Immersion Week (June 24-27)
Drop/Revision Deadline: MyPack Portal closes for student-initiated schedule revisions at 11:59 p.m. All schedule revisions made after this date will require a Schedule Revision form for processing. Last day to…
MyPack Portal closes for adds at 11:59 p.m.
Census Date/Official Enrollment Date: Last day to add a course with permission of instructor. Last day for tuition refunds due to dropping a course or changing from credit to audit.…
Date by which a thesis or dissertation student must unconditionally pass the final exam, have the ETD review, and be registered in the current semester in order to graduate at…
Date by which all graduate students must apply to graduate in a given semester. A student must apply to graduate in order to participate in the graduation exercises, have their…
Drop/Revision Deadline: MyPack Portal closes for student-initiated schedule revisions at 11:59 p.m. All schedule revisions made after this date will require a Schedule Revision form for processing. Last day to…
Date by which a graduate student who is expecting to graduate at the end of the current semester, that met either the current semester's No Registration Required Review Deadline or…
Date by which a graduate student who is expecting to graduate at the end of the current semester, that met either the current semester's No Registration Required Review Deadline or…