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Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA)

The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs enhances the postdoctoral experience at North Carolina State University. We administer resources, services and professional development to enhance the current work of postdocs and equip them for their future careers. OPA engages in an active partnership with other UNC-System institutions, who also have postdocs, to both enrich and provide meaningful opportunities for our postdocs.

Current Postdocs

Resources for those who hire, mentor, and manage postdocs

The postdoctoral scholar position entails distinct hiring procedures, processes, regulations, and expectations compared to EHRA employees. Recognizing the specialized nature of postdoctoral appointments, the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs has compiled comprehensive information tailored for both Human Resources personnel overseeing HR aspects of postdoc positions and Principal Investigators (PIs) responsible for hiring, supervising, and mentoring postdocs.

Sonja Salmon (left) and Siyan Wang (right) stand in the lab with lab coats and protective glasses. Salmon holds fabric samples and Wang holds two bottles of solution with some fabric fragments visible.
Faculty, staff, and students enjoy Pack Appreciation Day at the Corner, on Centennial Campus.

Office Mission

  • To serve as an advocate for postdoctoral scholars and house officers within NC State, and among the external community
  • To administer, monitor, and support the appointments of postdoctoral scholars and house officers
  • To serve as the central resource office for postdoc-related issues
  • To provide career services and professional development programs for postdocs and house officers
  • To develop a sense of community for all NC State postdocs and house officers into the larger University community
  • To serve as a resource for principal investigators and faculty who mentor postdocs and house officers

Contact Information

Shawana Hodge

Postdoc HR and Professional Development Support Specialist

Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
1020 Main Campus Drive
Box 7102
Raleigh, NC 27695
919-513-7886 (office)

It is our goal that your postdoctoral experience at NC State University be both rewarding and enriching. If you have a question or need assistance, do not hesitate to contact the OPA Office.