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Move a Course on the Graduate Degree Audit

  • Graduate Service Coordinators are able to request a move directly from the student’s Degree Audit
  • For most programs, the “Move” option should always be used, rather than the “Waive” option
  • Individuals who have move/waive access (Directors of Graduate Programs) are able to approve or deny requests from a WorkCenter (similar to grade changes)

Request a Move

To request a manual exception for a requirement, click “Move” by the course you wish to reassign.

Slate screenshot

The move buttons will change to “here” to allow you to select the requirement you wish to fulfill.

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Select the new location for the course by clicking “Here.” This will open up the move request box.

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Once a comment has been entered, the request can be submitted by clicking the “Request” button.

An “Exception Pending” alert box will appear, letting you know the request is pending approval.

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A “pending approval request” message will appear below the course while the move is waiting to be approved. This can be clicked if you wish to delete your request at any time. To change the comment, please delete the request and resubmit.

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Approve a Move

To approve a manual exception for a requirement, follow all the steps indicated in the “Request a Move” section, but when you get to the move request box, an “Approve” button will be available in addition to “Request.”

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