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Graduate School Forms

Please select the appropriate form below to request an action of The Graduate School. Most of these forms are in .docx and .pdf formats. The .docx files are MS Word format, nearly all of which are fillable forms. Where appropriate, the .pdf files are fillable as well. You may save copies of the completed .docx files with any version of MS Word, but you will need Adobe Acrobat to save copies of the completed .pdf files.  Please review the instructions on creating an optional digital signature for completed PDF forms. Links

Master’s FormsRevision DateDescription
Schedule Oral Final (pdf)07/19/12Submit at least 10 working days prior to proposed date of exam.
Processing Oral Exam Request (pdf/doc)Guideline only.
Doctoral FormsRevision DateDescription
Schedule Oral Prelim/Final (pdf)12/17/18Submit 2 weeks prior to date of the exam.
Admission to Candidacy (pdf) Sample only.
Graduate Certificate FormsRevision DateDescription
Graduate Certificate Plan Data Entry (Click here) Used for currently enrolled graduate students who want to obtain the certificate.
General Committee Actions for Degree Seeking StudentsRevision DateDescription
Committee Modification (pdf)12/30/10Repl/sub/add/delete member.
Curricular and Programmatic Actions for Degree Seeking StudentsRevision DateDescription
ABM Plan of Work (pdf)04/01/19To be filed with application to Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Program.
Audit Request Form (pdf)
Change Degree Status or Curriculum (form creator) for Students02/04/11Permanent change, en-route master’s, multiple master’s, and co-majors.
Change Degree Status or Curriculum (form creator) for Admins02/04/11Permanent change, en-route master’s, multiple master’s, and co-majors.
Extension of Incomplete Grade (pdf)


NOTE: Grade changes and extensions of IN grades can be completed online from within the MyPack Portal at: Student Information Systems homepage > Student Records tile > Faculty Center > Grade Roster for the term of the course.

05/01/09Registration & Records form – updated to require DGP signature.
Leave of Absence (pdf/docx)01/10/13 
Termination of Graduate Status (pdf)08/11/16 
Time-Limit Extension (click here)09/16/15 
Preliminary Exam Time-Limit Extension (click here)02/09/16 
Transfer Credit (pdf/docx)08/29/13Transfer credit from other institutions and other NCSU programs, including PBS.
Parental Leave for Graduate StudentsRevision DateDescription
Parental Leave Request (pdf/docx)05/25/12Two page form required when applying for parental leave.
Parental Leave Certification (pdf/docx)06/15/12 Must accompany above request.
Graduation Forms for Degree Seeking StudentsRevision DateDescription
Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) (click here)06/27/13Required form for all PhD doctoral candidates. PhD only. EdD does not complete the SED.
Doctoral Graduation Attendance Notification (DGAN) (click here)06/27/13 Required notification for all doctoral candidates.
Application to Graduate (click here)06/27/13 All NCSU graduates, Master and Doctoral, are to submit the Application to Graduate.
Graduate FacultyRevision DateDescription
Graduate Faculty Nomination Form (click here)02/22/18Nominate faculty for Graduate Faculty or Affiliate Graduate Faculty status. Also to add programs to existing faculty.
Request to Teach Graduate Courses (click here)02/22/18Request permission for an individual who is not a Graduate Faculty member to teach a graduate course.
Graduate Financial FormsRevision DateDescription
Fellowship Request Form 2024-2025 (click here)03/18/2024Required form for all new fellowship stipends/awards
Fellowship Offer Letter Template (click here)05/12/2023Optional for use by departments without their own template 
GA Terms and Conditions – A198 (click here) 01/19/2023Required for all Graduate Services Assistant Appointments ONLY
GA Terms and Conditions (click here)12/14/2022Required for Graduate Teaching and Research Assistant Appointments
Reinstatement/Exception Form (click here)05/01/2022Request permission for a graduate student who is not in good academic standing to continue on assistantship/fellowship support.
Graduate Student
Support Plan
GSSP JV request form (click here)12/15/23Used by departments to request a journal voucher to move GSSP tuition and/or health insurance charges to Graduate School funds from College or Departmental funds and vice-versa due to salary distribution changes. Procedure document (click here).
GSSP/Graduate Student HR Notifications
Email Sign-Up form (click here)
02/16/21To receive GSSP and HR-related email notifications from the Graduate School.

For Graduate School Use ONLY

Graduate School Use ONLYRevision DateDescription
Schedule Masters Oral Final (click here)07/15/16Submit at least 10 working days prior to proposed date of exam.
Schedule Doctoral Oral Prelim (click here)07/15/16Submit 2 weeks prior to date of the exam.
Schedule Doctoral Oral Final (click here)07/15/16Submit 2 weeks prior to date of the exam.
Degree/Curriculum Change Form (click here)02/21/11Permanent change, en-route master’s, multiple master’s, and co-majors.
Letter of Completion (click here)07/01/15 
Schedule Revision Justification (pdf) To be completed by the student.

To download forms:
PC Users
1. Right click the download link.
2. Select “Save Target As” or “Save Link As”
Mac Users
1.Control click the download link.
2. Select “Download link to Disk” or “Save Link As”