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Introducing GradPath

A new application to conduct annual academic progress evaluation for doctoral students. 

students at Talley Student Union

The Graduate School is pleased to announce the launch of GradPath, a new application designed to facilitate annual academic progress evaluation for doctoral students. Gradpath seeks to promote student-advisor engagement and includes student self-assessment and advisor feedback components.

The Purpose of GradPath

GradPath is rooted in a long-standing graduate policy outlined in our Graduate Student Handbook. It also reflects feedback from the Student Mental Health Task Force, which highlighted the need to improve the feedback students receive regarding their academic progress.

How it works

The annual evaluation process starts with the doctoral student completing a self-assessment of the academic progress during the evaluation period in the Gradpath system.

The system will import key academic information for each student to include—academic program, GPA, courses taken, grades, milestones, and other important academic data. GradPath will allow students to add additional information and accomplishments regarding their papers, presentations, teaching, and research activities. Students can also include TA/RA appointments, awards, professional development, and other activities for review by their academic advisor.

Once the student submits the self-assessment, the evaluation is routed to the student’s advisor for review and feedback. The Advisor will assess the student’s progress as “meet expectations, exceed expectations, and does not meet expectations.” The advisor also has the opportunity to identify areas of strength and improvement for each student and establish milestones for the upcoming academic year. 

Advisors are encouraged to conduct an in-person evaluation with the student to discuss and review as part of the overall annual academic progress evaluation as well.  

Optional Feedback Section

In addition to the advisor evaluation of students, Gradpath includes an optional feedback section where the student can provide feedback regarding the quality and frequency of advising/mentorship received from their academic advisor. The student has the option to route this to the Dean of Graduate School, DGP, and/or their advisor. 


GradPath opensMarch 3
Student deadline to submit self-assessment
(Spring Break – March 10 – 14)
March 21 (3 weeks) 
Advisor deadline to complete evaluationApril 4 (2 weeks)

GradPath Process Flow

The GradPath application can be accessed here

Click the link below to enlarge.

View the tutorials

We encourage all students and faculty to explore the platform and experience firsthand how it enhances accessibility and usability.