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Spring 2021 Late Enrollment (Registration) Begins


Students enrolling (registering) for the first time for the 2021 Spring semester on or after Nov. 18, 2020 will be required to pay their Student Account on the date of enrollment. *Students will also be assessed a $100.00 Non-Refundable Late Enrollment (Registration) Fee. *NEW graduate students are excluded from the $100.00 fee.

ETD Committee Approval Deadline (revised)

Date by which a graduate student who is expecting to graduate at the end of the current semester, that met either the current semester's No Registration Required Review Deadline or the Registration Required Thesis Review Deadline, must receive final committee approval of his/her Electronic Thesis/Dissertation (ETD) in order to graduate at the end of the…

Enrollment begins for Summer 2021 terms

Enrollment windows are assigned based on the number of hours a student has completed. This permits more senior students to enroll earlier, with the first enrollment window opening December 7th. Closer to the registration date, students can view their assignment on their Planning & Enrollment tile in the MyPack Portal.

No Registration Required ETD Review Deadline

Date by which a thesis or dissertation student must have an ETD review in order to avoid registering for the following semester. Students meeting this deadline will not be allowed to register in the same academic program for any subsequent semester. An unconditional pass of the final exam is required before an ETD review can…

Health Insurance Deadline (GSSP)

All Graduate Student Support Plan qualifying graduate appointments must be approved in the system on this day in order for students to be enrolled in the Graduate Student Support Plan health insurance plan (NCSU RA-TA) through Student Blue. For appointments entered after this date, students will have to remain on the University Mandatory Health Insurance…