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GAANN Nuclear Science and Engineering

Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) Fellowship Program in Nuclear Science and Engineering

Not currently accepting nominations.

The GAANN Fellowship in Nuclear Science and Engineering is available for graduate students who intend to become university teachers and/or researchers. Fellows must be enrolled in either the department of Nuclear Engineering or Physics and plan to pursue an interdisciplinary course of study and project related to nuclear science and engineering. The Fellowship is awarded based on academic performance and financial need, upon the recommendation of the student’s department and approval by the Graduate School and the Fellowship Program Selections Committee.

To be eligible for consideration, the student must:

  1. Be enrolled full-time (or admitted to) a doctoral program (Master’s leading to doctoral permitted) in either Nuclear Engineering or Physics;
  2. Pursue an interdisciplinary minor comprised of four courses outside the major;
  3. Be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or a permanent resident of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands;
  4. Be committed to a career in university teaching and/or research;
  5. Have an outstanding undergraduate and (if applicable) graduate academic record (cumulative grade point average), as well as excellent scores on the verbal, quantitative, and analytic writing sections of the Graduate Record Examination;
  6. Have demonstrable identified financial need, determined according to federal guidelines. Financial need is based on information supplied by each student on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Special Program Features

  1. Fellowship Stipend: Up to $34,000 annually, depending on financial need. Most fellows typically qualify between $21,000 and $23,000 annually. (Fellows may have supplemental departmental support only to the extent that such support is justified by an assessment of financial need in excess of $34,000.)
    Financial need will be reassessed annually.  Fellows are required to complete a new Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year.
  2. Tuition, Fees, and Health Insurance: The in-state portion of tuition and fees will be paid directly by the Graduate School to the Cashier’s Office. Out-of-state tuition remission will be provided by the Fellow’s graduate program (in accordance with Graduate Student Support Plan (GSSP) guidelines). Health insurance will be provided to all Fellows.
  3. Book, Equipment, Supply and Travel Allowance: The amount, if awarded, is determined annually. Please see the guidelines and administrative procedures for using these funds.
  4. Registration: Fellows must be full-time graduate students. Please see section 3.15 of the Graduate Administrative Handbook for full-time registration requirements. Fellows must be engaged in full-time coursework or research during each summer session. At no time during the Fellowship period may a GAANN Fellow engage in gainful employment other than part-time employment involved in teaching, research, or similar activities determined by the Graduate School to be in support of progress toward the degree.
  5. Teaching Experience and Other Activities: Each Fellow must:
    • Participate in a two-semester supervised teaching experience during their graduate program, preferably during the period supported by the Fellowship. must be satisfied by full participation in the Preparing the Professoriate (PTP) program.
      Alternative plans for meeting the teaching experience requirement are possible but must be approved by the Program Director.
    • Participate in an interdisciplinary seminar series, presenting their research to NSE faculty, other NSE students, and visiting scientists from government or industry.
    • Author at least one peer-reviewed publication per year during years four and five of their graduate work.
  6. Renewal of GAANN Fellowship: Unless otherwise noted on the award letter, Fellows will be appointed to a GAANN Fellowship for a period of one year. Renewal is not guaranteed. Contingent upon the availability of funds, the Fellow’s graduate program has the option  of re-nominating the Fellow annually for up to two additional years of GAANN fellowship support, provided that a) the Fellow is maintaining satisfactory progress in his or her doctoral program, as certified by his or her advisor and Director of Graduate Programs, b) the Fellow is maintaining a 3.5 GPA, and c) the Fellow’s research focus remains in nuclear science and engineering.

Additional information:

Program requirements

For additional information on the GAANN Fellowship Program, please contact Dr. David Shafer, Assistant Dean of the Graduate School, at 919-515-4462 or via e-mail at