New Student Survival Guide

Welcome! We are glad that you chose North Carolina State University! Most of you are new to both the campus and the Raleigh area. Some of you are new to the United States, as well. NC State conducts an on-campus orientation for graduate students at the beginning of the fall semester. In addition, our online Survival Guide should answer many of your questions and provide you with helpful information to make your move easier. We have tried to make this information as accurate as possible and apologize for any mistakes or omissions. We hope you will find this guide useful.
Unity ID
Your Unity ID is an electronic identification key that allows you to access all of your records and services while associated with NC State.
Welcome to Raleigh
Get Connected
Now that you are part of the GradPack, get to know us better. Another way to connect is through NC State’s many different student organizations.
Apply for Scholarships and Financial Aid
The Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid (OSFA) assists students with applying for and securing financial assistance. The priority application deadline for financial aid is March 1, and you should submit your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) by that date to maximize your eligibility for grants and scholarships. You may still submit the FAFSA after that date but access to grant funding may be limited for students who submit the FAFSA after March 1.
Disabilities Services
Contact the Disability Services Office (DSO) should you require academic accommodations during the year due to physical, mental health and/or learning disabilities.
Health Insurance
NC State University, in accordance with University of North Carolina Board of Governors and UNC System policy, requires that all students that meet certain “invoking criteria” have health insurance coverage from a credible provider and provide proof of such coverage each semester you meet the “invoking” criteria found on the Student Health Center website. International students are required to maintain health insurance throughout the duration of the I-20/DS-2019. Please see the Office of International Services website regarding the requirements that apply to your visa status.
There are two student health insurance plans on campus.
- The Mandatory Student Health Insurance (SHI) Plan — available to most on-campus enrolled students, managed through the Student Health Center. Please see their website for details.
- The RA-TA Health Insurance Plan – available to on-campus master’s and PhD students that meet eligibility requirements of the Graduate Student Support Plan, which includes having a qualifying graduate appointment and full-time enrollment. For more information, please speak with your department Graduate Services Coordinator.
For information regarding coverage benefits, please see the Student Blue website and contact their Customer Services extension with any further questions.
ID Card
Students are required to have a Wolfpack One Card. The ID card not only serves as a student identification card, but it allows on-campus purchases through the AllCampus debit account, gives access to meal plans, the gym, book check out at the libraries, and much more. New graduate students will not receive ID cards during the New Graduate Student Orientation. Graduate students should go to the Talley Student Union after their Orientation session to obtain an ID card.
Immunization Records
North Carolina Public Health Law requires proof of immunizations to protect students while at NC State. Students need to submit both their Health History and Immunization forms within 30 days of acceptance. Both forms are online and can be submitted through HealthWeb with a valid Unity ID.
Parking Permit
All vehicles parking on the NC State campus must be registered with Transportation. Valid permits are required for vehicles parked on campus between 7:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
Residency Requirements
The North Carolina statue governing residency states that only those who can demonstrate a minimum of twelve months of legal residence (uninterrupted domicile) in NC are eligible for tuition. Students must also provide proof of established residency through acts such as obtaining an NC license, vehicle registration, voter registration, tax returns, etc. All students claiming North Carolina residency are required to complete the North Carolina Residency Determination Service (RDS) application. For additional information visit or RDS FAQs.
Tuition and Fees
Tuition and fees are payable by the due date on your bill. The Cashier’s Office provides you with several options to make your tuition payments — check, online, or by credit card.
Child Care Resources
Helpful information from the North Carolina Child Care Resource & Referral Council.
Veterans Affairs
NC State and the Graduate School welcomes our veterans. Veterans interested in graduate education should visit the Veterans Affairs web site for information on their benefits, enrollment, and how to transition into academic life.
Academic Policies
Three important documents lay the foundation for your graduate school years at NC State. The first is the Code of Student Conduct. The second document — the Graduate Handbook — is more comprehensive and provides an outline for your graduate career. The third document is Best Practices for Graduate Education.
Computing Resources
NC State offers both generalized and specialized computing resources. Students have access to computing labs as well as the campus data network and online support.