed CtrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
van Zanten John H.Teaching Assoc ProfessorBTEC-Biomfg Training Ed CtrChemical & Biomolecular Engr.Grad Faculty
von Haefen Roger H.ProfessorAg & Resource EconomicsAg & Resource EconomicsGrad Faculty
zhou huiyangProfessorElectrical & Computer Engr.Electrical & Computer Engr.Grad Faculty