Previous Master's Credit
Only doctoral students are eligible to request credit from a previous, completed master’s degree from another university. Please review the policy found on the Graduate School Minimum Requirements page (section E. Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Education). Eligible students must complete the steps below in order to apply this type of credit to the requirements in their degree audit.
- Note: Doctoral students who completed their master’s at NCSU do not need to complete these steps; all courses taken during the graduate career will automatically show in the degree audit.
In the MyPack Portal, navigate to the Planner:
MyPack Portal > Student Homepage > Planning & Enrollment tile > Graduate Degree Planning > Graduate Planner
Check to make sure the appropriate Plan is selected (if you have more than one), then click “Previous Master’s Credit” on the left side of the Planner:

Students may request up to 18 credit hours of previous master’s credit. Select the appropriate number of credit hours for the requirements your previous coursework can meet (typically requirements such as “Electives” or “Additional Coursework”), then click the Submit button (see screenshot below). You will receive a notification email when your request has been reviewed and processed by your department.

The previous master’s credit will appear on the degree audit as waivers (“WA”):