Approve Prior Credit
DGPs may use the Graduate Degree Audit WorkCenter to approve certain types of prior credit.
The only courses that will show on the degree audit are those taken in the Graduate career. Students can request to transfer the following types of credit to their graduate degree audit via the MyPack Portal: prior NCSU credit (courses taken as NDS or at the UGRD level) and previous master’s credit from another university (doctoral students only). The DGP can review these types of prior credit requests via the Graduate Degree Audit WorkCenter.
Please note:
- Doctoral students may initiate non-NCSU previous master’s credit requests via their Planner, but DGPs can also add previous master’s credit to the degree audit on the student’s behalf (without the student requesting it). To approve previous master’s credit without a student request, navigate to the Student Records or Advising tile > Graduate Degree Planning > Previous Masters Credit; look up the student by name/ID and follow the instructions below. (Note: In this case, you will not be going to the WorkCenter.)
- Doctoral students who completed their master’s at NCSU do not need to submit a previous master’s credit request; all courses taken during the Graduate career will display in their doctoral degree audit. A yellow warning symbol will indicate courses that are being used toward multiple plans (i.e. master’s and doctoral degrees).
- DGPs also have access to process prior NCSU credit without the student submitting a request; please see the instructions on this page.
How to access the Graduate Degree Audit WorkCenter
MyPack Portal > Student Information System > Student Records tile or Advising tile > Graduate Degree Planning > DGP Degree Audit WorkCenter
- Log into MyPack Portal
- View your Student Information System Homepage
- Select the ‘Student Records’ tile or ‘Advising’ tile
- From the left-hand navigation menu, select ‘Graduate Degree Planning’
- Select ‘DGP Degree Audit WorkCenter’
In the WorkCenter, navigate to the second tab:

Approve Previous Master’s Credit
To receive credit for previous, non-NCSU master’s coursework in their degree audit, doctoral students may request their previous master’s credit via their Planner in the MyPack portal. To review/approve those requests:
Click the student’s name under the “Previous Masters Waivers” section:

On the next screen, you may review the student’s transcripts (if needed) under “Graduate Transcripts” and any comments from the student under “Previous Comments.” You may adjust the “Approved Units” if needed (see screenshot below), as well as the “Unmet Requirements” checkboxes if you would like to apply the previous master’s credit to different requirements in the student’s degree audit. Finally, click the “Approve All Selected” (or “Deny All”) button at the bottom of the page. The student will receive a notification email that states, “Your Previous Masters Credit waiver request has been evaluated. Please check your degree audit.”
Note: If you make a mistake and need to correct a student’s previous master’s credit, the best practice is to “Deny All,” run the student’s degree audit to refresh everything, then return to the Previous Masters Credit page to re-enter and re-approve their credit.

The previous master’s credit will appear on the student’s degree audit as waivers (“WA”) with a “Previous Masters Credit” note:

Approve Prior NC State Credit
Students may request prior NCSU credit via the MyPack portal. To review/approve these requests:
Click the student’s name under the “Prior NCSU Credit” section:

Click the appropriate decision in the “Actions” box for each requested course, then click the “Process Actions” button at the bottom of the page (see screenshot below). The student will receive a notification email that states, “Your prior NCSU credit request has been processed. To see the outcome, please go to the ‘Prior NCSU Credit’ page in the portal” (and the navigation to that page is provided). After an overnight refresh of the system, the approved course(s) will automatically populate in the student’s degree audit.