12 events found.
Last day to add a course without permission of instructor
MyPack Portal closes for adds at 11:59 p.m.
Census Day/Official Enrollment Date
Census Date/Official Enrollment Date: Last day to add a course with permission of instructor. Last day for tuition refunds due to dropping a course or changing from credit to audit. * Last day forĀ ALLĀ students to drop a course without a W grade.*
Drop / Revision Deadline (5-week session)
Drop/Revision Deadline: MyPack Portal closes for student-initiated schedule revisions at 11:59 p.m. All schedule revisions made after this date will require a Schedule Revision form for processing. Last day to change to credit only at ALL levels.
Immersion Week (June 24-27)
Last day to add a course without permission of instructor
MyPack Portal closes for adds at 11:59 p.m.