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Workshop: Teaching College (Online)

Join Zoom Meeting (ID: 98112616378, passcode: 109775) Join by phone (US) +1 312-626-6799 (passcode: 109775) Join using SIP (passcode: 109775) Joining instructions: Meeting host: prtietje@ncsu.eduJoin Zoom Meeting:…

GSSP Exception Deadline

Must meet minimum registration requirement by 5:00 pm on this date and continue to be a full-time student throughout the semester. Must have a qualifying appointment with an effective date…

Census Day/Official Enrollment Date

Last day to add a course with permission of instructor. Last day for tuition refunds due to dropping a course or changing from credit to audit.Last day for ALL students to drop…

A2i Industry Insights: BASF (Communication + Teamwork)

Kelly Rownd is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 933 0658 2532 --- One tap mobile +19292056099,,93306582532# US (New York) +12678310333,,93306582532# US (Philadelphia)…

Career Readiness Programs: Building Your Strengths

Kelly Rownd is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 969 0507 2304 --- One tap mobile +12678310333,,96905072304# US (Philadelphia) +13017158592,,96905072304# US (Washington DC)…

Using Learning Outcomes (Online)

Join Zoom Meeting (ID: 92086126753, passcode: 967172) Join by phone (US) +1 312-626-6799 (passcode: 967172) Join using SIP (passcode: 967172) Joining instructions: Meeting host: prtietje@ncsu.eduJoin Zoom Meeting:…

Engineering Cafes: User-Friendly Writing (Jan. 30 & Feb. 6)

Zoom-Advance Registration Required

Register here and learn more on our workshops page.In this two part workshop, we address the challenges of conveying your research story in a persuasive way for technical and nontechnical…