ETD Deadlines
Deadline Dates | Spring 2025 | Summer 2025 | Fall 2025 |
No Registration Required *first ETD draft due | 01/05/2025 | 05/13/2025 | 08/17/2025 |
1st Day of Classes | 01/06/2025 | 05/14/2025 | 08/18/2025 |
Registration Required *first ETD draft due | 03/18/2025 | 06/26/2025 | 10/31/2025 |
Apply to Graduate and Required Doctoral Forms | 03/18/2025 | 06/26/2025 | 10/31/2025 |
Final Error-Free ETD | 04/01/2025 | 07/10/2025 | 11/14/2025 |
Final Committee Approval | 04/15/2025 | 07/22/2025 | 11/28/2025 |
Graduation Date | 05/03/2025 | 07/29/2025 | 12/13/2025 |
For deadline dates further in the future, click here.
Every Master’s and Doctoral student has three ETD deadlines to meet in sequential order:
Three ETD Deadlines
- ETD Review Deadline
- A choice of two review deadlines to pick from: 1. Registration Required or 2. No Registration Required (see below for detailed explanations of these options). Students must unconditionally pass their defense before submitting their first ETD draft.
- Final Error-Free ETD Deadline
- The date by which a student must have their Final Error-Free file accepted and their ETD finalized by the ETD Reviewer (see below for more detailed explanation). The final deadline is only for students who met the semester’s ETD Review deadline. The first ETD review must take place before a final draft can be submitted.
- Final Committee Approval Deadline
- The date by which all committee members must approve the final ETD file (via their Worklist in MyPack Portal).
Choice Of Two ETD Review Deadlines
There are two ETD Review Deadlines to choose from. Students should choose only one ETD Review Deadline for their ETD submission.
- Registration Required Deadline
- Students must unconditionally pass their final defense and submit their first ETD file by this date. Students must be registered for the semester in which they meet this deadline. If a student cannot meet this deadline, they can delay their graduation and meet the No Registration Required deadline.
- Students should make their first ETD submission within one week of unconditionally passing their final defense. This one-week period does not override deadlines; if a student unconditionally passes their defense less than one week before a deadline, they still must make their submission before the deadline.
- No Registration Required Deadline
- If a student unconditionally passes their defense and submits their first ETD draft by this deadline, they should not register for class in the following semester. If they meet this deadline, the student then must meet the remainder of the deadlines in the semester that immediately follows. The requirements related to meeting this deadline are complicated, so please thoroughly read the implications described below.
- This deadline occurs near the start of each semester. For students who miss the Registration Required deadline in their intended final term, the No Registration Required deadline provides extra time to finish their project and avoid the fees associated with registering for additional classes in the following term. For registration purposes, it should be considered an extension of the previous semester. However, meeting this deadline means that the student will graduate in the following semester.
- Students must be registered for the semester in which they unconditionally pass their final defense. If a student intends to meet the Spring No Registration Required deadline, they must be registered for the prior Fall semester. If a student intends to meet this deadline in the Summer, they must be registered for the prior Spring semester. If a student intends to meet this deadline in the Fall, they must be registered for the prior Summer semester.
- To meet this deadline, you must also apply to graduate prior to the deadline date.
- If a student unconditionally passes their defense and submits their first ETD draft by this deadline, they should not register for class in the following semester. If they meet this deadline, the student then must meet the remainder of the deadlines in the semester that immediately follows. The requirements related to meeting this deadline are complicated, so please thoroughly read the implications described below.
- This example (which is used in ETD workshops) might help explain how these deadlines work.
Deadline Explanations
Apply to Graduate deadline
Date by which all students must apply to graduate in a given semester. A student must apply to graduate in order to participate in the graduation exercises, have their transcript posted, and receive a diploma. Students must have also submitted their first ETD file by this deadline. However, their graduation will still be contingent upon approval of the final ETD file by the ETD Reviewer and Committee Approval by the respective deadlines.
Students may apply to graduate in MyPack Portal. Students are advised to apply to graduate before the defense is scheduled, but the application to graduate can be submitted at any time up until 5:00 p.m. on the Apply to Graduate deadline.
Final Error-Free ETD deadline
Date by which a student must have their ETD finalized by the ETD Reviewer. For this to happen, they must do the following:
- Meet all previous deadlines: initial review submission, apply to graduate, and required forms.
- Resolve all issues noted by the ETD Reviewer and have their final error-free file accepted before 5 p.m. on the deadline day.
- PLEASE NOTE: the student should make their final file submission well before the deadline day, as there may still be issues remaining. To reiterate: students must have their final file accepted and ETD finalized before the deadline passes. If a student waits to make their final file submission on the deadline day, they are likely to miss the deadline.
This deadline applies to both Registration Required and No Registration Required ETD files. Graduation will still be contingent upon approval of the final ETD by the student’s advisory committee before the expiration of the Final ETD Committee Approval Deadline.
Final Committee Approval Deadline
Date by which a student must have their final ETD approved by all members of their advisory committee, in order to graduate at the end of the semester. Committee members are automatically notified when the ETD Reviewer finalized the student’s ETD. This notification email includes instructions about how to approve the ETD file via their Worklist in MyPack portal.
- PLEASE NOTE: All standard committee members must approve the file before committee chairs have the ability to view or approve the file in their Worklist.
- This deadline applies to both Registration Required and No Registration Required ETD files.
Graduation date
The date degrees are conferred. For fall and spring graduations, this is also the date of the graduation ceremony (there is not a specific summer graduation ceremony–summer grads may participate in the fall ceremony).