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Doctoral Required Forms

All required forms are due by the Apply to Graduate Deadline.

List of Required Forms:

  1. Survey of Earned Doctorate (SED) (PhD students only. EdD students do not complete the SED)
    The SED is completed online using this link. The system will automatically email the ETD Reviewer when the SED has been completed and the ETD Reviewer will mark the respective check box in the ETD System Dashboard when the required Certificate of Completion is received. Please note that the commencement date is one of three Choices: 05/YEAR (Spring commencement), 08/YEAR (Summer Commencement) or 12/YEAR (Fall commencement). For your information: Purpose and Use Brochure and Confidentiality Brochure. Online SED: Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED).

    Over 90% of doctoral graduates across the country participate in the SED. This ongoing survey is sponsored by the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Department of Education, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The survey helps these agencies assess the availability of highly-educated personnel by gathering data on educational history, sources of support, and post-graduation plans. The information provided on the survey questionnaire remains confidential and safeguarded in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. The survey data will only be reported in a manner that does not identify information about any individual. While participation in the SED is not mandatory, we strongly encourage students to take part in this important project. If you wish to opt out from the SED, please fill out the following form and your participation will be waived: SED Waiver.
  2. Doctoral Graduation Attendance Notification (DGAN) (Both PhD and EdD)
    To complete the Doctoral Graduation Attendance Notification, you must have first applied to graduate for the semester. The DGAN officially notifies the Graduate School if you will attend the University Commencement Ceremony at the PNC Arena. The DGAN has two parts. The first requires you to enter some information about yourself, your desire to attend the ceremony, and your faculty sponsor’s name. It also requires you to phonetically spell your name. The DGAN’s second part requires you to record the correct pronunciation of your name, so that the ceremony speaker can announce your name properly. You should record your name exactly as you want it to be announced at the ceremony. After you record your name, the file will display on the website; you must wait until the system loads your file and confirms that the process is complete. If you do not, your voice recording will not be saved, and you will be asked to re-submit the entire DGAN. To complete the Doctoral Graduation Attendance Notification, you can access it directly via Follow the directions as provided to submit your notification.  A confirmation screen will show when the process is complete.
  3. Apply to Graduate
    Each student must apply to graduate in MyPack Portal for the term in which they plan to graduate.  Students should apply to graduate prior to submitting their ETD for review and no later than the Apply to Graduate Deadline. If a student has a minor, they must also apply to graduate for the minor.
    • To apply to graduate: Log into MyPack Portal
      Select Student Homepage
      Select the Planning & Enrollment tile
      Select Apply for Graduation and follow the directions provided to submit the Application to Graduate