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Department GA Stipend Calculator

Graduate Assistants at NCSU are paid on a bi-weekly basis. Departments can award GA appointments for a semester, academic year, or any other duration. The Graduate School website has information on the typical GA appointment duration for each type of GA.  Departments should enter annualized GA stipends in the NextGen system.

The GA Stipend calculator is a tool to help departments determine the stipend amount to enter in the NextGen system based on the appointment start and end dates for the desired payment amount.

GSSP Minimum Stipend: Effective Fall 2024, the minimum annual stipend to qualify for GSSP benefits  will increase to $15,000 for Masters students and $20,000 for doctoral students. The following table provides information on the required stipend to qualify for GSSP benefits:

Start Date End Date # of Pay Periods Master-GSSP Min. Stipend Doctoral-GSSP Min. Stipend
Annual GA Stipend 08/16/2024 08/15/2025 26 $15,000 $20,000
Fall 2024 08/16/2024 12/31/2024 9.8 $5,654* $7,538*
Spring 2025 01/01/2025 05/15/2025 9.7 $5,596* $7,462*
Acad. Year 2024

(9 Months)

08/16/2024 05/15/2025 19.5 $11,250* $15,000*
Start Date
End Date
Biweekly Rate $
Estimated Payment Amount $
Annualized Salary $
Start Date
End Date
Annualized Salary $
Biweekly Rate $
Estimated Payment Amount $
Start Date
End Date
Number Of Week Days
Number Of Pay Periods
Estimated Payment Amount $
Biweekly Rate $
Annualized Salary $