Schedule an Exam
All doctoral programs and certain master’s programs require oral examinations. The information below details how to schedule these exams.
Master’s students: To initiate the final exam scheduling process, students must have:
- An approved committee in the MyPack Portal
- A completed degree audit (all coursework is completed/in-progress); if you believe that you have completed your degree requirements but there are red X’s on your degree audit, please check with your Graduate Services Coordinator (GSC)
Doctoral students: To initiate the exam scheduling process, students must have:
- An approved committee in the MyPack Portal
- A completed degree audit (all coursework is completed/in-progress/planned); when you are getting ready to schedule your preliminary exam, it is likely that you will have red X’s on your degree audit and you will need to use your Planner to add future courses that will meet all of your degree requirements
When the items above are completed, a “Schedule Exam” button will appear on your Committee page in MyPack as seen in the screenshot below. Once you have worked with your committee to determine the date and time of your oral exam, you must click that button to initiate the scheduling process. Your GSC/DGP will receive a notification email and you will need to work with them to determine the exam location and complete an exam request form for the Graduate School.

Note: Master’s committees do not require a Graduate School Representative (GSR).